Listening to these trivial matters, Xiao Xixi couldn't help yawning, feeling a little sleepy.

Seeing that she was so careless, Qingsong was not only anxious.

"Little Master, let's not forget about the others, but Concubine Li should not be underestimated. She is the cousin of the Empress and has the Empress as her backing. Even His Royal Highness should give her a little face, if she really wants to take action against her. If you do, your situation will not be good."

He thought that he had already made his words so obvious, and Xiao Liangdi should think of a way to deal with it.

Who knew that Xiao Liangdi just responded lazily.


Qingsong and Balabala said a lot of words, hoping that Xiao Liangdi would be more careful to be careful of being killed, but he never waited for a response.

He looked up cautiously and found that Xiao Liangdi had fallen asleep with his eyes closed.

Qingsong: "..."

Okay, he's just worrying about it.

He backed out silently.

The news of the prince's return to the palace has spread throughout the East Palace.

Concubine Li was the first to react. She deliberately put on a newly made water-red wide-sleeved Liuxian skirt, wearing a dangling beaded gorse hairpin, a vermilion plum blossom tie between her eyebrows, red lipstick, and twisting Waist out of the Golden Wind Palace.

Caiyun followed with the food box.

It has been more than three months for His Royal Highness to go out this time. Concubine Li expected that the bad impression she left on the prince should have faded a lot. She will go to Haosheng at this time to apologize and act like a spoiled child. Those unpleasant things before Should be able to completely turn the page.

The two masters and servants came to Mingguang Palace.

The little eunuch guarding the gate of the palace respectfully greeted him.

"My Lady of the Side Concubine, His Royal Highness is still discussing important matters with others inside, and no one is allowed to disturb him for the time being."

Concubine Li was quite disappointed, but she did not give up.

She smiled and said, "I'm here to deliver soup to His Royal Highness. This is the soup I made myself. Please help me deliver the soup."

The little eunuch hesitated.

Caiyun cleverly went to him and stuffed a purse in his hand.

The little eunuch weighed the weight of the purse and was very satisfied, so he took the food box with a smile: "The servant will send it to you."

He turned around and walked into the Mingguang Palace.

Concubine Li did not leave, but stayed in place and waited. She wanted to know if the prince liked the taste of the soup?

The little eunuch carried the food box to the door of the study. Eunuch Chang, who was guarding the door, saw him coming and asked with raised eyebrows.

"What's up?"

The little eunuch lifted the food box in his hand and smiled ingratiatingly: "It's the soup from Concubine Li."

Eunuch Chang stretched out his hand: "Give it to me."

The little eunuch hurriedly handed over the food box and purse.

Eunuch Chang didn't ask for the purse. He was the big eunuch by the prince's side, and all the eunuchs in the East Palace belonged to him. When he was in his position, he no longer needed this little reward.

He carried the food box into the study.

In the study, the prince was discussing matters with his courtiers.

They were talking about the prince taking over the punishment department.

The Prince's Grand Master reminded: "His Royal Highness asked Your Majesty for the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Punishment in front of so many people today, I am afraid that it will make Your Majesty feel dissatisfied."

Although the emperor said that he already had the idea of ​​assigning an errand to the prince, taking the initiative to send it out and being asked for it were two different things.

The fact that the emperor was only willing to give him the Ministry of Punishment and not the more powerful Ministry of Officials was enough to illustrate this point.

Luo Qinghan said calmly: "Gu just doesn't want to wait passively any longer."

If he wants to secure the throne of the prince, he must hold real power in his hands.

With power, he has the right to speak.

The prince's grandfather sighed: "If you are so radical, you may attract the vigilance of Your Majesty."

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