Luo Qinghan didn't speak.

Facts have proved that even if he doesn't do anything, the father may not completely believe him, but it will give other people the impression that he is very easy to bully, so that from time to time in Sanwu, someone will hold a knife on him. call.

Now that he has taken the position of the prince, it is impossible to step back.

Today, before he asked for the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Punishment, he had already expected that the emperor would only give him one Ministry of Punishment.

In fact, for him, the Ministry of Punishment is easier to control.

He couldn't make a big fat man in one bite. If the emperor really gave him a staff, everyone would stare at him, but he would be unable to use it because of many scruples.

Everyone didn't speak for a while, and Eunuch Chang finally found a chance to speak.

"His Royal Highness, Concubine Li has sent you soup. Do you want to drink it now? Or will you drink it later?"

Luo Qinghan said lightly without even looking at Eunuch Chang.

"Don't drink, take it."


Eunuch Chang simply took the food box and backed out.

He walked outside the Mingguang Palace.

At this time, Concubine Li and Caiyun were still waiting at the door. They saw Eunuch Chang walking out with a food box, which happened to be the one brought by Concubine Li.

Concubine Li stepped forward immediately and asked expectantly, "How is it? Has Your Highness drank the soup? How does he feel?"

Eunuch Chang shook his head helplessly: "His Royal Highness is very busy now, and I don't have time to drink your soup. You should take the soup back."

He ignored Concubine Li's face that suddenly turned pale, put the food box on the ground, and turned away.

Concubine Li looked at the food box on the ground, all her hopes were all in vain, panic and unease rushed out one after another, occupying her heart, invading her sanity, and making her more and more afraid.

Could it be that His Royal Highness really intends to keep her cold forever?

If this is the case, what is the difference between putting her in the cold palace?

Caiyun noticed that Concubine Li's face was not right, and hurriedly supported her.

"Niangniang, don't think about it, maybe Your Highness is really busy and doesn't have time to drink your soup."

Concubine Li pursed her red lips: "But when Xiao Liangdi gave the prince soup, the prince not only drank her soup, but also let her enter the Mingguang Palace. It is also the soup, why Xiao Liangdi can be treated so well, and I can't even get a straight eye from the prince?"

Caiyun couldn't answer.

They didn't take Xiao Liangdi seriously before. This woman has been in the Qingge Hall since she entered the palace. She didn't walk out of the gate, like she was going to die in Qingge Hall. She had no intention of competing for favor.

Who would have expected that she would suddenly take the wrong medicine, changing her usual lazy style, and all kinds of strange tricks emerged one after another, attracting all the eyes of the prince.

Now in this East Palace, Xiao Liangdi is definitely the most favored woman, and even Concubine Bai and Concubine Li have to retreat.

In fact, if it's just ordinary petting, it's fine.

But the prince is not close to anyone now, but he is different from Xiao Liangdi, which is very special.

If Xiao Liangdi is really allowed to monopolize the prince's favor, what will happen to the other women in the Eastern Palace? Do you want them to be widowed?

Concubine Li couldn't accept it.

She is only eighteen years old this year, which is the best age in a woman's life. She has not yet been favored by the prince, she has not given birth to a son and a half daughter for the prince, and the rest of her life has not yet been settled.

She absolutely cannot allow Xiao Liangdi to monopolize all the favor of the prince!

Concubine Li gritted her teeth: "Let's go, let's go to the Jiaofang Palace and ask to see the Empress!"

Although she was sent to Ziyun Nunnery by Empress Qin before, Empress Qin was her cousin after all, and the blood relationship between the two was unbroken.

Concubine Li decided to bite the bullet and ask Empress Qin again, hoping to get a little help.


ps: This article is updated at 6 pm every day, and four chapters are updated every day.

His Royal Highness is indifferently asking for votes~

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