Xiao Xixi got up from the bed, took a deep breath, and slowly ran her internal energy to speed up the digestion of food.

Soon the food in the stomach will be digested.

The uncomfortable feeling of wanting to vomit disappeared.


She felt hungry again.

It was already midnight and everyone was asleep.

Xiao Xixi didn't want to disturb others, but the feeling of being hungry was really uncomfortable.

She touched her flat stomach and decided to find something to eat.

The Qingge Hall was silent.

Xiao Xixi tiptoed and tiptoed into the kitchen.

With the bright moonlight coming in from the window, she quietly rummaged for food.

She took out a bowl of sour radish from the pickle jar, and took out two large white steamed buns from the cupboard.

This steamed bun should be left over from the morning, and it was cold and hard, but Xiao Xixi didn't dislike it. She turned around with the steamed bun and the bowl in her arms. Who knew that when she looked up, she saw the prince standing at the door!

She was so frightened that her little hand shook, and the two steamed buns fell.

The steamed bun rolled twice on the ground and stopped at Luo Qinghan's feet.

Luo Qinghan looked at the steamed buns on the ground, and then at Xiao Liangdi who was holding a bowl of sour radish, her beautiful eyebrows slowly wrinkled.


Because he had just returned to the palace, there were so many things to do, and he didn't know when he would be finished, so Luo Qinghan planned to rest in Linde Hall tonight.

Linde Hall is the prince's bedroom. Usually, if the prince does not go to the residence of his concubines, he will rest here.

The fact was exactly as he expected, and it was already midnight after he was done with the things at hand.

He took the chariot back to Linde Hall, washed and lay down on the bed.

On weekdays, he thought the bed was the right size, but tonight he thought it was too big.

He lay in bed for a long time and couldn't sleep.

As long as you close your eyes, you will remember what the mother said in your mind.

Qunfang Banquet, Crown Princess, Son...

The more you think about it, the more irritable it becomes!

Luo Qinghan simply got up and took Eunuch Chang out the door.

The two came to Qingge Hall quietly.

Luo Qinghan didn't want others to know that he ran to the concubine's residence without sleeping in the middle of the night, which seemed too dignified, so he didn't let anyone inform him, and quietly entered the Qingge Hall.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the door, he heard a faint sound of giggling from the direction of the kitchen.

Luo Qinghan thought that a mouse was stealing food, but when he walked over, he found that Xiao Liangdi was actually stealing food.

The two just bumped into each other.

After a moment of silence.

Luo Qinghan preemptively said, "Are you stealing food?"

Xiao Xixi looked away with a guilty conscience: "No."

"Then what are you holding in your hand?"

Xiao Xixi covered the bowl with his sleeve: "No, nothing."

Luo Qinghan aggravated his tone: "That's stealing food."

Seeing that Xiao Xixi couldn't hide it, she could only endure the distress and put down her sleeves, revealing the sour radish in the bowl, and said pitifully: "If you eat a little bit, you will pretend that you didn't see it, okay?"

Luo Qing coldly refused: "Don't eat alone."

Xiao Xixi immediately hid the bowl again, thinking that if he didn't eat it, she could eat alone.

Eunuch Chang has been guarding outside. From time to time, he glanced at the small kitchen from the corner of his eye, wondering who His Royal Highness was talking to.

After a while, the crown prince walked over, and Xiao Liangdi followed behind him.

It turned out to be talking to Xiao Liangdi.

Eunuch Chang bowed and saluted: "The servants meet Xiao Liangdi."

Xiao Xixi held the bowl and steamed buns in her arms and followed Luo Qinghan back to the bedroom.

The palace maids and eunuchs who were originally in charge of the night had already woken up. When they saw the prince coming, they were all startled, and hurriedly knelt down and saluted.

Xixi, who was caught stealing the bag, was aggrieved and asked for a vote~

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