Luo Qinghan waved his hand and motioned for them all to go down.

All of a sudden the people disappeared.

Luo Qinghan went to see Xiao Liangdi and saw that she had already sat down at the table.

She put the bowl with sour radish on the table, wiped the steamed bun with her sleeve, and then opened her mouth and took a big bite.

Luo Qinghan walked over, grabbed her wrist, frowned and said, "Don't eat anything that falls on the ground, just throw it away."

Xiao Xixi was eating something, and her voice was a little vague.

"This steamed bun is just a little dusty on the surface, just wipe it off, it's still edible."

Luo Qinghan disapproved and said, "What if I eat a bad stomach?"

"No, it's not clean, it's not sick after eating!"

Luo Qinghan: "..."

Why is she so rude? !

He wanted to reach out to grab her steamed buns and prevent her from eating them.

But Xiao Xixi's reaction was faster than his, she quickly avoided his hand, and said vigilantly: "What do you want? This is a concubine's steamed bun, you can't grab it, if you want to eat it, go eat it yourself. Take it from the kitchen."

Luo Qinghan laughed angrily at her small appearance of protecting food: "I don't want to eat your dirty steamed buns, I am afraid that you will have diarrhea."

"The body of the concubine is very strong and will not have diarrhea."

Xiao Xixi was afraid that he would come and grab his steamed buns, so he ate all the steamed buns in his hand in three or two mouthfuls. He almost choked to death because he ate too quickly.

Luo Qinghan had to let go of her wrist, picked up the teapot on the table, and poured her a cup of tea.

Xiao Xixi drank all the tea in one breath, and then she felt less choked.

Seeing that she started to eat again, Luo Qinghan couldn't help but said: "If you are really hungry, you can ask Baoqin to get you something to eat, there is no need to eat these things, people who don't know see it, and they think Gu is being abused. What about you?"

"Bao Qin has already slept, and the concubine doesn't want to wake her up. She has worked hard enough during the day, so let her sleep well at night."

Luo Qing smiled coldly: "You are very kind to her."

"Because she is also kind to her concubine. That's how people are, whether it's good or bad is mutual."

Luo Qinghan sat down beside her and said casually: "But sometimes even if you are nice to others, they won't appreciate it, and sometimes they will even stab you in the opposite direction."

Xiao Xixi chewed the sour radish and said, "This only shows that that person is not worthy of my goodness to him. Who didn't meet a few scumbags when they were young and angry? Just let them go as farts. it is good."

"...You are a woman, don't speak so vulgarly."

Xiao Xixi didn't think she was vulgar, but she replied, "I know."

Seeing that she couldn't stop eating, Luo Qinghan couldn't help asking, "Are you not full at night?"

"I'm full."

"Then why do you still run out in the middle of the night to find something to eat?"

Xiao Xixi said naturally: "Because my concubine is hungry again."

Luo Qinghan really didn't know what to say, and after a long while he spit out a word with no expression on his face.

"It's really expensive to feed you."

Xiao Xixi snorted and continued to bury her head in eating her own.

Even if it's just steamed buns with sour radish, she still eats deliciously.

Luo Qinghan watched her eat quietly, and after a long time, he spoke slowly.

"Next month, the mother will hold a feast for the masses."

Xiao Xixi ate the sour radish with relish, and responded casually, "Oh."

"Do you know what Qunfang Banquet is?"

Xiao Xixi shook her head and said she didn't know.

Luo Qinghan explained patiently: "Every year, there is a feast of fragrant feasts held in Beijing, and unmarried children of the right age and noble girls are invited to participate."

Xiao Xixi understood in seconds: "It's a blind date meeting!"

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