Luo Qinghan: "Blind date?"

Xiao Xixi said without looking up: "It's a meeting between unmarried men and women on the premise of getting married."

Luo Qinghan felt that this description was quite appropriate.

"The Qunfang Banquet is nominally a flower viewing and drinking banquet, but in fact it is a chance for the unmarried children of aristocratic families to meet each other. This year's Qunfang Banquet is quite special. The Queen Mother will select one of the noble girls who will be attending the banquet to be the crown prince. Concubine."

Having said that, he stopped and looked at Xiao Xixi silently, waiting for her reaction.

Who knew that Xiao Xixi just answered vaguely.

"That's it."

Then she went on eating her own, completely ignoring it.

Luo Qinghan waited for a long time but couldn't get the response he wanted, so he could only ask.

"Knowing that Gu is going to marry, don't you have anything to say?"

Xiao Xixi swallowed the steamed bun in her mouth, smiled brightly, and offered her blessings sincerely.

"I wish you a successful blind date."

Luo Qinghan only felt that a breath was stuck in his chest, and he felt very uncomfortable.

His thin lips pursed into a straight line, and it took a long while before he said, "You, like everyone else, hope that Gu can marry a crown princess?"

"Actually, whether or not His Highness marry the Crown Princess is up to His Highness. His Highness can make his own decision. The concubine's thoughts are not important."

If it was before, Luo Qinghan would definitely not have had much reaction when he heard such an answer, and even felt that the other party was knowledgeable and a generous person.

But now he feels that Xiao Xixi's indifferent look is extremely annoying.

There was a nameless fire in his heart that was slowly rising, and his face sank, and the cold tone revealed a hint of gnashing of teeth. .

"I hope you can remember what you said tonight and don't regret it in the future!"

After saying that, Luo Qinghan stood up and walked out with a sullen face.

Xiao Xixi didn't understand why he suddenly turned his face when he said that, and hurriedly dropped the food in his hand and stood up to salute.

"My concubine sends His Royal Highness the crown prince."

Hearing this, Luo Qinghan felt even more angry, the steps under his feet were faster, and the cold air all over his body became more intense.

When the maids and eunuchs who were waiting outside the door saw this, they knelt down and saluted, not daring to take a breath, lest they be harmed by Chi Yu.

They didn't understand, the prince was fine when he entered the door just now, why did he leave in a huff in the blink of an eye?

Could it be that the prince and Xiao Liangdi quarreled?

When the prince was far away, the palace maids and eunuchs dared to stand up.

They looked into the house cautiously, and saw that Xiao Liangdi was neither disappointed nor uneasy, she sat back again and continued to eat with peace of mind, as if nothing had happened just now.

People suddenly don't understand what the plot is?

They thought for a while and thought that Xiao Liangdi might be pretending to be calm, deliberately hiding all the sadness and fear in the depths of their hearts, so they didn't dare to disturb her, and let Xiao Liangdi live in peace.

Xiao Xixi ate all the steamed buns and pickled radishes happily.

She rinsed her mouth and went back to bed to go back to sleep.

She was covered with a soft quilt and closed her eyes comfortably.

She really didn't understand what the prince was so angry about. Born in the royal family, although he was emotionally deficient, he was rich in material things!

Not only can I eat countless delicacies every day, but I can sleep on a high bed and soft pillows every night, and I can stretch my hands to eat and open my mouth.

Still too young to be beaten by society.

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