the next day.

Baoqin learned from the eunuch palace maid who was on duty at night that the prince came quietly last night, and then quietly left again, with a particularly bad face when he left.

Baoqin was in a bad mood. Could it be that Xiao Liangdi did something last night that annoyed His Highness the Crown Prince?

She hurriedly ran to wake Xiao Liangdi, who was still asleep, and asked nervously.

"Little Master, did you annoy His Highness the Prince last night?"

Xiao Xixi hasn't woken up yet, her mind is dizzy.

She scratched her messy hair and said blankly, "Why did I annoy him?"

Baoqin was in a hurry: "You have to ask yourself this!"

"I don't know. He said it well, but he suddenly turned his face and left," Xiao Xixi yawned and said weakly, "Maybe he had an early menopause."

"What is menopause?"

"Menopause is menopause... I can't do it anymore, I'm really sleepy, I have to sleep a little longer." Xiao Xixi fell on the bed with her eyes closed.

Baoqin held her back: "Speak clearly before you go to sleep!"

Unfortunately, it was useless, Xiao Liangdi had already started snoring.

Baoqin shook her twice, but did not wake her up.

No way, Baoqin can only use the killer.

"Little Master, today's breakfast includes eight-treasure steamed buns, crystal shrimp dumplings, milk crust shortcakes, egg noodles, silk cake soup..."

Xiao Xixi opened her eyes suddenly, and said in full spirit: "Hurry up, hurry up, bring it up!"

Baoqin: "..."

Sure enough, this trick is a hundred spirits.

No need for Baoqin's urging this time, Xiao Xixi quickly got dressed, and after washing, the whole person rushed out like a wild horse that had taken off its reins.

Baoqin let people bring the prepared breakfast to the table.

Xiao Xixi picked up his chopsticks, picked up a shrimp dumpling and put it in his mouth.

The dumpling skin is very thin and wrapped with tender shrimp meat, the taste is really delicious!

She ate bite after bite, listening to Baoqin's nagging.

"Little Master, the Crown Prince came to Qingge Hall to find you in the middle of the night yesterday. It must be because he misses you. This is enough to show how much His Highness loves you. Don't you feel moved at all?"

Xiao Xixi was eating the milk-crust shortcake: "I am moved, if I can eat so much delicious food every day, I must be moved to death!"

Baoqin's heart froze: "It's not this kind of emotion that the slave girl said..."

"No matter what kind of emotion it is, as long as I can give you something delicious, I can show it to you on the spot."


Baoqin took a deep breath and told herself to be strong.

Even if the little master is a salted fish, even if the little master does not want to make progress, even if the little master only knows how to eat, drink and sleep all day, she can't give up, she will do her best to help the little master to sit on the throne of the prince!

Baoqin continued to persuade with fighting spirit.

"Although there are often quarrels and quarrels between civil couples, this is the imperial palace, and you are serving His Royal Highness, so quarrels are absolutely not allowed, and quarrels are absolutely not allowed. Little Master, listen to your servant's advice, don't talk to His Highness. Let’s get angry, let’s go and deliver snacks to His Highness later, okay?”

Xiao Xixi swallowed the egg noodles in her mouth, feeling innocent: "I didn't quarrel with him, but he suddenly ignored me."

Baoqin didn't believe that the prince would lose his temper for no reason. There must be a reason for this.

She asked patiently, "Can you tell the slave-maid about the conversation you had with His Royal Highness last night? The slave-maid will help you to read the details, maybe you can find the reason why His Highness is angry."

"Wait a minute, let me finish the noodles first. If this noodles are left for a long time, it will be lumpy."

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