After Xiao Xixi ate all the noodles and soup in the bowl, she retold the conversation with the prince last night.

Of course, she didn't mention that she secretly ate pickled radishes and steamed buns in the middle of the night.

Baoqin was surprised: "The Empress is going to hold a feast of feasts, and also choose a concubine for His Royal Highness?"

Xiao Xixi said yes, and reached out to pick up the last eight-treasure bun.

Baoqin was even more anxious: "Little Master, His Royal Highness is willing to tell you such an important matter in advance, which shows that he cares about your thoughts. You should seize the opportunity to prevent him from choosing the Crown Princess!"

Xiao Xixi ate the steamed buns and said puzzledly, "Why should I stop him? Sooner or later, he will have a crown princess. Even if he doesn't choose this time, he will choose it next time."

"Then have you ever thought that if there is a crown princess in the East Palace, you can't raise chickens, ducks, pigs and geese?"

Xiao Xixi ate the steamed bun for a while.

She opened her eyes slowly, in shock.

Baoqin continued: "Not only chickens, ducks, pigs and geese can't be raised, but the vegetables in our backyard can't be grown, and the lotus roots, fish and shrimp in the pond will also be fished out and thrown away. After all, this is the imperial palace. It stands to reason that these things are not allowed in the palace. The reason why the vegetable garden and chickens, ducks, pigs and geese in the backyard of Qingge Hall can still be kept is because there is no Crown Princess in charge, and you have His Royal Highness to protect you. Now, the hands of the two concubines can't reach our Qingge Hall. But if there is a crown princess, the situation will be very different. No matter how much the crown prince loves you, it is impossible for you to be like a little vegetable or livestock. When the crown princess turns her face, it's not only you who can only be wronged at that time, do you think this is the reason?"

Following her description, Xiao Xixi seemed to see the cruel picture of chickens, ducks, geese and pigs being mercilessly slaughtered, all vegetables were mercilessly pulled out, and even the small fish and shrimp in the pond were wiped out.

Without the vegetable garden, she will no longer be able to eat delicious food in the future. She can only hold the wowotou in her hands. There is not a drop of oil in the vegetable, and the tears can't stop flowing down~

Woo, so sad!

Xiao Xixi suddenly felt that the eight-treasure steamed buns in his hands were no longer fragrant.

She put down the buns and said eagerly.

"I'm going to find the prince!"

She has to find a way to prevent the prince from marrying the prince, at least he can't marry the prince until her task is completed.

As for whether he will become emperor and marry the queen in the future, that's his business, she can't control it, anyway, by that time, she has already completed the task and returned to the teacher's door to hand over business.

Seeing that the little master finally had the will to fight, Baoqin was moved to the point of tears: "Slave, I'm going to prepare snacks."

Xiao Xixi dressed up a little, got on the sedan chair, and urged the sedan bearer to go faster.

Baoqin followed with the food box.

They went straight to the Mingguang Palace.

When they arrived at Mingguang Palace, they realized that the Crown Prince had gone to the Council Hall and had not returned yet.

Xiao Xixi and Baoqin could only wait at the door.

If it was elsewhere, Xiao Xixi could still go in and sit and wait, but unfortunately, the Mingguang Palace was the Prince's study, and there were many important things in it. No one dared to let her in without the Prince's permission.

After a while, the first prince Luo Yechen also came.

He only wore a single shirt today.

Now that it's autumn, and the weather is getting cooler, it's really strange that he still wears so little.

What makes people feel more strange is that he is still carrying a bundle of thorns behind him.

The dignified eldest prince, what are you doing with a bundle of thorns on your back? When burning firewood?

The large-scale real incense scene will be launched soon! Want to see it? Come get the ticket, you won't be allowed to enter the venue without a ticket~

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