When everyone was wondering, Luo Yechen walked to the gate of Mingguang Palace with a thorn on his back.

The guard at the gate reminded: "His Royal Highness is not here."

Luo Yechen's face was extremely stinky, as if people all over the world owed him millions of dollars.

He said fiercely: "Can't I wait for him here?"

The guard was taken aback and hurriedly said, "Okay, please, please."

Luo Yechen turned around angrily and happened to see Xiao Liangdi standing beside him.

He recognized her immediately.

At the Queen's birthday banquet before, it was this woman who stole the wine he offered to the prince. After drinking the wine, she vomited blood on the spot, which attracted the attention of the audience.

That incident left a deep impression on Luo Yechen's mind, so much that he still remembers it clearly.

Luo Yechen said angrily, "Why you again?"

Xiao Xixi blinked: "It's probably fate."

Luo Yechen sneered: "You are the prince's woman, I dare not have a relationship with you."

Xiao Xixi asked curiously, "Are you here to plead guilty?"

Luo Yechen was like a cat whose feet hurt when he was stepped on, and his hair exploded in an instant.

"I didn't! What are you kidding? I'm the eldest son of the dignified emperor, and my status is very noble. How could I beg someone else's guilt?!"

Xiao Xixi asked obediently, "Then what are you doing with the thorns on your back?"

Luo Yechen choked suddenly, Jun's face flushed red.

Xiao Xixi smiled: "You don't have to explain, I understand it all."

Luo Yechen roared angrily: "I haven't said anything yet, so you understand? What do you understand? Don't make up your mind!"

Xiao Xixi continued to smile: "You have to kneel to plead guilty. Have you thought about how to kneel?"

Luo Yechen: "I won't kneel!"

Xiao Xixi: "I suggest you get down on your knees, it will be more sincere."

Luo Yechen: "Shut up!"

Xiao Xixi: "Come on, I'm very optimistic about you~"


There is no need for an early court today, but Luo Qinghan still has to rush to the council hall early in the morning to listen to the royal father and the cabinet ministers discussing political affairs.

Since the prince took over the punishment department, he also had the right to speak in many things, which made it more convenient for him to display his talents.

The emperor was naturally very pleased with this, and the elders also affirmed the talents of the prince.

At the end, the emperor said with emotion.

"I am very pleased to see that the prince is doing things more and more systematically now, I am old now, and my energy is not as good as before. Fortunately, the princes have grown up, it is time to give them a chance to experience. "

Everyone was flattering that His Majesty the Emperor was not old at all, even if he lived another hundred years, it would not be a problem!

The emperor just smiled and didn't take the flattery to heart.

After discussing the matter properly, the elders of the pavilion said their goodbyes and left.

The emperor stopped the prince.

"Wait a minute, I have something to tell you."

Luo Qinghan stopped in his footsteps, and when the pavilion elders were all gone, he took a step forward and asked respectfully, "What is your order?"

The emperor asked kindly: "The queen told me that she plans to hold a feast of fragrant feasts next month, and then choose a princess for you."

"That's true."

The emperor asked with a smile, "What ideal candidate do you have in your heart?"

"Everything is subject to the arrangements of the father and the mother."

The emperor seemed to have no intention of saying: "The queen prefers the ten lady of the Qin family. I have seen that girl twice, and she is really good-looking. She just turned sixteen this year, and her age is exactly right for you. I remember you met her once. , what do you think of her?"

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