Luo Qinghan lowered his eyes: "That was a long time ago, Erchen can't remember clearly."

The emperor smiled: "How old were you when you saw her? It's been more than ten years, and it's normal that you don't remember her. That Qin Shiniang is really good, but she's too soft to be a sidekick. The concubine is alright, after all, if you are a princess, it will still be too late."

Luo Qinghan lowered his head and said nothing.

If this kind of relationship is related to the reputation of the girl who has not left the cabinet, it is not easy for him to comment on it casually, because whether he is good or bad, it is a trouble.

The emperor also knew this, so he did not force him to respond.

The emperor continued: "Actually, the third lady of Jing Taifu's family, and the fifth lady of Duan Guo Gong's mansion are also very good candidates for the crown prince. Whoever marries you will be your inner helper."

Whether it is Taifu Jing or Duke Duan Guogong, they are unswerving royalists.

The most important thing is that these two people just look beautiful, but in fact they have no real power in their hands, they are just pretentious.

Luo Qinghan said earnestly: "The person who can be favored by the royal father must be good."

The emperor warned: "There is still more than half a month before the feast of feasts. You go back and think about it. It is not a trivial matter to set up a crown princess. You must think twice."

"My son, please follow the teachings of the emperor."

The father and son chatted casually for a few more words before the emperor let the prince leave.

Walking out of the council hall, Luo Qinghan saw Nie Changping waiting outside at a glance.

Nie Changping was wearing an indigo brocade robe today, with a jade belt around his waist and black boots.

He stepped forward to greet him: "His Royal Highness."

Luo Qinghan glanced at him: "Why haven't you left yet?"

With just one look, Nie Changping noticed that His Royal Highness was in a bad mood at this time, he quickly put away his smile, and was serious.

"I have something to tell you."

Since he had something to say, Luo Qinghan gave up riding the chariot and walked back to the East Palace with Nie Changping.

Nie Changping was a little behind and said as he walked, "The four dead soldiers we caught before are still locked up. What will your Highness do with them?"

Luo Qinghan said: "Continue to close, don't move for the time being."

"Don't your Highness intend to hand them over to the emperor? This is a great opportunity to get rid of the eldest prince."

Luo Qinghan really wanted to hand them over to his father, but now he has changed his mind.

Based on what he knew about his father, even if his father knew about this, he would not necessarily treat Luo Yechen. Release it.

What is the use of this innocuous punishment?

Luo Qinghan said calmly: "Even if the eldest brother is eliminated, there are still the second brother, the fourth brother, the fifth brother and the sixth brother, etc. So many brothers, do you want to get rid of all of them one by one?"

Nie Changping was stopped.

Luo Qinghan: "Gu's enemies are too many. If you deal with them one by one, Gu probably won't have to do anything in his life."

Nie Changping: "Your Highness said yes."

"Gu kept those dead soldiers in order to contain the eldest brother. The eldest brother looks fierce, but he is actually very timid. He should have guessed that the dead fell into Gu's hands, and now he must be scared to death. , the more afraid he is, the more beneficial it is for us."

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