Nie Changping gradually realized what he meant, and his eyes began to light up.

"In this way, the eldest prince will not dare to act rashly, and his threat to you will be greatly reduced."

Luo Qinghan didn't speak.

In fact, he never put Luo Yechen in his eyes, so what about threats?

He deliberately kept Luo Yechen, in fact, to balance the relationship between the princes.

There are many princes, and the relationship between them is also good or bad.

Like the eldest prince Luo Yechen, although this person is a stubborn person, he can't stand others' stupid money and make generous moves. Several younger princes like him very much.

Then came the second prince, Luo Yunxuan, who was deeply thoughtful, smooth and sophisticated in his work, gentle and courteous, and very popular among the princes.

If Luo Yechen is removed, then Luo Yunxuan will be the dominant family.

With Luo Yunxuan's style, he will definitely draw all the princes together to deal with the prince.

That was the most unfavorable situation for Luo Qinghan.

This is the so-called balancing act.

These methods were all learned by Luo Qinghan from his father.

The father named him the crown prince, and it stands to reason that he should be taken seriously, but he was assassinated twice in succession, and the father did not intend to go to the bottom of it.

In the past, Luo Qinghan was reluctant to think deeply about the reason, but after looking at it, he naturally wanted to understand.

The royal father actually knew very well in his heart that the person who murdered the crown prince was likely to be one or a few of the many princes.

He deliberately didn't get into it, on the one hand, he didn't want to make a scandal about the brothers' relationship, on the other hand, to maintain the balance between the prince and the princes.

And what the father said just now.

He seems to be praising the prince, but he is actually reminding the prince not to be too proud. His father is still alive, and the prince is only the prince after all.

Luo Qinghan thought to himself, according to the father's routine, the father should arrange errands for the other princes.

There can be no only prince in the court, and other princes must also be involved.

Only in this way can the prince not develop too fast and continue to maintain the balance between the prince and the princes.

The more Luo Qinghan thought about it, the colder his heart became.

This is the emperor's mind, even his own son must be counted.

The two walked to the East Palace unknowingly.

They saw Luo Yechen and Xiao Xixi waiting at the entrance of Mingguang Palace.

There is a long distance between the two, and they ignore each other. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the two did not meet here, but happened to meet here.

Xiao Xixi and Baoqin bowed their knees.

"Meet Your Royal Highness."

Luo Qinghan asked lightly, "Why are you here?"

Xiao Xixi said shyly: "Last night, the concubine made His Highness angry, and the concubine felt uneasy physically and mentally, so she specially sent some snacks over here, and I wanted to ask Your Highness to calm down and not be as knowledgeable as the concubine."

If it was before, Luo Qinghan might have believed her nonsense.

But after getting along for this period of time, he was too aware of Xiao Liangdi's nature of salted fish.

Oh, what do you mean by feeling uneasy?

If she was really uneasy, she should have chased him out immediately when she saw him leave with a furious smile last night.

Luo Qinghan remembered that he deliberately slowed down after leaving the Qingge Palace last night, and wanted to wait for Xiao Liangdi to catch up to coax him, but he was even more annoyed after waiting for a long time without anyone chasing him.

He said coldly, "Gu don't like sweets."

Xiao Xixi hurriedly said, "There are also desserts that are not very sweet."

"I don't like anything that's not sweet."

Xiao Xixi said with a bitter face: "You are too difficult to serve."

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