Luo Qinghan said leisurely: "You just need to rest assured to heal your wounds. Xiao Liangdi is here to take care of the orphan during this time. You know her ability and she will be fine."

Eunuch Chang thought of Xiao Liangdi's ability to predict the prophet, and his heart was relieved.

"In this way, the servant will leave. Your Highness will take good care of your body. When the servant recovers his wounds, he will come back to serve you."

He bowed his head respectfully, got up enduring the pain, and limped away.

In Qingge Hall.

Xiao Xixi suddenly got up from the imperial concubine's couch and asked in disbelief.

"What did you say? His Royal Highness wants me to move to Linde Hall to serve him?"

Qingsong said quickly: "Yes, yes, just now, His Royal Highness sent someone to send a message, saying that Eunuch Chang was injured and needed to rest for a while. There can be no one around to take care of the Prince, so I want you to go to Linde Hall to serve His Royal Highness. ."

When he said this, his face was slightly red because of his excitement, and his eyes were also sparkling.

"Little Master, there are so many concubines and concubines in the East Palace, and His Highness the Crown Prince alone chose you to serve you. This shows that His Royal Highness really loves you!"

Everyone nodded in agreement, all with a proud look.

Xiao Xixi fell down on the imperial concubine's couch, as if being hit hard.

Why is it happening like that?

She thought that as long as she solved the troubles caused by the crown princess, she could continue to eat and wait for death with peace of mind.

I didn't expect that the prince would actually let her go to the medical service!

Serving people is hard work!

She doesn't want to go!

Baoqin enthusiastically encouraged: "Little Master, please make sure to seize this opportunity, firmly grasp the heart of His Royal Highness, and become a princess just around the corner!"

Xiao Xixi showed a dead fish face: "No, I can't."

Baoqin's eyes lit up: "No, you can do it!"

No matter if it works or not, it is impossible for Prince Jinkou Yuyan to change it, and Xiao Liangdi will definitely go to Linde Hall to serve him.

Because of this good news, the entire Qingge Hall was full of joy, and everyone was very happy.

Before, they were worried that Xiao Liangdi would annoy His Royal Highness and would fall out of favor.

It seems that they are overthinking now.

His Royal Highness was still very fond of Xiao Liangdi, and even when he was sick, he did not forget to call her to his side.

Hehe, this dog food is delicious and sweet, they love it so much!

Since it was going to be moved to the Linde Hall, it was natural to have to tidy up. Baoqin directed the maids to take out all the things Xiao Liangdi commonly used and pack them up.

Myolie didn't join the packing team. She was in charge of farming. She only had to take care of the chickens, ducks, pigs and geese in the backyard.

She walked to the pigsty with a bucket full of pig food, and found Xiao Liangdi standing alone in front of the pigsty.

Myolie hurriedly put down the pig food and bowed her knees.

"The slaves and servants pay their respects to the little master."

Xiao Xixi asked her to get up.

Xing'er stood up and found Xiao Liangdi's look of depression and seemed very unhappy, so she couldn't help asking.

"Why is the little master unhappy?"

Xiao Xixi sighed: "It's so difficult for me, I'm not as comfortable as a pig."

A question mark slowly floated over Myolie's head.


Xiao Xixi looked at the two big white pigs in the pigsty, and her heart was full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

"Look at these pigs. You don't need to worry about anything except eating and sleeping every day. You only need to work hard to grow meat. How leisurely and comfortable!"

Unlike her, she has to serve others.

Xing'er said cautiously, "But the pig will be slaughtered by the end of the year."

Xiao Xixi: "..."

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