Xing'er: "Have you seen the picture of killing a pig? You have to tie up the four hooves of the pig, and the white knife goes in and the red knife comes out. The screams can be heard for miles. After the pig is killed, it has to be burned. The hair is bleeding, the belly is ripped open..."

"Okay, don't say any more," Xiao Xixi interrupted her, "I'll go and serve His Royal Highness."

It's too miserable to be a pig, she should continue to be a concubine.

Myolie watched Xiao Liangdi leave.

For some reason, she felt that Xiao Liangdi's back looked a bit vicissitudes.

She shook her head, not thinking about the mess, and continued to feed her big pig with peace of mind.

Baoqin loaded the packed luggage into the car, packed it together with Xiao Liangdi and sent it to Linde Hall.

This is Xiao Xixi's first visit to Linde Hall, which is much more spacious than her Qingge Hall.

The maid of the Linde Hall is called Huixiang. She is twenty-two years old this year.

Huixiang had already packed the guest room. When she saw Xiao Liangdi coming, she immediately asked someone to help move Xiao Liangdi's luggage in.

"Little Master, His Royal Highness is still ill, and it is inconvenient to share the bed with you, so I specially arranged this room for you. Are you satisfied? If there is anything that needs to be changed, you can tell the servant directly."

Xiao Xixi has no requirements on the accommodation environment, as long as she can live in people.

She looked at Huixiang's face and reminded.

"You have to be careful in your words and deeds, and be careful not to let misfortune come out of your mouth."

Huixiang looked inexplicable, and didn't understand why she said this.

Xiao Xixi didn't mean to explain, and found a comfortable place to sit down by herself.

Huixiang frowned, thinking that Xiao Liangdi was weird.

"His Royal Highness is talking to the Minister of Punishment at the moment. It is temporarily inconvenient to see you. Please rest here for a while. If you have any orders, you only need to say hello."

After Huixiang finished speaking, he withdrew.

Xiao Xixi moved to Linde Hall this time, and only brought a treasured qin with him.

Baoqin was instructing two little palace maids to sort out their luggage.

As she was working, she asked, "Why did the little master say that to Huixiang just now? Did you see something?"

Xiao Xixi said lazily: "She is likely to have a bloody disaster, and the source of the disaster is her mouth. If she can be cautious in her words and deeds, if she speaks less and does more, she may be able to avoid this disaster."

Baoqin seemed to understand but not understood: "Oh."

Xiao Xixi originally just wanted to take a rest, but she fell asleep unknowingly.

"Little Master, wake up."

Xiao Xixi was woken up, she opened her eyes and saw Baoqin standing in front of her.

Baoqin urged: "Don't go to sleep, His Royal Highness called you over."


Xiao Xixi was still a little awake at this time, and her mind was dizzy.

Standing at the door, Huixiang couldn't help frowning when she saw this scene, she was dissatisfied with Xiao Liangdi's sloppy style.

Baoqin helped Xiao Liangdi up, and briefly arranged her dress and makeup. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with her like this, she helped her out.

Only when I went out did I realize that it was quite far from the Prince's palace.

Xiao Liangdi doesn't care much about these little things, she lives wherever she is asked to live.

Baoqin was a little dissatisfied.

The little master of her family is here to serve His Royal Highness. How can he serve His Royal Highness if he lives so far away?

She felt that this arrangement was inappropriate.

But when they first arrived, they didn't even have a firm footing on their heels. At this time, they would appear to be very petty when they care about these little things.

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