Liu Xu comforted her distressedly: "Niangniang, don't be sad, maybe His Royal Highness is really busy, let's go back first, and come back tomorrow."

Concubine Bai slowly shook her head: "I won't go back, I'll wait here, I don't believe the prince will be so heartless."

She had liked the prince for so long, and the prince had also been gentle to her.

There is real affection between them.

The crown prince must have been just trying to be fresh, so he was temporarily attracted by Xiao Liangdi.

If she left now, the prince might have completely forgotten her, and she would stay here and wait for the prince to return.

Liu Xu persuaded a few words, and seeing that she insisted on not going back, she had no choice but to stay here with her.

The little eunuch did not expect Concubine Bai to be so stubborn, but he was not good at forcibly driving people away, so he could only follow her.

I don't know if it was because of Xiao Liangdi's company, Luo Qinghan felt that today's office speed was extremely fast, and before he knew it, he had already finished all the files that were piled up at his hand.

In the end, he was still a little unsure.

In the past, he always reviewed official documents alone, because it was easier to concentrate in a quiet environment, but just now he and Xiao Liangdi felt good about reviewing the files together.

Especially when she looked at him with bright eyes, his mood became inexplicably good, and even his office speed became much faster.

Huixiang brought warm water and knelt in front of the prince.

Luo Qinghan washed his hands and asked, "Is it noon now?"

Huixiang replied respectfully, "It's just past noon."

"Let's eat."


Hearing the word "dinner", Xiao Xixi immediately pricked up her ears and asked excitedly, "What's for lunch today?"

Luo Qinghan asked back, "What do you want to eat?"

"My concubine wants to eat meat!"

Before Luo Qinghan could answer, Huixiang frowned and said, "His Royal Highness is still sick, and he needs to take medicine every day. The imperial doctor said that the diet should be light and less meaty."

Xiao Xixi can give in everything else, except for food.

"The imperial doctor said that it is to eat less food, but it is not completely inedible. Besides, His Royal Highness has twenty meals per meal. I only need two meat dishes. It will not interfere with His Royal Highness's meal at all."

Huixiang's brows became more and more frowning: "This is not a matter of a few dishes, but your attitude. You are here to serve His Royal Highness, and you should put His Highness first in everything. You can't disregard the Prince's health in order to satisfy your appetite."

Xiao Xixi stared at her angrily.

Huixiang refused to give in an inch: "Little Master, please remember your identity and don't be arrogant."

"I'm going to be arrogant!"

After saying this, Xiao Xixi threw herself directly into the prince's arms, hugged him and started acting like a spoiled brat.

"His Royal Highness, the concubine wants to eat meat, do you want to eat meat~"

Luo Qinghan: "..."

The prince pushed the woman in his arms out with a blank face.

"Gu is still sick, don't get too close, so as not to spread the sickness to you."

Xiao Xixi hugged him without letting go, her head arched back and forth in his arms.

"Eat meat, eat meat, and concubine will eat meat~"

Luo Qinghan couldn't push her away, so he could only look at Huixiang, and said expressionlessly, "Go and prepare two meat dishes."

Huixiang disagreed very much: "Your Highness, your current meal should be mainly light, and eat as little meat as possible."

"Let you go and go."

Huixiang couldn't, so he could only do as the prince ordered, and his dissatisfaction with Xiao Liangdi soared.

She has stayed in the palace for many years, and she has never seen such an unruly concubine as Xiao Liangdi!

This is the downside of not having a Crown Princess. If there is a Crown Princess, how can the East Palace tolerate a woman like Xiao Liangdi who acts like Xiao Liangdi? !

In Salted Fish PK, ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket! ! !

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