Xiao Xixi ate the delicious meat dishes she was thinking of.

A plate of braised pork, a plate of lamb with spring onions.

She ate contentedly and sighed from the bottom of her heart: "It's such a wonderful time to have meat!"

Because Luo Qinghan was sick, he could only drink porridge, and the dishes were all light vegetarian.

He had no appetite at first, but seeing Xiao Liangdi eating with relish, he couldn't help but follow her to eat a small bowl of rice porridge.

It seemed that every time he ate with her, his appetite became better.

It's the kind of satisfaction and happiness she exudes from eating delicious food that is so contagious.

After eating and drinking, Xiao Xixi began to feel sleepy. She disliked the long journey back to the guest room, and fell directly onto Luo Qinghan's bed.

At this moment, the door was knocked gently.

Luo Qinghan: "What's the matter?"

Huixiang's voice came in through the door.

"His Royal Highness, Concubine Bai is still standing outside, do you really not want to see her? She is already in poor health. If she keeps standing, she will be overwhelmed."

Luo Qinghan spit out two words lightly.

"not see."

Huixiang didn't expect the prince to be so heartless, and couldn't help frowning.

Compared with Xiao Liangdi, who is arrogant and arrogant, it is obvious that Concubine Bai is more gentle and virtuous, and such a woman is more worthy of the prince.

But His Highness the Crown Prince prefers Xiao Liangdi, which makes Huixiang really incomprehensible.

She felt that as a maid by the prince's side, she had an obligation to remind the prince.

"His Royal Highness, Concubine Bai is the daughter of the prince's grandfather after all. If you treat her so coldly, I'm afraid it will make the prince's grandfather unhappy."

Luo Qinghan: "So what?"

Huixiang choked.

Luo Qinghan: "Don't disturb the lonely rest again."

Even through the door, Huixiang could still feel the chilling air emanating from the prince's words.

She was so frightened that she didn't dare to say more, and hurried away.

Outside the Linde Hall, Concubine Bai and Liu Xu haven't left.

They had been standing for two hours, their calves were trembling with exhaustion, and they were almost unsteady.

Concubine Bai has never suffered such hardships since she was a child.

She gritted her teeth, she had already done this for the prince, she didn't believe that the prince was not moved!

Seeing Huixiang coming out, Concubine Bai's eyes brightened slightly, she stepped forward and asked eagerly.

"What about His Royal Highness? Is he willing to see me?"

Huixiang said: "Niangniang, you should go back quickly, His Royal Highness is taking a nap with Xiao Liangdi, and I don't have time to see you."

Concubine Bai asked in disbelief as her face turned pale as she was hit hard.

"I've waited for so long, and His Highness still doesn't want to see me?"

"How could he be so ruthless to me?

This is impossible, His Highness cannot be so heartless, someone must be instigating it!

Did Xiao Liangdi speak ill of me?

It must be her, only she can do such a thing!

You tell me, is it her? "

Huixiang showed sympathy: "Even if Xiao Liangdi really said something, it's not something the servants can manage. Please go back, and don't make His Royal Highness angry again."

Her words undoubtedly confirmed Concubine Bai's guess.

Concubine Bai's full of sorrow and grief immediately turned into a deep resentment.

She transferred all her resentment to Xiao Liangdi.

It is all to blame for Xiao Liangdi to tell right and wrong in front of the prince, so that she will be rejected by His Royal Highness.

She will not let Xiao Liangdi go.

The prince is hers, she is alone!

No one can take it away!

With red eyes, Concubine Bai took a last look at Linde Hall, got into the sedan chair with the help of catkins, and went back to the Jade Lotus Hall.

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