After half an hour, Luo Qinghan ended his nap.

Huixiang pushed the door and walked in with two palace maids, who carefully waited on the prince to change and wash.

Huixiang glanced at Xiao Liangdi who was still sleeping, and couldn't help frowning: "Why is the little master still sleeping?"

It stands to reason that the prince has already woken up, and the concubine must have got up to serve the prince and change his clothes, but Xiao Liangdi still slept soundly and had no intention of waking up. It was so unruly!

Luo Qinghan said lightly: "Let her sleep, don't worry about her."

Huixiang endured and endured, but still couldn't hold back and persuade.

"It stands to reason that you are the crown prince, and it is your freedom to spoil which concubine you want. The slaves have no right to interfere, but the slaves really can't stand it anymore! Xiao Liangdi is a lazy, unruly, pampered and arrogant person. The most important thing is Yes, she doesn't care about you at all, she only cares about her own pleasure. Your Highness, such a concubine is really not worthy of your kindness to her!"

Baoqin was waiting at the door, and when she heard the conversation in the room, her heart skipped a beat, and she secretly screamed that Huixiang was actually putting eye drops on the prince!

As we all know, Huixiang was the maid of honor beside the prince. When the prince was only the third prince, she followed him and served him in his daily life.

Her weight in the prince's heart is definitely not light. If the prince really believes her words, what should he do with Xiao Liangdi?

Baoqin cautiously looked into the room, but saw that Xiao Liangdi, who was the party involved, was still sleeping soundly!

Baoqin jumped in a hurry.

Everyone's complaint has been filed in front of the prince, why is the little master still sleeping? !

Little lord, wake up!

Xiao Xixi turned over and slapped her mouth twice, as if she had dreamed of something delicious, and a happy smile appeared on her face.

She was unaware of everything around her.

After Huixiang finished speaking, he was waiting for the prince's response.

She is still quite confident in herself.

After all, she has been with the prince for so many years, and she has always been loyal to the prince, and everything she said just now was for the sake of the prince, and the prince should listen to it.

Luo Qinghan spread his arms and let the maid help him put on his clothes.

He calmly said: "Gu remember, you were assigned to Gu three years ago, right?"

Huixiang nodded: "Yes."

"Where did you work before this?"

"Pepper Room Palace."

Luo Qinghan: "You turned out to be the person next to your mother."

Huixiang hurriedly expressed her loyalty: "Since the slave servant was sent to the prince's side, he has been the person of His Royal Highness. The slave servant is loyal to His Royal Highness and has no second thoughts!"

Luo Qinghan's speech was always slow and slow, but there was a strong sense of oppression that made people breathless.

"You are a person trained by your mother. Gu naturally believes that you are loyal, but as a servant of Gu, you need not only loyalty, but also brains.

Xiao Liangdi is Gu's favorite concubine, Gu Du is reluctant to say a heavy word to her, why do you point fingers at her?

Could it be that you think your status is higher than that of Xiao Liangdi? "

Huixiang's face changed greatly, and he fell to his knees.

"The servant is also for the good of His Highness. If Your Highness does not like the servant saying this, the servant will not say it in the future. Please forgive me!"

The two little palace maids next to him who were still dressing the prince were also startled and stopped involuntarily.

Luo Qinghan lowered his eyes and looked down at Huixiang, who was kneeling on the ground, his eyes were as cold as frost: "I don't need a servant like you who doesn't understand the rules."

Hui Xiang's face turned completely pale.

She was trembling all over and asked in disbelief.

"Your Highness, are you trying to drive the slaves away?"

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