Luo Qinghan ignored her questioning and said lightly, "Someone, send her back to Jiaofang Hall."

Immediately, two eunuchs walked in. They grabbed Huixiang's arm and dragged him out.

Huixiang struggled and shouted: "No, Your Highness, please don't drive the slaves away. The slaves know that they are wrong. The slaves will never dare again. Please forgive the slaves!"

She knows Empress Qin's temperament well. If she is returned by the prince, Empress Qin will definitely kill her.

She doesn't want to die!

She cried and shouted: "The slave servant has served you for more than three years. Even if there is no credit, there is still hard work. Please look at the relationship in the past and spare the slave servant this time!"

Luo Qinghan frowned: "Noisy! Pull out her tongue and send her back to Jiaofang Palace. If the queen mother asks, she will say that Huixiang said something that shouldn't be said, breaking the rules."

The two little eunuchs responded respectfully.

They covered Huixiang's mouth and roughly dragged the person out.

The two little palace maids knelt down on the ground, shivering with fright, not daring to breathe.

Xiao Liangdi was still fast asleep and had no intention of waking up at all.

At this time, a little eunuch knelt at the door, respectfully.

"Reporting to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the king of the small county asks to see you."

Luo Qinghan summoned Nie Changping in the tea room.

In addition to tea, there are also chessboards in the tea room.

Nie Changping didn't like playing chess very much, especially against the prince. He lost every time he played chess.

But he didn't dare to refuse, so he could only bite the bullet and sit beside the chessboard.

I sighed in my heart, I'm going to be abused again today.

He picked up a white stone and put it on the chessboard, while chatting, "I saw Huixiang being dragged out just now, I remember that Huixiang was the maid of honor the Queen gave to you, so you treat people like that. Aren't you afraid of making the Empress unhappy if you drive it away?"

Luo Qinghan felt that his throat was not very comfortable. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip of chrysanthemum tea. When his throat became more comfortable, he opened his mouth slowly.

"It's just a slave, and the queen mother won't take this little thing to heart."

He picked up a sunspot and gently placed it on the chessboard.

When the piece lands, it makes a slight clicking sound.

Nie Changping said half-jokingly, "I thought you were taking revenge for Eunuch Chang's beating."

Luo Qinghan said lightly: "You think too much."

"I have already done the things you explained before. Next, we just need to wait quietly for things to ferment."



As soon as the prince left, Baoqin slipped into the bedroom on the back.

"Little Master, wake up!"

Xiao Xixi opened her sleepy eyes and asked, "What's wrong? It's not time for dinner yet?"

Baoqin was helpless, her little master only remembered to eat.

"It's still early for dinner, get up quickly, something big has happened!"

Xiao Xixi rubbed her eyes: "What happened?"

"Huixiang annoyed His Highness the Crown Prince just now, had her tongue pulled out, and was driven back to the Jiaofang Palace! You said before that she had a bloody disaster, and this has come true. You can really count it!"

Xiao Xixi: "Oh."

Baoqin: "Your reaction is too cold, isn't it? Aren't you curious why the Crown Prince punished Huixiang?"

Xiao Xixi yawned: "Didn't you say it just now? Because she annoyed His Royal Highness."

"The point is why she annoyed His Royal Highness, don't you want to know the reason?"

Before Xiao Xixi opened her mouth, Baoqin spoke quickly.

"You don't have to say it, the servant knows that you must really want to know the reason!"

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