"My servant, this is to tell you that it is because Huixiang deliberately spoke ill of you in front of the prince, and the prince was very angry, so he sternly punished Huixiang. His Royal Highness really dotes on you, and it is impossible for others to speak ill of you. , are you very moved? Needless to say, you must be very moved. If you are moved, hurry up and serve the Prince!"

Xiao Xixi: "..."

I haven't said anything yet.

She fell back: "I haven't slept enough, I don't want to go anywhere."

Baoqin held her back: "You have already slept for more than an hour, you can't sleep any longer, this is Linde Hall, not our Qingge Hall, if you sleep too long, people will gossip. "

Xiao Xixi said weakly: "Then let them talk."

Baoqin was angry and said, "How can you still compete for the Crown Princess?"

"I never thought of competing for the Crown Princess."

Baoqin reminded: "If you are not a prince concubine, the prince can only marry someone else to be a prince concubine. If someone else becomes a prince concubine, what will happen to the chickens, ducks, pigs and geese you raise? Who will protect them?"

"Don't worry, I have persuaded His Royal Highness that he should not marry the Crown Princess in a short time."

Baoqin was furious: "Even if he doesn't marry the Crown Princess for the time being, what about the future? He will always marry, you have to plan for the future!"

Xiao Xixi comforted: "It's okay, the car must have a way to the front of the mountain, and the boat will naturally sink when it reaches the bridge."

"Self, naturally sink?"

"Yeah, if you don't sink today, it will sink tomorrow. Otherwise, it will sink. It's better to sleep first!"

Baoqin was dizzy with Xiao Xixi's poisonous chicken soup, and her mind was a little unclear.

Xiao Xixi took the opportunity to plant her head on the bed, and grabbed the quilt to wrap herself.

Seeing that she was going to sleep again, Baoqin hurriedly said, "There is one more thing I need the help of the little master!"


"The servants just found out that the Linde Hall also has a small kitchen, but the servants are not allowed to enter the small kitchen at will. If you want to eat delicious food, you must help to tell His Royal Highness the Prince and let His Highness agree to the servants to borrow the small kitchen."

This matter is related to his food for the next half month, and Xiao Xixi attaches great importance to it.

She immediately sat up straight: "I'm going to find the prince!"

Baoqin waited on her to change and wash. After the two of them asked where the prince was, they went straight to the tea room.

As soon as they walked to the door of the tea room, they heard Nie Changping complaining from inside.

"Don't play, don't play! I always lose, it doesn't make any sense at all!"

Luo Qinghan took a sip of tea and said lightly, "It's because your chess skills are too poor, you have to hone them well."

Xiao Xixi walked in.

"My concubine pays homage to His Royal Highness."

Luo Qinghan put down the tea cup: "You finally got up."

If it were another concubine, he would definitely be ashamed to hear this, but Xiao Xixi didn't mean to be ashamed at all.

She said, "My concubine has something to discuss with you."

Luo Qinghan motioned her to sit down.

Nie Changping stared at Xiao Xi's pretty face, and finally couldn't bear it any longer, and asked the doubts that had been suppressed in his heart.

"Xiao Xi, why do you wear women's clothes? Did the prince force you to wear it like this? Or do you have some ulterior quirks?"

Xiao Xixi was stunned for a while before realizing why he asked that.

She sighed helplessly: "Of course, His Royal Highness forced me to wear it like this. Is His Highness's bad taste really annoying? But what can I do? It's not like I can only cooperate with him with a smile."

Luo Qinghan: "..."

Nie Changping looked at the prince as if he was looking at a pervert.

Nie Changping: Tsk tsk tsk, Prince, you are so perverted~


Hello little fairies, I'm the master of the manuscript box. Today the author has something to do. I will release an update for you. What do you want to tell me?

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