Luo Qinghan smelled the fragrance before entering the door, and asked, "It's still early in the afternoon, why did you start eating?"

Xiao Xixi let the person into the room and answered with her mouth.

"My concubine suddenly wanted to eat bamboo rice, so I asked Baoqin to help me make some. Would you like to try it, Your Highness?"

Baoqin moved quickly, and in a blink of an eye, a new pair of tableware had already been placed.

Luo Qinghan sat down at the table and looked at the bamboo rice on the table.

After the rice grains are steamed, the rice becomes full and full, and the pork belly that has been sauteed with oil, as well as chopped diced radish, is also added. .

Even if it wasn't meal time now, Luo Qinghan still ate half a bowl of rice.

The rest of the bamboo rice naturally went into Xiao Xixi's stomach.

She ate to her heart's content.

Luo Qinghan took a sip of tea and asked lightly, "I heard from Mo Hua, you waited for the orphan for a long time in Linde Hall yesterday, is there anything you want to find the orphan?"

The opportunity for Baoqin to communicate has come!

She secretly winked at Concubine Xiao, hoping that Concubine Xiao could remember what she said yesterday, and she must be gentle and tactful, so that the prince could feel the care from Concubine Xiao...

Xiao Xixi: "My concubine came to care for you yesterday."

Baoqin didn't mention it in one breath, and almost choked to death.

Luo Qinghan obviously did not expect Xiao Xixi to say such a thing, and was slightly startled: "Caring for the lonely?"

Xiao Xixi said with emotion: "Yes, the concubine specially brought chicken soup to care for you yesterday, who knew that you were not there, it's a pity that you didn't drink such a delicious chicken soup, and it ended up in the concubine's stomach. ."

Baoqin: "..."

It turns out that what you said yesterday is a pity, you mean this pity.

Luo Qinghan: "It's good, why do you suddenly want to care for the lonely?"

When he mentioned the word caring, his tone became a little subtle.

Xiao Xixi sighed helplessly: "It's not for you. Yesterday, you suddenly came to look for the concubine, saying that you need help from the concubine, but in the end, you said that the help of the concubine was not needed, which made the concubine a little panic in body and mind."

Luo Qinghan: "Why are you panicking?"

"You don't need a concubine anymore, of course the concubine panics in body and mind."

Luo Qinghan was surprised.

He didn't want her to help because he was reluctant to let Xiao Xixi suffer.

But he didn't expect Xiao Xixi to think that he didn't need her anymore.

Luo Qinghan motioned for the others to step back.

Baoqin and Eunuch Chang walked out silently with the palace maids and eunuchs.

Only Xiao Xixi and the prince were left in the house.

Luo Qinghan explained seriously: "You are very important to Gu, Gu has already told you this before, Gu can't want you. The reason why Gu won't let you help is because he loves you and is afraid that you will suffer. "

With a serious attitude, he said the most tender love words.

Xiao Xixi's face was a little red when she heard it.

She whispered softly: "It's okay to be punished, as long as I can help you."

Luo Qinghan looked at her deeply, his chest seemed to be filled with honey, so sweet that he could not speak.

After a long time, he slowly exhaled and said in a low voice.

"If you are like this, what should I do if I let Gu take you?"

Xiao Xixi didn't know why.

Luo Qinghan said helplessly: "Gu asked you to help, but he is actually taking advantage of you. It's fine if you don't feel angry, but you even took the initiative to send it to the door to be used by others, but if Gu Gu is more cruel, your life will be over."

Xiao Xixi shook her head: "You won't."

Luo Qinghan: "You just believe in Gu? Gu is not a good person."

Xiao Xixi: "I believe you."

She had said this sentence more than once, but no matter how many times she said it, Luo Qinghan would have the feeling that her heart was being scratched, numb, and itchy.

Luo Qinghan rested on the low table with one hand, leaned over, raised her chin with the other hand, lowered her head and kissed her on the lips.

Xiao Xixi was stunned, she spoke well, why did she suddenly kiss her?

Luo Qinghan's fingertips gently rubbed her lips and whispered.

"Since you believe in loneliness, you must believe it to the end, and don't give up halfway."

Xiao Xixi blinked: "Well."

Luo Qinghan: "You don't need to think too much. Even without your help this time, Gu can handle it yourself. You have to believe in Gu, okay?"

Xiao Xixi: "Okay."

Luo Qinghan kissed her on the lips again: "It's so good."

He withdrew his hands and resumed his upright sitting posture.

Xiao Xixi put her hands on the edge of the table, her upper body leaned forward slightly, and her apricot eyes flashed with curiosity: "I heard that you brought Miss Xie to the East Palace today."

Hearing this, Luo Qinghan smiled inexplicably: "What? Are you jealous?"

Without waiting for Xiao Xixi to respond, he continued.

"Gu recently investigated the case of Li Ji's murder. Li Ji went to Donglailou to attend a poetry meeting before, but he later found out that Xie Chuxue had shown his face at that poetry meeting, so he followed this clue to investigate. , I accidentally discovered that Xie Chuxue and Qin Wen had a secret relationship."

In the end, he did not forget to explain Qin Wen's identity.

Xiao Xixi's small mouth opened slightly, showing a look of astonishment: "Could she be involved with Qin Wen?!"

This girl is really amazing!

First the King of England, then the second prince, and now Qin Wen.

If this trend continues, she can even set up a fleet to go out to sea!

Luo Qinghan said lightly: "Qin Wen's Gu has already checked, but nothing was found, so Gu had to change direction and start from Xie Chuxue's side."

Xiao Xixi suddenly realized: "So it is."

Then she asked curiously, "Has Miss Xie revealed anything to you?"

Speaking of this, Luo Qinghan's voice was a little cold.

"She provided a lot of clues. She said that she had met Li Ji at the poetry meeting, and she even said that she knew the reason why Li Ji was killed."

Xiao Xixi was surprised: "Why is she so cooperative?"

Luo Qinghan: "She is the adopted daughter of King Xiling, so she naturally wishes we could fight harder."

Xiao Xixi: "Have you found out why Li Ji was killed?"

Luo Qinghan: "I already have eyes and eyes. Next, just throw the bait out and wait for the real murderer to take the bait."


After Baoqin left the house, she was always in a state of anxiety.

Yesterday, she urged thousands of times that she must express her concern in a tactful and gentle manner, but Concubine Xiao turned out to be a good one.

She was very worried that Concubine Xiao would overturn the car.

When the prince left, Baoqin also made a special observation, and found that there was no dissatisfaction on the prince's face. If you look closely, you can find that the prince has a faint smile in his eyes, and he seems to be in a good mood.

It doesn't appear to be overturned.

Baoqin let out a long sigh of relief, finally letting go of her dangling heart.

Not long after, Mo Hua personally delivered a basket of fresh mulberries.

"These mulberries were brought back by the prince from outside the palace. The prince said that you should like it, so let the servants bring them to you."

When Xiao Xixi saw something delicious, her eyes lit up.

She hurriedly said, "I like it! I like it so much!"

To the finger, do people want a monthly pass~

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