Today is the second day of the examination, and it is also the third day that the prince issued the military order.

Zhao Xian, who was dressed in military uniform, turned over and dismounted, looked up at the Donglailou plaque above, and gave an order.


The Yulin guards rushed into the Donglai Building.

The guests who were originally dining were all frightened by this group of officers and soldiers who suddenly broke in.

Zhao Xian pressed his right hand on the handle of the knife with a chilled expression: "All unrelated people get out."

Most of the guests were frightened, and a small number of guests tried to reason with Yu Linwei, but when they saw Yu Linwei pulling out their sabres, they instantly persuaded and ran out one by one.

In a blink of an eye, the entire Donglai Building was empty.

The shopkeeper and the guys were pulled out.

The guys were all frightened, but the shopkeeper remained calm.

The shopkeeper bowed his hands to Zhao Xian and said politely, "This general, why did you bring troops into the Donglai Building? Is there any misunderstanding here?"

Zhao Xian said coldly: "No misunderstanding, it is you who we want to arrest, come with us."

The shopkeeper stood still: "General, this is the foot of the emperor. Even if you are an official of the imperial court, you shouldn't arrest people for no reason, right?"

Zhao Xian stared at him for a moment, then suddenly sneered.

"You want a reason, don't you? Okay, the reason why I arrested you is because someone reported to the officer that there was a case of theft here. Someone once lost a book with you. As the shopkeeper here, you have to tell us Go back and help with the case."

The shopkeeper's originally calm expression suddenly became ugly after hearing this.

He struggled to squeeze out a smile: "It's just a book, why is it so inspiring? It really doesn't work, you can quote a price, and we'll pay him in Donglailou."

Zhao Xian: "That's the book of the ninth son of the Qin family. It's very precious. Can you afford it?"

The shopkeeper's pupils vibrated violently.

He looked at Zhao Xian in disbelief, as if he didn't understand why the other party could say such a thing?

Zhao Xian turned around and said, "Take everyone away."

The Yulin guards put shackles on them and pushed them out of the Donglai Building.

There was a lot of noise here, and the nearby businesses and pedestrians passing by were all attracted.

Outside the Donglai Building, a lot of melon eaters have gathered.

While eating melons, they whispered.

Zhao Xian didn't care about being surrounded by people at all, so he turned on his horse with a blank face, and took the Yulin guards to the prison department.

Although they were riding on horses, their speed was not fast, and they were surrounded by many people along the way.

When they arrived at the Prison Division, almost half of the people in Shengjing knew that Donglailou had been raided by the government. As for the reason for the raid, it turned out to be for a stolen book!

This thing is really incredible.

It's just a book, how could the entire Donglai Building be confiscated? !

Inside the prison cell.

The shopkeeper of the Donglai Building was held on his knees on the ground.

His face was as pale as paper, and he was dripping with cold sweat.

The Minister of Punishment, Dong Mingchun, sat on the top.

He looked down at the person kneeling on the ground, and asked coldly, "In the Donglai Building three days ago, at the poetry conference held by Qin Wen, was there a theft incident?"

The shopkeeper shook his head: "No."

Dong Mingchun: "Lie, Qin Wen lost a book that day. He was very anxious. He called you to ask if anyone had entered his private room? How did you answer at that time?"

The shopkeeper kept shaking his head: "No, there is no such thing."

Dong Mingchun ignored his denial and continued: "You said at the time that you saw a scholar who once entered that private room. You happen to know that scholar, and his name is Li Ji."

When the shopkeeper heard the name Li Ji, his face became more and more ugly, and his body also trembled.

Even so, he shook his head: "I don't remember such a thing."

Dong Mingchun: "Because of your identification, Qin Wen knew that Li Ji stole his book. The next day, Li Ji was found dead in his residence."

The shopkeeper wanted to cover his ears: "I really don't know anything!"

Dong Mingchun: "Even if you don't say anything, we already know the truth of the matter. Come here and ask him to sign it!"

Immediately, an official came to the shopkeeper holding the pre-written confession.

The shopkeeper saw the contents of the confession, and his eyes were full of panic, as if he saw not a confession, but a beast that eats people.

He refused to sign and detain him, and shouted injustice!

Dong Mingchun asked people to hold down the shopkeeper, grab his hand, and force him to press a bright red handprint on the confession.

After pressing the fingerprint, the shopkeeper's mood completely collapsed, and he burst into tears on the spot.

"You are trying to kill me!"

Dong Mingchun took the confession and was quite satisfied. He glanced at the shopkeeper who was kneeling on the ground crying, and smiled slightly, with an unexpectedly kind tone.

"Come on, let me send you out."

At his signal, the jailer untied the ropes on the treasurer and helped him up.

The shopkeeper was confused by their attitude of making such a 180-degree turn, and even the crying gradually stopped.

Dong Mingchun said to an official next to him, "Send him back."


The official personally sent the shopkeeper out of the prison department and let him get into his carriage.

The shopkeeper tried to refuse, but the officials did not give him a chance to refuse, and signaled his servants to force him into the carriage.

The carriage stopped at the door of Donglai Building.

The people who had gathered around the Donglai Building to watch the lively before had all gone.

The official personally helped the shopkeeper to get out of the car and spoke to him in a gentle manner.

"Your guys and cooks have also been released. I have offended you today and disturbed your business. I'm really sorry. But don't worry, the clues you provided this time are very useful. We will deal with this matter. After reporting it to the imperial court, it will definitely reward you well."

The more the shopkeeper listened, the more inappropriate it became. When did he provide clues?

He only said a few words from the beginning to the end in the prison department, and he did not provide a clue!

The official patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Go on with your business, and when the reward comes down, I will bring it to you in person."

After saying this, the official left in the carriage.

The shopkeeper was left standing alone, his face full of confusion.

Although everyone was put back, the shopkeeper was very uneasy, he always felt that something bad was going to happen.

He decided to take a day off and let the boys and cooks go home.

The shopkeeper went back to his house.

As soon as he entered the house, he was told by his wife that a guest was waiting for him in the study.

He walked into the study and saw a tall and strong man in black sitting at the desk drinking tea.

When the shopkeeper saw the other party's face clearly, his expression changed: "Why are you here?"

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