The man in black said calmly, "Young Master asked me to come to you. He heard that you were invited to have tea by the Ministry of Punishment."

The shopkeeper hurriedly said, "I didn't say anything, really!"

The black-clothed man was half-smiling: "If you didn't say anything, why would the officials of the Ministry of Punishment send you back in person? Judging by the way the official was so kind to you, you must have missed a lot of clues to the government, right?"

The shopkeeper eagerly denied: "I really didn't say anything, I can swear that if I betray the son, I will be struck by lightning!"

The man in black: "It's useless to swear to me, you have been targeted by the people of the Ministry of Punishment, which is not good for us."

"I can go back to my hometown, I'll leave now, and I promise never to come back!"

"You can't leave. Since the people from the Ministry of Punishment have already set their sights on you, they will definitely not let you leave easily." The man in black stood up and walked towards him slowly, his eyes stern and his tone gloomy," the son said. Now, the most reliable person in this world is the dead, and only when you are dead can the young master feel at ease."

The shopkeeper's face changed greatly, and he turned to run.

As soon as he stepped out, he found that two tall and strong men of the same stature appeared outside the door.

Before the shopkeeper could scream, he was knocked unconscious.

The man in black took out the rope prepared in advance, and the rope passed through the beam and tied a knot below.

They put the shopkeeper's head in, and then kicked over the stool under the shopkeeper's feet.

The shopkeeper's neck was suddenly approached, and the whole person was hung in the air.

He woke up at once, struggling desperately with his hands, kicking his feet, and making a painful ho ho sound in his throat.

The man in black and his two accomplices just stood by and watched, and they could not leave until the shopkeeper died.

Originally, they didn't need to be so troublesome, and they could kill this person with a single knife, but the young master instructed them to do it cleanly and not leave traces.

They had no choice but to hang the man to death according to the old rules, pretending to hang himself to death.

Just then, there was a knock on the door of the study.

dong dong!

The man in black and his two accomplices immediately changed their expressions.

The three quickly exchanged glances.

The man in black asked in a deep voice, "Who is it?"

The voice of the shopkeeper's wife came from outside the door: "It's me. I made some snacks for you specially."

The man in black: "No, we don't want to eat it."

The shopkeeper's wife didn't bother much, turned around and left.

Hearing the footsteps gradually receding, the man in black and his two accomplices breathed a sigh of relief.

The shopkeeper hanging from the beams gradually fell into despair.

It seems that he is bound to die today.

The strength of his struggle was getting smaller and smaller, and when he was about to die, the door of the study was suddenly kicked open from the outside!

Everyone in the house was shocked!

The man in black looked out the door and saw Zhao Xian rushing in with dozens of Yu Linwei menacingly.

Zhao Xian didn't give the other party a chance to escape.

The shopkeeper was let down.

He was lying on the ground, gasping for breath, his face extremely pale.

Zhao Xian looked down at him condescendingly and asked coldly, "Are you still unwilling to say anything now?"

The shopkeeper felt a burning pain in his neck, and he made a hoarse voice with difficulty.

"I said, I said everything."


Dong Mingchun didn't even have time to eat lunch, so he interrogated the four prisoners one by one in one breath.

The three killers refused to say a word and tried to commit suicide by biting their tongues. Fortunately, they were discovered in time and did not let them succeed.

As for the shopkeeper of Donglailou, he was already scared out of his wits, so he didn't need Dong Mingchun to ask, he just said everything like he poured beans in a bamboo tube.

What he said was almost the same as what Dong Mingchun said before.


In order to hold the poetry party that day, Qin Wen wrapped up the entire Donglai Building. There were many people participating in the poetry party, and they were all children of aristocratic families, and each one was more difficult to serve.

Afraid of offending this group of people, the shopkeeper ran around in person and was very busy.

Later, Qin Wen suddenly asked someone to call him over and ask him if he had seen any suspicious people?

Of course the shopkeeper said no.

Qin Wen's expression was extremely poor at the time. He said that he had lost a very important book. If he couldn't find it, he would have the entire Donglai Building seized!

The shopkeeper was so frightened that he racked his brains to think about it, but the result really reminded him.

He said that he once saw a scholar enter Qin Wen's private room.

Because the shopkeeper knew the scholar and knew that the scholar's family background was not very good, he was not qualified to participate in this level of poetry meeting. When he first saw him, he was very surprised, so he was particularly impressed.

Qin Wen heard this and immediately left the Donglai Building.

The shopkeeper doesn't know what happened after that.

Dong Mingchun asked, "Have you told anyone about these things?"

The shopkeeper hesitated.

Dong Mingchun sneered: "If you don't say anything, I'll have someone take you home."

The shopkeeper was frightened when he heard this.

He knew that if he went back, there was only one way to die, and he was almost killed by someone just now.

The shopkeeper hurriedly said, "Don't, don't! I'll tell you everything. I told my master about these matters. After all, it's about Young Master Qin, so I dare not tell him."

Dong Mingchun asked, "Who is your master?"

The shopkeeper said with difficulty: "I don't know who he is, all I know is that everyone calls him Second Young Master."

He explained all the details of how he got in touch with the Second Young Master.

Chang Shi sat next to him and recorded everything he said in the file.

According to the clues provided by the shopkeeper, Dong Mingchun made people take the time to compare and investigate one by one.

Even if they sent out all the people they could use, by the time they found out the results, the sun had already gone down.

There was only one last night left until the three-day appointment.

Zhao Xian hurried back to the palace and handed over the files and confessions that Dong Mingchun had sorted out to the prince in person.

Luo Qinghan read these files and confessions one by one.

His eyes stayed on the last line of the file——

After a rigorous investigation by the Ministry of Punishment, it was confirmed that the real owner of Donglailou was the second prince, Luo Yunxuan.

Luo Qinghan put down the file.

Everything is clear.

The Poetry Club is just a pretense. Qin Wen used the name of the Poetry Club to invite young descendants of various families. These people are going to take the examination this year, and they have very strong expectations for this year's examination.

Qin Wen intends to quietly sell the Book of Changes, which contains subjects for the examination, at the poetry fair.

Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened in the process.

Li Ji is the accident.

He originally just wanted to curry favor with those aristocrats through the poetry club, but accidentally discovered the poetry club's secret.

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