In the morning, Changsun Yu accompanied the elders.

Unlike other families, it was the elders who cared for him, which made Changsun Yu very moved. This is his family!

"Okay, since Yu'er is fine except for amnesia, then my uncle and I should go back. After all, although the war in the north has begun to gain an advantage because of Yu'er. "

"But after all, we can't be careless, we have to go back to dealing with government affairs. "

The eldest grandson Wuji stood up and said to the eldest grandson Yu.

Eldest Sun Yu raised his eyebrows at the moment.

"Uncle, if I want to return to the northern battlefield, will my father agree?"

Changsun Yu's words suddenly made everyone look at him sluggishly. Changsun Yu sighed helplessly. Here it is again, why can't anyone see themselves calling their father?

Could it be that he is such a person who does not know how to respect the old and love the young? Is it wrong to shout at his own father?

"This, that, in fact, my uncle doesn't know. However, with His Majesty's love for you, you must not worry about going to the battlefield, after all, it is a battlefield where the millions of armies of both sides meet. "

"Although your strength is strong, but it is difficult to guarantee, you can really get out of it with your whole body. "

Changsun Yu was silent, although he wanted to refute, but he still had to take care of his family's feelings. Seeing Xiangcheng and whispering their worried looks, Changsun Yu really couldn't bear to abandon them and go to that dangerous battlefield.

At first, it was to make a name for himself in the world, and then he took this opportunity to find his family.

But now that his family has also found it, he naturally can't make a decision at will in vain with so many people around him who care about him.

"Okay, but, uncle, can I participate in the military deployment? After all, I am most familiar with the 200,000 taels of troops that have conquered the north. "

Changsun Yu said.

Naturally, there is no problem with this, but the eldest grandson Yu has been admitted by Li Jing himself, and he is far superior to him in military strategy.

Therefore, Changsun Yu is willing to participate in it, which is the greatest help to Datang.

The eldest grandson Wuji and Gao Shilian arrived at the Taiji Hall and told Li Shimin about it. Li Shimin naturally agreed, for him, a father, he didn't have to go to the battlefield in person, no matter what Changsun Yu did, it was a good thing.

Even if the eldest grandson Yu doesn't do anything, he is happy to be a gentleman at home every day.

In the afternoon, after lunch, Changsun Yu came to the palace.

"See His Royal Highness King Yan. "

Eldest Sun Yu nodded, but stood still. After a long time, Changsun Yu asked curiously.

"You're not going to report?"

Only then did the Suzaku Gate guard react, it turned out that His Royal Highness King Yan didn't know!

At that moment, he hurriedly said.

"This is the case, His Royal Highness King Yan, His Majesty has ordered that as long as His Royal Highness King Yan comes, he will be able to enter the palace directly without warning. "

The eldest grandson Yu suddenly realized that he was even more moved by his concern for Li Shimin at the moment. This is a great trust, looking at the civil and military courtiers, and even all the children of Li Shimin, none of them have such an honor.

Entering the palace, he had been to the Hanyuan Hall yesterday, but he couldn't find the Taiji Palace! After all, the memories have been forgotten, and this palace is also very large, so if you look everywhere, you will naturally not find it.

"That, this sister, can you please take me to the Taiji Palace?"

The eldest grandson Yu pulled a palace maid and said with a smile.

The palace maid was frightened, and in the entire palace, the portrait of Changsun Yu had already been spread. Who doesn't know, this is the great prince of the Tang Dynasty, His Royal Highness King Yan!

"Your Highness, don't do this, the slave and maid will take Your Highness down. "

She was frightened, if the female officials in the palace knew about Changsun Yu's words, it might be a board, and it would be a death.

Changsun Yu touched his nose, he didn't expect that his polite question would actually scare people like this.

However, it is enough to see that the status in this palace is strictly regulated.

Even if Changsun Yu has amnesia, he is not very interested in this cold rule. When she took the eldest grandson Yu to the bottom of the steps of the Taiji Palace, the palace maid did not dare to approach.

These are all places where national affairs are discussed after the early dynasty, and there are forbidden troops guarding them around, and if you dare to trespass, you will inevitably be hacked to death with a knife.

"Your Highness, this is the Taiji Palace. "

The palace maid said.

Eldest Sun Yu nodded.

"Thank you to this sister. "

Changsun Yu gave up his hand, but at this time, the commander of the forbidden army guards in front of the Taiji Hall instantly looked at the palace maid with cold eyes, and Changsun Yu raised his eyebrows and saw that the palace maid was so frightened that she was about to cry.

"Don't embarrass this girl. "

Changsun Yu said directly to the commander of the guards, as everyone knows, Changsun Yu is a very simple sentence, and to a certain extent, it can change a person's fate.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

The commander saluted respectfully, Changsun Yu was full of prestige in the army, and this commander was trained under Changsun Yu at the beginning.

Eldest Sun Yu nodded, then smiled at the palace maid and walked up the stairs.

What happened behind him was just a small episode, and he didn't know it.

"You have really accumulated a lifetime of good fortune, and you can actually be valued by His Royal Highness King Yan. "

The commander of the forbidden army said enviously, who doesn't know in the entire Chang'an City, Changsun Yu is very likely to be the future emperor, and even the army of the Tang Dynasty, most of which are related to Changsun Yu, and even obey him.

"Someone, take this girl to the Internal Affairs Office, and inform the director of the Internal Affairs Office that she is the person who is important to the Yan King. "

The commander of the forbidden army said this, and then several guards left with the palace maids. On the side of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, knowing about this, it can be said that I am scared!

The person who bullied this palace maid at the beginning even knelt directly on the ground and kept kowtowing and begging for mercy. And this palace maid also soared to the sky, and was directly promoted to a female official by Wang Sheng, the chief eunuch of the Internal Affairs Office.

It is estimated that in the future, there will be a small rise in January and a large rise in a few months. It can only be said that a word from a big man can indeed directly change the fate of a small person.

And this palace maid, her gratitude to Changsun Yu has reached the extreme, and she can be regarded as a loyal admirer of Changsun Yu.

Walking into the Taiji Palace, the courtiers who were discussing government affairs hurriedly stood up and saluted the eldest grandson Yu.

"See Your Highness!"

After the early dynasty, those who could come here to discuss government affairs were the most powerful people in the imperial court. At a glance, it is either the prince of the country or the prince.

"You're polite. "

The eldest grandson Yu returned the salute, and Li Shimin above was very happy.

"Someone, give the throne to King Yan. "

The eldest grandson Yu saluted Li Shimin.

"Son, thank you father!"

Sure enough, there was another wave of shock and discussion. The courtiers here, who don't know the bad thing between Changsun Yu and Li Shimin, the two are incompatible.

I never thought that it would be so harmonious now, it's really incredible!

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