However, everyone was surprised, but most of the courtiers were actually quite happy, after all, Changsun Yu's ability was obvious to all.

Therefore, if Changsun Yu can make peace with Li Shimin, this is also extremely important to the Tang Dynasty.

"Ladies and gentlemen, because of Yu'er, the Turks have been completely destroyed. At this time, even if their Turkic state is strong, they will definitely not be able to provoke a war within a few decades. "

Li Shimin said this, and the courtiers were very happy. What so many people aspire to do, Changsun Yu easily did it.

Everyone is very impressed, since the birth of Changsun Yu, he has always been outstanding and abnormal. Even now that he has amnesia, he is still unbeatable.

"The war in the north has gradually stabilized. Without the constraints of the Turks, the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty will be more relaxed, and it will take less than a year or two for the war in the north to end. "

The courtiers nodded, this war, the thunder was loud and the rain was small, and no one expected that it would start to come to an end so easily.

I thought that this war would last for at least a few years. After all, the number of troops on both sides involved in the war is as high as millions!

And now, because of Changsun Yu's surprise, he directly killed the Turks, leading to the collapse of the Three Kingdoms Alliance. Now only Xue Yantuo and Tuyuhun are left to insist.

But presumably, they won't last long. Because the 200,000 troops brought by Changsun Yu to conquer the Northern Expedition are second only to the elite of the Dragon Protector Army, if they are put on the battlefield, they can indeed influence the outcome of the battle.

The deliberations were not long over, because there was nothing to discuss. After all, commanding a battle has always been a decision of the front-line command.

The court only provided the general direction, and everyone discussed more about how to proceed with the post-war construction. After all, although it did not invade Datang, the economic losses caused were not small.

The entire North, and even the Northwest, became a battlefield. Foreign trade has been seriously affected, but these things are not something that Changsun Yu can manage.

Changsun Yu was also listening from the sidelines, in fact, this was also the real purpose of Li Shimin calling him here.

Li Shimin wanted to take Changsun Yu with him, so that Changsun Yu could have more contact with state affairs, so that he could take over his own shift in the future.

The courtiers could naturally see Li Shimin's thoughts, so no matter what it was, they explained it in great detail.

The meeting lasted until 10 o'clock in the night, and the courtiers also dispersed, and the eldest grandson Yu was left behind by Li Shimin.

"Let's stay in the palace for dinner tonight. "

Li Shimin said to the eldest grandson Yu.

Eldest Sun Yu nodded.

"Yes, Father!"

Then, Whisper and Xiangcheng were called to the palace again. Speaking of which, this is all for the convenience of Changsun Yu, because he is worried that Changsun Yu will miss his two wives, so even if Li Shimin wants to leave Changsun Yu for dinner, he has to shout a whisper to Xiangcheng.

It can be said that whatever Li Shimin does now, he will consider Changsun Yu's thoughts and mood in advance.

This is also a habit developed in the previous level.

In the following days, Changsun Yu followed Li Shimin all day long, whether it was the early dynasty or the meeting of the Taiji Palace.

The Manchu Dynasty is civil and military, who can't see that Li Shimin is simply cultivating the eldest grandson Yu as a prince!

Even everyone is thinking that maybe it won't be long before Li Chengqian's position as the crown prince will fall into the hands of Changsun Yu.

However, Li Chengqian himself did not mind this at all. He has great respect and admiration for Changsun Yu, Changsun Yu is his brother, and even if the orphan Changsun Yu becomes the crown prince, he takes it for granted.

And as they get along for more and more time, Changsun Yu is also more familiar with his identity. Now calling the father, the mother, the emperor's grandfather, etc., is already very smooth, and it will not be twisted.

Because, Li Shimin and others care about him, he can always feel it.

At the same time, Li Shimin gave him more and more rights. Even, except for the early dynasty, the meetings of the Taiji Palace, Li Shimin was given full authority to Changsun Yu to deal with.

The purpose is to make Changsun Yu more familiar with these top ministers in the court.

As for the matter of Feng Changsun Yu as the crown prince, it has also been determined. Waiting for the end of the war, he will find a good day and an auspicious day, and crown the eldest Sun Yu as the crown prince.

In the blink of an eye, three months have passed. The war is finally over.

Since the fall of the Turks, in just three months, the army of the Tang Dynasty has been invincible in the northern and western battlefields.

Xue Yantuo and Tuyuhun were beaten so that they couldn't take care of themselves.

The 500,000 troops on both sides were powerless in front of the Tang Army. Not only was he driven back to his hometown, but he was even driven straight into by the Tang Dynasty, occupying at least a territory as big as dozens of state capitals!

If it weren't for the fact that Datang's own internal digestion has not yet been completed, it may have taken down the two countries directly. But this is obviously unrealistic, and the most critical point is that the population of Datang is not enough now.

The territory of Nuoda is barren everywhere, and the population of some remote state capitals is not as large as that of a county town in the central area.

Therefore, it is crucial to increase the population and prosper the economy now.

The victory of the war is celebrated by the whole world! But at the same time, there is also a piece of news that makes the world boil and the people are full of lights.

That is, Li Yu, the king of Yan, will be crowned the crown prince on the day when the victorious master returns to the dynasty!

The people of the world are very excited about this news! Who in the world does not know the virtuous ability of Changsun Yu?

The cotton products they are shaking now, and the super rice they eat, and so on, which one is not from Changsun Yu?

Moreover, the various policies proposed by Changsun Yu to Li Shimin are all for the sake of the people of the world, and the people know about these.

Therefore, the news that the eldest grandson Yu is going to become the crown prince will make the people excited and happy.

"Today, there is Li Yu, the king of Yan, who has the talent of the world, and the talent and ability are unparalleled........"

On the Hanyuan Palace, with the eunuch's reading, the eldest grandson Yu finally became the prince of the Tang Dynasty at this moment! Speaking of which, there is still a little bit like falling into a dream.

Just found his life experience for only three months, and the eldest grandson Yu actually turned into the prince of the Tang Dynasty.

"Erchen, thank you father Emperor Longen!"

The eldest grandson Yu saluted Li Shimin, and at this time, he was already wearing the prince's court clothes. A majesty and solemnity emanated from the body.

Li Shimin nodded with great satisfaction, very happy in his heart.

Everything seems to have ended perfectly.

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