The eldest grandson Yu was canonized as the crown prince, so he naturally wanted to celebrate, Li Shimin was very happy, and directly set up a banquet on the Taiji Palace.

After drinking until late at night, Changsun Yu returned to the Hou Mansion. Of course, it won't be long before Changsun Yu will move to the East Palace.

"Your Highness, will you go back to your room directly?"

The maid who helped Changsun Yu into the mansion from the door asked softly. The wine drunk in Chang'an City now is all distilled spirit, and they say that it was made by Changsun Yu in the past.

It can also be regarded as the original business of the Hou Mansion, so Changsun Yu's Hou Mansion is actually very rich, but Changsun Yu never cares about this.

It is also because of the distilled liquor that Changsun Yu can be slightly drunk.

"Let's go take a bath first, otherwise it will be bad to smoke the two ladies with the smell of alcohol." "

The eldest grandson Yu said so, and the maid looked envious, envious that Xiangcheng could meet such a husband. Not to mention the unparalleled talent, he is still the prince of the Tang Dynasty, the future of the Ninth Five-Year Plan.

has such an identity that crushes everyone in the world, and treats his wife like this, only Changsun Yu.

Under the leadership of the maid, the eldest grandson Yu came to the bathroom. The eldest grandson Yu's is the Hou Mansion, and later became the Yan King, but it was not changed to the Yan Wang's Mansion.

Therefore, the facilities in this mansion are naturally very complete. The whole big house is like a swimming pool. And below, there is a hearth.

Day and night, there are people who keep the water warm and can come to bathe at any time. And if this water is washed, it can only be said that the luxury of the rich!

At first, Changsun Yu was not used to it, because there were always several ingenious maids beside him who massaged Changsun Yu's back. However, over time, Changsun Yu got used to it.

But today, because he was a little drunk, Changsun Yu wanted to take a good soak.

"Get out, all of you. "

Changsun Yu said.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

A few maids walked out disappointed, His Highness is now drunk, and if he stays to serve, there is a great chance that something can happen.

But alas, now their hopes have been dashed.

In the bath of Nuoda, Changsun Yu closed his eyes and enjoyed the warm artificial hot spring.


But suddenly, Changsun Yu snorted suddenly. Suddenly, his eyes widened, and all the drunken spirit disappeared. Sharp pains struck from the depths of his mind, and Changsun Yu only felt that he was in pain now.

This kind of pain is like when I first saw my mother's spiritual position. However, it will continue and will not go away.

The pain has even made Changsun Yu unable to make a sound. I don't know how long, all of a sudden, a voice sounded in my head.

"The cranial nerve has been repaired, and the system is restarting!"

This voice is very unfamiliar to Changsun Yu. But in an instant, the pain disappeared, and streams of memories poured out from the depths of Changsun Yu's mind like a sea.

Changsun Yu's eyes were instantly glazed, as if he had fallen into a blank.

Five years ago, on the banks of the Weishui River...

Five years ago, on the streets of Chang'an, I met Changsun Chong...

Five years ago.........

Streams of memories and pages of pictures slowly poured out from the depths of my mind. He remembered everything!

And at this time, in the mind of the eldest grandson Yu.

"The system has rebooted. "

With this voice sounding, Changsun Yu's eyes gradually regained their clarity. At this time, his eyes were full of complexity.


Eldest Sun Yu spoke up.

"Master, I'm here!"

The system responded, and Changsun Yu smiled and nodded. I didn't expect the toxin to be so powerful at the beginning. Sure enough, the wisdom of the ancients cannot be underestimated, and the crystallization of hundreds of years of wisdom will be very troublesome for even the eldest grandson Yu to deal with.

"Master, the system has been stuck in deep operation during this time. It is to help the owner repair the damaged cranial nerves. It took nearly a year to repair a large area of the owner's damaged memory nerve. "

"But the host, the repair is not perfect. Although the owner regained the memories of the previous sixteen years. However, the memories of the past year seem to have lost a lot. "

"These memory nerves are relatively delicate, and if they are repaired, it will take a long time, otherwise it will be easy to repeat the severe pain that Fang just had. "

The system said so, thinking of the severe pain he had just endured, Changsun Yu waved his hand again and again.

"Then let's take it slowly, it must be just a year's memory, and it's not a big deal. "

Changsun Yu said so, but when he said this, he frowned, and he always felt as if he had forgotten a lot of things.

"System, do you know my memories of that year?"

Changsun Yu recalled it, and his memory seemed to be only able to recall the beginning of his own battlefield. I can't remember the previous one.

"I'm sorry master, because the system is in deep operation, I don't know anything about the outside world, so I don't know what the master has experienced this year. "

Eldest Sun Yu nodded.

After chatting with the system casually, Changsun Yu was ready to get dressed and leave. When Changsun Yu returned to the room, the two girls didn't sleep.

"Your Highness. "

The two women hurriedly saluted Changsun Yu, who helped the two of them up and said distressedly.

"It's late at night, you shouldn't have waited for me, I'm going to the bathroom to take a shower. "

The two women shook their heads to indicate that they were fine, but then, they looked at Changsun Yu with a little curiosity.

"Your Highness, you seem to be a little different today. "

Eldest Sun Yu was stunned for a moment, and just wanted to say that he had recovered his memory, but he stopped instantly. Because he thought of Li Shimin, the time of amnesia, and the bits and pieces of getting along with Li Shimin.

He remembered it all, and he didn't forget it.

Changsun Yu is an arrogant person, and he admits that he has no hatred for Li Shimin anymore. What's more, during the period of amnesia, Li Shimin's care and love for himself.

If he now admits that he has regained his memory, then how can he face Li Shimin?

He only felt that he was panicked, and shouted that he would never forgive him for the rest of his life, and he would never call him father for the rest of his life.

But what about now? And do you want to return to the way it was at the beginning, where father and son face each other coldly? To be honest, Changsun Yu doesn't want to, and he can't bear to.

So, now it seems that there is only one way.

"It's okay, it's just that I'm a little happy because I became the prince today. "

That's right, Changsun Yu chose to hide it, he was ready to hide everything, to hide the fact that he had recovered his memory. Anyway, he remembered the memories of fighting in Huaiyuan City and returning to Chang'an.

He told himself that he should pretend to have amnesia, pretend to have forgotten everything in the past, and continue to use the current model to get along with Li Shimin.

Let's enjoy this hard-won family affection.

The two girls didn't doubt it, after all, even Sun Simiao said that the toxin was very powerful, and the chance of Changsun Yu recovering his memory was almost none.

Therefore, they would not have thought that Changsun Yu had regained his memory.

It's just a pity that Changsun Yu is a systematic person, so he can recover his memory. It's just that because the toxin is really powerful, the system will spend some more time for the safety of Changsun Yu and less suffering.

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