At that moment, everyone instantly looked at Liu Yinhuan.


Cheng Yanjin stood up even more excitedly, thinking that he was going to lose the news of His Highness again, but he didn't expect that now he would be invisibly planted in the willows.

"Silver Ring, this matter is very important, even something that His Majesty personally ordered. "’

Xue Rengui said.

Liu Yinhuan nodded, she did know about this.

"That's right, some time ago, I met the master by chance. The master was looking for some carriages and grooms, as if he was going to carry something. "

"At that time, I just asked the groom at home to run, and it was not a big deal, so I didn't tell anyone. "

Liu Yinhuan said this, and everyone suddenly realized.

Indeed, although the Liu family is not a top big family, it is not a small family, and if there are a few carriages and a few grooms, as long as the eldest lady commands it, it is not a big deal.

"Great! Great!"

Cheng Biting Jin was very excited, because this is not a representative, through those grooms, where did Changsun Yu go?

"Master Liu, can you find those grooms?"

Cheng Yanjin said excitedly.

Master Liu naturally has no problem, and he said it right now.

"Of course you can. "

Then he hurriedly asked people to go down and call people, this is a matter ordered by His Majesty, and it must be very important.

In a short time, several grooms were brought into the hall. At this time, there are all big people here, and these simple grooms are a little panicked at the moment.

I saw that Master Liu above said.

"This is Cheng Lao Chitose, what does Lao Chitose ask you, and you answer honestly, you know?"

A few grooms nodded their heads in unison, indicating that they knew.

Cheng Yanjin looked at them and hurriedly asked.

"Did you go out once a short time ago?"

Cheng Yanjin asked.

A groom replied: "Yes, that day I followed the order of the young lady to move a family in Xiu Village, Longmen County. "

Everyone is overjoyed, Longmen repairs the village, this is the eldest grandson jade!

"Where to move to?"

Cheng Yanjin was very anxious, and asked directly at the moment.

"Chang'an. "

The horseman hurriedly replied, obviously very afraid of Cheng Biting Jin, after all, since Cheng Biting Jin is known as the Demon King of the Mixed World, this is naturally not a good look.

It's really scary

Everyone was stunned, they had thought about it anywhere, but when they arrived, Changsun Yu and others actually went to Chang'an.

"I didn't expect it! "

Cheng Yanjin sighed very much, if this was not a clue found by chance, they would definitely not know that Changsun Yu actually went to Chang'an.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place, it seems that His Highness is really proficient in the art of war!"

Cheng Yanjin said so, if Changsun Yu knew that Cheng Yanjin actually bragged about himself like this, he would definitely laugh out loud.

Because he just wanted to stay in Chang'an, so that it would be convenient to see the two children who entered the palace.

"Then do you know where that family, when they arrived in Chang'an, did they go?"

Cheng Yanjin asked anxiously.

The groom shook his head.

"I don't know, we just arrived in Chang'an City. Then it seems to be in front of the door of the house, and it is transferred to the person over there, and we don't know where the family went. "

At that time, the eldest Sun Yu arrived in Chang'an, and Sun Simiao happened to prepare a lot of things, such as various furnishings and furniture needed in the manor.

It just so happened that the eldest Sun Yu thought about loading everything onto Sun Simiao's carriage and letting these grooms go back, after all, people had traveled thousands of miles from Longmen to send themselves and others over.

Cheng Yanjin nodded, it would be good to know so much.

And, that's pretty much it.

Although Cheng Yanjin looks rude, he is actually rough and fine.

From these clues, he can subdivide a lot of things.

First of all, why did Changsun Yu go to the household department? Naturally, he went to handle household registration, after all, Datang is now very strict and standardized everywhere.

If this foreigner wants to settle in Chang'an City, he must apply for household registration.

As long as you find the family that came to handle the household registration during that time, and then compare the population and the number of genders, you can basically confirm the identity.

"Good, good, good, hahaha!"

Cheng Biting Jin laughed, but there are many people here, and some things are not easy to say.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm going to write a letter to Your Majesty. "

After speaking, Cheng Yanjin turned around and left, and Xue Rengui was also sorry to Master Liu, and then left. Looking at the backs of the two of them, everyone didn't dare to ask, even the things that His Majesty cared about must be a national event.

It's not for them to talk and meddle.

Hurry up, Cheng Biting Jin's handwritten letter directly passed through special channels and was sent to Li Shimin's hands.

At this time, Li Shimin was in the imperial study, and next to him was the eldest grandson queen.

The eldest grandson, Wuji, Gao Shilian and other ministers are also here.

After reading the letter in his hand, Li Shimin was very excited.

"Hahaha! I know that as long as this old guy is dispatched, he will definitely gain something!"

Li Shimin is very satisfied, although Cheng Yanjin is sometimes unreliable, but in big things, he has never let him down.

This time it was the same, I thought there was not much hope. But I didn't expect that this old thing is actually a lucky star!

Just went to Liu's house and met Xue Rengui's wife, and he was able to get news of Yu'er.

Everyone passed it around to each other, and they were all smiling at the moment.

"This is understandable, the two little highnesses are in the palace, how can the prince and a few ladies be willing to give up? Therefore, these days, the prince has not entered the palace less, right?"

Eldest Sun Wuji thought a lot, and when everyone thought of Eldest Sun Yu's strength, it was clear at the moment. It is indeed very simple for the eldest grandson Yu to enter and exit this palace!

"These two little guys, even the imperial grandmother is going to expire, go back and punish them for copying books. "

Empress Eldest Sun said so, but the joy between her eyebrows could not be concealed.

It's been three years, and I've finally found the news of Changsun Yu. As long as the eldest grandson Yu came to Chang'an, couldn't he even find out the power of the royal family and the Tang Dynasty?

Obviously impossible.

"Eldest grandson Aiqing, Gao Aiqing, this matter will be handed over to you to investigate personally. "

Li Shimin said that he didn't want to make a little mistake, and he must find out where Changsun Yu is. Although he didn't think about it, after finding it, how to face Changsun Yu.

But, anyway, find it again.

"Yes, your ministers obey. "

Eldest Sun Wuji bowed down with Gao Shilian, and according to the clues in his hands, it should not be difficult to find Eldest Sun Yu.

ps:Ask for automatic subscription.,Thank you for your support.,The ninth update !!_

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