"Lord Eldest Sun, this is the information you want. "

Hubu, Hubu Shangshu said to the eldest grandson Wuji.

Eldest Sun Wuji nodded, and then checked it carefully, according to the time calculation. About three days of information were selected.

Although there are many people who come to Chang'an City, there are not many people who come to handle household registration with their families.


Sure enough, he didn't find much, and the eldest grandson Wuji was instantly excited.

"On the outskirts of the North Gate, Yuzhuang Sun's house. The head of the family, Sun Yu, has one and five wives and concubines........"

This is followed by detailed records, such as where they moved from, what the names of the wives and concubines were, and where they came from. These are all documented.

Of course, most of the information in it is incorrect.

"Who handled this?"

Eldest Sun Wuji asked at the moment, some of these materials can be seen as fakes at a glance.

"It's Tobe Squire. "

Hubu Shangshu said so, and the eldest grandson Wuji asked him to find the Hubu squire immediately.

"You handled the household registration of this family?"

The eldest grandson Wuji asked directly, and Gao Shilian on the side also looked at him.

This household servant was frightened, these two bigwigs came here to ask about this? Could it be that the identity of that family is not simple?

As soon as he thought of this, the current household servant was sad in his heart.

"The two adults, this family, are the relatives of Sun Simiao's divine doctor. "

Speaking of which, everyone understands.

Returning to the carriage, the eldest grandson Wuji smiled lightly.

"Sure enough, it seems that this Divine Doctor Sun has a lot of things to hide! Basically, it is certain that this Sun Yu is His Royal Highness the Prince, because of this pseudonym, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has used it. "

Moreover, the number of wives and concubines is also the same. Even the origin of the identity has been fabricated, if these coincidences are added together, it is indeed certain that this Sun Yu is His Royal Highness the Prince!"

The two returned to the palace and told Li Shimin about the matter.

Not long after, Sun Simiao was invited to the palace.

"Poor Dao, see Your Majesty!"

Sun Simiao saluted Li Shimin slightly, he can be regarded as an official now, and the dean of Chinese studies also belongs to the system!

It's just that he is not used to calling himself an official, nor does he regard himself as an official. Therefore, they generally call themselves poor.

Li Shimin looked at the eldest grandson Wuji on the side, and then the eldest grandson Wuji took out a thin book from his arms.

"What is this?"

Sun Simiao was stunned for a moment, but when he opened it, it suddenly changed.

This is actually the household registration certificate of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's fake identity.

Sun Simiao looked at Li Shimin in front of him in disbelief, as well as the eldest grandson Wuji.

"Divine Doctor Sun, it's all come to this point, don't you still want to say it?"

Li Shimin asked excitedly, he was not angry, but simply excited.

Sun Simiao sighed lightly, it was useless to say anything at this time. Since this household registration can be investigated, it must be that Changsun Yu's whereabouts and approximate identity have also been mastered.

At this point, it would be pointless to hide it.

"Unexpectedly, it was discovered by His Majesty. "

Although Sun Simiao didn't know how to find out, he didn't care much about this matter, and even he hoped to be discovered, because even in his eyes, he thought that Changsun Yu should return to Chang'an City.

Although Sun Simiao didn't care about Hongchen, since Changsun Yu was his friend, he would still think about Changsun Yu.

If Changsun Yu comes back, then he may even become the emperor of the Tang Dynasty in the future! Therefore, he does not support Changsun Yu, just because he is angry, he misses this golden opportunity.

Everyone around him also thinks so, Changsun Yu himself has no idea, but everyone thinks about him.

Hearing Sun Simiao's admission, everyone looked at each other in surprise. Although it is probably certain, it is not certain! And now, Sun Simiao's admission has made this matter a certainty.

Changsun Yu has really returned to Chang'an!

Even, even where they live and what identity they use, they now know.

The eldest grandson Yu didn't know that he had been exposed. However, it is also because of Changsun Yu's carelessness, this person is not perfect, although Changsun Yu is as wise as a demon, there are times when there are hundreds of secrets and negligence.

Just because of a few grooms, Changsun Yu's identity began to be exposed from beginning to end, which Changsun Yu had not thought about before.

"W-what's going on?"

Li Shimin anxiously asked Doctor Sun, they wanted to know everything.

Sun Simiao sighed lightly, and spoke softly.

"His Royal Highness and his two little Highnesses have been living in the deep mountain bamboo forest in Xiu Village, Longmen County. "

"Naturally, it is not as prosperous as the palace and Chang'an City, and the days, although they are not hard, they are not good. "

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is naturally fine, but he also has to think about the two little highnesses. After all, they are still young, and they can't stay in the mountains all the time without contact with the outside world. "

"So His Royal Highness the Crown Prince decided to send the two children back. But because of the reluctance of several mothers and His Royal Highness the Prince. "

In the end, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince thought of a solution, and that was to disguise the whole family. Change to a new identity and come to this Chang'an. "

Sun Simiao said slowly, and everyone was silent.

"Then, the original Ziyu Dao Chief, do you also know his true identity?"

Sun Simiao nodded.

"Well, when I first went to Shen Guogong's house, when I saw His Royal Highness the Crown Prince for the first time, I felt that there was something abnormal, because I smelled the unique fragrance of His Royal Highness the Prince, as long as it was a herb or plant made by His Royal Highness the Prince, there was this fragrance. "

"Moreover, Your Majesty, you also know that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's original magic herb, the old Taoist priest has also studied it for a period of time. I just happened to remember the herb that could make a human skin mask. "

"At first, I thought it might be fake, but I didn't expect it to be true. Even looking at the disguise of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, even if he touches it, he can't tell it. "

Sun Simiao said this, his eyes were full of sighs, Changsun Yu's disguise was indeed an eye-opener for him.

Everyone was silent.

Gao Shilian said excitedly.

"The prince has always been an emotional person. Maybe it was because I heard the news that Neiko was seriously ill that I rushed back to Chang'an. It's just that I don't want my identity to be exposed, so it's easy to seem. "

Everyone nodded, but then looked at Li Shimin.

Perhaps, it is because of the importance of feelings that people will be more sensitive to things like feelings.

At this time, Li Shimin was also in a trance, and the eldest grandson Yu was found. But what should he do now? Is it just going to the jade village?

ps:Ask for automatic subscription.,Thank you for your support.,The tenth !!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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