The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1005: Who is responsible for Midnight!

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Su Wan immediately grabbed Jiang Xuecheng's hand and opened his face in anger.

"I was the first to disagree, this is too dangerous! Have you ever thought about what to do if you fail? We don't even have time to rescue!"

Is it really such a thing, is it like playing in a house? !

Midnight may be unconcerned, and feel that he has no father and mother, and even no friends, so he ignores his life.

However, if he is really dead, then the person who needs guilt for a lifetime is the other person in their presence!

If there is no chip, according to the high priest's experiment on Midnight, it is impossible to let Midnight die so quickly.

Those experiments are more like a kind of torture without a deadline for Midnight.

However, once the chip is installed, it directly exposes the consciousness of the night, and it will directly lead to a series of chain reactions.

Su Wan felt that they could not afford to gamble!

Jiang Xuecheng felt that Su Wan's hand on the back of his hand was extremely hard, and he frowned slightly.

"Late, don't make trouble."

Su Wan looked at Jiang Xuecheng in disbelief, and suddenly felt a little sad when he saw Jiang Xuecheng's cold eyes.

"How could I be making such a big deal?"

She is not a child, how could she treat these things as if she were a family.

Jiang Xuecheng saw Su Wan's mouth drooping, instantly realizing that his family was wronged late at night, and felt that she did not understand her mood.

Jiang Xuecheng sighed.

He knew that Su Wan was out of good intentions, but sometimes he didn't gamble, and he couldn't gamble on the future!

Jiang Xuecheng solemnly broke Su Wan's shoulder.

"Late tonight, you said you weren't making trouble. Well, let's talk about it. Except for the method of implanting a chip that I just mentioned, what can make me find the location of Nymph simply and quickly?

"Do you think it's so easy to control what the high priest does in private and to find the laboratory that the high priest moved in advance?"

When Fiennes imprisoned the high priest, he just found the old site of the high priest laboratory!

There are three caves in Cunning Rabbit, not to mention the high priest who likes to keep his hands behind!


Su Wan frowned, she just wanted to argue, but when she thought about it, her voice was much weaker, and she was full of disbelief.

"According to the fact that the high priest spent so much manpower and material resources on Midnight, it is unlikely that the high priest would directly endanger Midnight's life. During this transition period, we can find where Midnight was sent a little bit."

Hearing Su Wan's lack of confidence, Jiang Xuecheng shook his head helplessly.

He could not help but snorted, as if laughing at Su Wan's innocence.

"Do you think that the high priest will let us find Midnight so easily? Once we send Midnight over, the high priest does not know how many similar people will find us to confuse our eyes. Can you make sure that we will not lose it in the end?"

Su Wan was suddenly dumb.

She couldn't help being shaken, but she was still reluctant to send Midnight into Hukou!

In particular, it is necessary to let Midnight take such a dangerous time bomb. Once it is dismantled, the consequences are unimaginable!

Su Wan's hand shuddered a few times. Seeing that Su Wan was about to speak again, or Ming Ye took the lead in waving her hand, preventing Su Wan from speaking.

"Su Wan, I know you are kind, but your Highness is not wrong at all, I agree with His Highness."

Midnight Night's angular face was very indifferent, and he couldn't see the half-silk's fear of facing death threats.

He has long regarded life and death as insignificant.

Even if it is faced with the most unbearable situation, it is only a death.

Even if it is dead, Midnight does not want to let go of the woman of the high priest!

If you are discouraged now, there will be no chance in the future!

Su Wan was shocked by the appearance of Midnight, and the next Tiya heard Red Night's words, but she couldn't help but red her eyes.

She pulled the sleeve of Midnight timidly, and because of crying too many times today, her voice was hoarse.

" you really going to prepare a chip in your body?"


Ning Ye's face was firm and cold, and the two words spoke lightly, as if there was no room for shaking.

Tiya sighed and finally remained silent.

After hesitating for a few seconds, she finally looked at Jiang Xuecheng.

"Your Highness, I beg you, no matter what, try to ensure the safety of the night, is it okay?"

Where is this kind of life-and-death matter, what a few verbal promises can "ensure"?

Tiya knew that, but now, she wanted a promise to be a solace.

As if it were like this, we can firmly believe that Midnight will not have any accidents.

Jiang Xuecheng's narrow and long phoenix eyes crossed two glare lights, and his expression suddenly became solemn.

"I don't need to say these things, I will do my best to do it."


So, the next day, Midnight was sent to implant the chip of the Laozizi.

Hearing Jiang Xuecheng say that the chips of Mingye are implanted in this way, the last tooth in the upper right corner of Mingye will be knocked out, and then a denture embedded with chips will be implanted.

Once there is any danger, Midnight can send a faint signal flow by sweeping its tongue towards that tooth.

Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng sat outside the operating room, waiting for the results of the implanted chip.

And Tiya is not here. For the sake of Tiya's safety, Jiang Xuecheng has lied that Tiya is unbearably humiliated and has died.

He also replied to the high priest in this way, and also synthesized a few chapters of Tiya's **** pictures.

The reason used is very simple. After experiencing such a big accident, Tiya suffered a nervous disorder and committed suicide.


Su Wan was sitting in a chair outside the operating room, very worried.

In his heart he became a pot of porridge, boiling like he was coming out of the pot.

"That chip, after things are done, can it be taken out again?"

Su Wan said, looking at Jiang Xuecheng with some tangle.

Because Jiang Xuecheng was not illuminated by lights, half of his face was in darkness, and his expression was unpredictable.

"Once implanted, it cannot be removed."

Hearing Jiang Xuecheng's cold, magnetic voice, Su Wan was shocked and almost jumped subconsciously.


Can't you get it? !

How can this be!

Seeing Su Wan's appearance of crying anxiously, Jiang Xuecheng stroked Fu Suwan's face and couldn't help comforting Su Wan.

"Every night, you can rest assured that although it cannot be taken out, it will not cause any harm to the human body, nor will it affect the daily life of Midnight."

Su Wan heard this, and finally felt a little bit better in her heart.

Even if she knew very well, these words were nothing more than Jiang Xuecheng's words to comfort her.

The most terrible hazard of the chip is not the harm to the human body, but once it is discovered by the high priest, who can be responsible for the safety of the night?

She can't, neither can Jiang Xuecheng.

All of this is too unfair for Midnight!

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