The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1006: Does he like her? !

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Above the operating room, a bright red light flickered.

This means that the operation is still in progress.

Su Wan sits next to Jiang Xuecheng in anxiety, many thoughts flash in his mind.

As if seeing Su Wan's uneasiness, Jiang Xuecheng stretched out his slender hand and covered his palm on the back of Su Wan's hand.

"Late night, don't panic, Midnight will soon come out."

Jiang Xuecheng sat gracefully next to Su Wan, his legs overlapping, and his dark black eyes seemed to hide the sparkling starlight, making people want to believe what he said involuntarily.

Su Wan was silent for a few seconds, and finally nodded toward Jiang Xuecheng.

She bit her lower lip a little bit, knowing that the discomfort in her heart would have no effect at all, and would only exacerbate her confusion.

At this point, even if she said she wanted to give up, would Midnight give up?

The so-called worry is more like an excuse for the weak. At this point, each of their lives seems to be closely related.

They can be okay only if they can pray.


Just when Su Wan calmed down for a while, he suddenly saw the bright red light above the operating room, and suddenly it turned into water green, blinking like a deep lake!

Why is it so fast!

"Syracuse, does this mean successful surgery?"

Su Wan stunned, she looked at the young man next to her involuntarily, and at the same time, she pointed her finger at the green lamp that was lit.

"It should be fine."

Jiang Xuecheng handed Su Wan a reassuring look, and then stood up suddenly to the closed operating room door.

Su Wan saw Jiang Xuecheng walked over, and quickly left his seat, quickly keeping up with his pace.

It was then that the heavy silver operating room door was suddenly opened.

There was a figure of long body and jade standing.

The other party wore a pale surgical gown, but the straight, slender figure, even in such a sick suit, still looked particularly good.

Su Wan met the pair of emerald-colored enigmatic pupils, suddenly relieved.

"Midnight, are you okay?"

Su Wan grabbed Jiang Xuecheng's hand and couldn't help asking questions first.

Ming Ye nodded slightly towards Su Wan, and then immediately looked away, looked towards Jiang Xuecheng beside Su Wan.

"The chip implantation went smoothly."

Perhaps it was because of the operation that had just been carried out, and the eyebrows on Ming Ye's angular face had never been stretched out, showing a slight fatigue.

Jiang Xuecheng reached out his hand, he nodded to Ming Ye and patted Ming Ye's shoulder quite naturally.

"You have worked hard."

Su Wan saw this scene and was a little surprised in her heart.

Although he has known Jiang Xuecheng for so long, the relationship between the two is naturally intimate.

Because of this, Su Wancai realized more and more how impersonal he is as a male god. For people who are not very close, how can such close contact be possible!

And Jiang Xuecheng took the initiative to shoot the night of the night!

Midnight does not mean any dodge!

What a surprise!

Su Wan recalled Jiang Xuecheng's faint vinegar and repulsion to the night before, and couldn't help but squeeze Jiang Xuecheng's palm, his mouth was teasing.

"Is it raining down the sky? How do I feel that the relationship between you two has grown by leaps and bounds?"

Don't blame Su Wan for being surprised!

It's really...this scene...If someone who doesn't know the inside story sees it, maybe it's not necessarily that Jiang Xuecheng and Mingye are biological brothers.

Uh... To a certain extent, the relationship between Mingye and Jiang Xuecheng is indeed closer than that of his biological brother.

After all, they have almost identical DNA.

This is unmatched by anyone.

Seeing Su Wan's narrow smile in his eyes, Jiang Xuecheng couldn't help but reached out and pinched Su Wan's nose.

"Why, don't you like to see my relationship with Midnight better?"

Last night, Jiang Xuecheng and Ming Ye had a two-hour exchange.

Explained the misunderstanding for a long time, and talked more about things like the Holy See and the High Priest.

Perhaps the genes of the two people are exactly the same, and the brain circuits are surprisingly similar. Sometimes the other person does not need to finish the second half of the sentence, and the other person has already understood his meaning.

Because of this, Jiang Xuecheng's faint hostility towards Ming Ye faded, and suddenly there was a feeling of sympathy.

Su Wan took away Jiang Chaocheng's troubled hands, then grinned at Jiang Xuecheng in a hurry and made a big face.

"Who's not happy, don't squeeze me even if you are fine."

The midnight on the side saw Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng's intimate intimacy, and suddenly there was a little envy in my heart. It's just simple envy.

Now that Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng had such a good life, his little subtle throb of Su Wan was completely put down.

He wasn't a man of compulsion, and it was enough to see Su Wan having a good time.

Midnight never really experienced the so-called "feelings" of people. He lived for such a long time, but most of the days were spent in the laboratory that did not see the sun.

Only full of numbness and cold, but did not understand what it would be like to be happy with others.

Will it be like Jiang Xuecheng, want to tease Su Wan?

Will it be like these two people, they can quarrel anytime, anywhere, and suddenly smile relatively?

Would it be like Jiang Xuecheng talked to herself at night yesterday, mentioning the CHK No. 3 virus in Su Wan's body, and wishing that she could bear the pain for her instead of killing the high priest soon?

These complex thoughts appeared in my mind, somehow, the face of Tiya suddenly flashed in the mind of Midnight.

Reminiscing Tiya's laughter when she was amused, memorizing Tiya's kindness to her if you had any carelessness, thinking of Tiya holding her in the elevator room and crying.

Even remembering that Tiya was crushed under the body by those dirty people, he almost crimson eyes and killed them directly.

However, even if it were so, it would not erase the pain that Tiya suffered.

Seeing Tiya crying silently, Ming Ye suddenly felt that the person who would rather bear those sufferings was himself.

Was it because of guilt that he didn't protect her, or was it because of something else?

Midnight looked at Su Wan who was still laughing in Tongjiang Xuecheng, and subconsciously pursed his lips, comparing Su Wan with Tiya.

Suddenly, he felt that Tiya, who was thousands of miles away, was more vivid than Su Wan, who was in front of him and smiling.

I don't know when that girl walked into his mind like this, and smiled, hard to erase.

Is this emotion because of sympathy for Tiya's situation...

Or because... he likes her?

Even if the surface is sloppy, he can give a little bit of love and patience to a stray kitten.

Aware of the change in his state of mind, Ming Ye was startled.

He snapped his fingers, his expression was a little heavy!

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