The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1007: "Gift" from Jiang Xuecheng

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Su Wan was joking with Jiang Xuecheng, and now seeing Ming Ye's suddenly heavy face, he mistakenly thought that he was worried about waiting to see the high priest so he had a psychological burden.

Or... Will Midnight have any psychological shadows on that laboratory?

Su Wan was once kept in a small black house by Fiennes, so he understood what it was like to be put under house arrest in disguise.

Midnight is much worse than her!

According to Su Wan's estimate, Ming Ye may not have been free from birth, and Su Wan was only locked, at least not used as a test article for others!

Su Wanyue felt more and more worried, she was worried.

"Midnight, what's wrong with you? Are you worried about meeting the high priest?"

According to the plan, Jiang Xuecheng and others will take Ming Ye to perform a play.

He directly lied that because of the unsightly view of Ming Ye, he felt that he was a rival, and then threw it to the high priest.

The woman of the high priest was suspicious by nature, but Su Wan and Ming Ye had escaped together, and Jiang Xuecheng had also investigated the whereabouts of Ming Ye. Careful investigation should reveal the trace of Jiang Xuecheng's hostility to Ming Ye.

Midnight heard Su Wan's words, and then trance away from the kind of reverie just now.

He shook his head lightly towards Su Ye.

"No, I was just thinking... how is Tia now."

Su Wan's words suddenly startled, perhaps out of female instincts, and she keenly captured the special concern that Midnight had for Tiya.

Su Wan thought for a moment, and immediately spoke to comfort Midnight.

"Now for the outside world, Tiya is already under the identity of a dead person. We have also found so many people to take care of and protect her. Tiya will definitely be fine."

Ming Ye nodded, and he looked around Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng standing side by side, his expression faint.

"I want to go to the bathroom. The two of you are waiting for me here."

After speaking backward, Ming Ye walked towards the promenade outside the operating room.

He walked to the bathroom, walked towards the room with the male sign, and then turned on the faucet, splashing some cool water on his face.

There was a bit of chaos in the original mind. After being splashed with cold water, the whole person's consciousness was much clearer.

Midnight looked at the dripping young man in the mirror, a bitter smile on his lips.

——Sometimes it is easy for people to figure out some special things at some non-special moments.

He may really like Tija.

Ning Ye did not care about the things that Tiya had been bullied by people. He was kept in a laboratory in his birth. There is no so-called secular concept, and he will not be disgusted by Tiya.

For those things, he only had guilt and pity for Tiya slowly. If it weren't for him to tie Tiya, maybe Tiya wouldn't suffer such a change at all.

But even after realizing the fact that he likes Tiya, Midnight is not ready to confess.

With such hatred engraved into the bone marrow, he never thought that he would spend the same time with the same girl for a long time.

If... there is really one day.

At least, we have to wait for this matter to end.

Who knows, can he survive this game with the high priest?

Midnight has long been ready to die at any time, leaving life and death aside.

In terms of feelings, Midnight is completely different from the enthusiastic and unrestrained attitude of Tiya, he is often treated in silence.

If it weren’t for Tiya who suffered the changes, perhaps Midnight wouldn’t realize that she liked the girl who was a bit brutal and distressing.


By the time Midnight went back, Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng were already waiting for him outside.

The three of them took the maglev to the holy court together.

After all, it was to play a drama of rivalry between rivals. Because of his unsuitable identity, Su Wan got out of the car directly on the way and was secretly protected and returned to the Holy See.

Jiang Xuecheng took the night to the high priest.

Of course, in order to be more realistic, there are some traces of fighting against people in Ming Ye and Jiang Xuecheng, which looks shocking.

Jiang Xuecheng was afraid that Su Wan was worried, and it was not good to do this kind of thing in front of her, so he waited for Su Wan to get off the car, and he really played midnight with Midnight.

The two may be because the genes are almost the same, and they have their own strengths. It's hard to say who is better.

Jiang Xuecheng has learned so many combat drills, but his skill is better than Ming Ye, but in terms of actual combat, Ming Ye must be more than Jiang Xuecheng, so in the end, no one can subdue anyone.

Such a hearty battle made Jiang Xuecheng very satisfied.

He hasn't practiced his skill for a long time. Although there are many skin injuries, Jiang Xuecheng hasn't paid any attention to it.

It doesn't matter, he and Mingye both have the special dragon blood physique, no matter how gritty the wound is, as long as it is not fatal, plus enough recovery time, sooner or later it can recover.

As a result, Midnight was **** by the big flowers and put into a **** cloth bag. Finally, he was dragged by several tall guards and brought to the high priest together.

Through a gilt bulletproof glass door with a one-way perspective, Jiang Xuecheng was very popular, and he waited very calmly for the high priest to greet him.

But within a minute or two, Jiang Xuecheng saw the gilt carved gold bulletproof glass door opened.

A wheelchair appeared slowly inside, with a pretty figure sitting on it.

I saw that the high priests were dressed in retro dresses in autumn colors, sitting noble and elegant on the wheelchair.

Almost at the moment when the high priest came out, Jiang Xuecheng's eyes were fixed on the high priest's face.

-In just a few days, the scars on the high priest's face almost disappeared!

It is estimated that in a short time, I am afraid that it will completely retreat!

Jiang Xuecheng grimaced in his heart, and immediately looked at the hands and feet of the high priest.

Although the clothes were slightly covered, it was obvious that the high priest's hamstrings and hamstrings were still weakly splayed and not healed.

Jiang Xuecheng felt relieved immediately.

- Sure enough, women's instincts still love beauty more. The high priest chose to heal the scars on the face first instead of restoring the convenience of hands and feet first.

Jiang Xuecheng stared at the high priest's face for a long time, and his voice was a little surprised.

"Master priest, your face looks much better."

Hearing Jiang Xuecheng's words, the high priest felt no displeasure, but instead gave birth to a faint euphoria.

Since the disfigurement, the people of the Holy Court have been even more afraid to look at her, even if they secretly glanced at it.

The high priest has always loved beauty. Her favorite is, of course, her own face!

Otherwise, you will not go back to the Holy See, and try your best to find experts and drugs in this area!

The high priest was pleased in her heart, but she had not been dazed by these. She stared at the man in the black bag, frowning.

"You came to me, is it for this bagged person?"

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