The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1020: Congenital deficiency at first glance

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Jiang Xuecheng put his hands around Su Wan's waist. He lowered his head, and a slight masculine scent fell on Su Wan's ear tip, slightly itching.

As usual with Jiang Xuecheng, Su Wanfei had to be shy.

But at this moment, Su Wan did not feel a little throbbing, but was dulled by Jiang Xuecheng's words!

"Are you sure?"

What happened?

Jiang Xuecheng actually asked her if she wanted to adopt a child!

If there is nothing wrong, it should be the lying glutinous rice dumpling in the ward? !

Jiang Xuecheng saw Su Wan's stunned appearance and mistakenly thought that Su Wan was unhappy.

Jiang Xuecheng's lips and lips smiled for a while, but he didn't think too much. After all, most people are definitely more willing to raise their own bones and blood.

In fact, he is the same.

Just at the first sight of the child, there was some indescribable heart palpitations, but I felt the heartache was unstoppable.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to."

Jiang Xuecheng will not embarrass Su late in this kind of thing. It was originally the request he first mentioned, and it is not acceptable to everyone.

Jiang Xuecheng can understand Su Wan's choice.


The man's low words flew across his ears, and the sound like a cello was very pleasant and pleasant, but at the moment it was a bit indescribable.

Su Wan pouted and laughed out loud.

"Where did I disagree? I just thought the news was too shocking for me, so I can't digest it for the time being."

Jiang Xuecheng was stunned, and apparently did not expect Su Wan to think so.

Just because I was too shocked, so I don’t know how to answer for now !

Jiang Xuecheng couldn't hide the excitement in his heart and couldn't help holding Su Wan tighter.

"Then what do you mean?"

Su Wanchong Jiang Xuecheng smiled faintly. She broke free from Jiang Xuecheng's arms and looked at Jiang Xuecheng's eyes very seriously.

"Syracuse, can you tell me, why did you adopt that child?"

Before Jiang Xuecheng opened his mouth, Su Wan suddenly stretched out a slender finger and blocked it on Jiang Xuecheng's thin lips.

"Isn't it... Did you know what? I remember you told me before that people who have been infected with CHK3 virus are not suitable for having children. Then...I can't remove this virus in my whole life Alright?"

"Or, even if the virus is expelled, my body can no longer give me the right to be a mother?"

Su Wan said, his expression dimmed involuntarily.

In fact, Su Wan's guess is not unfounded.

After all, she and Jiang Xuecheng's morning and evening travel, and they also know Jiang Xuecheng's personality very much. This man is definitely not the kind of person who likes to be close to children. How come he suddenly wants to adopt a baby?

Unless... unless they can no longer raise.

This is the most reasonable and terrible answer.


Jiang Xuecheng heard Su Wan's words, and Feng Eye suddenly passed a trace of helplessness.

What should he say?

Unexpectedly, this little woman's brain supplementing ability is so powerful, she actually thought she was completely infertile...

After Jiang Xuecheng was speechless, he couldn't help but stretch out his fingers and scraped Su Wan's nose with a little spoil.

"Late tonight, what are you thinking about in your head? I want to adopt this child, just looking at his life is too pitiful, plus looking at it so I want to adopt it. If you don't want me, I will never force it."

Jiang Xuecheng paused, his expression more tender.

"Absolutely not what you just thought. Also, I have found the solution to the CHK3 virus in your body. After a while, I will lift this time bomb for you."


Unexpectedly, when he heard the news, Su Wan's atrium burst into unspeakable joy like what was hit, making Su Wan's speech stutter.

"Is the virus on my body saved?"

Seeing Su Wan smiled, Jiang Xuecheng couldn't help being infected by the strong joy on her face.

"Of course it is true, can I still lie to you?"

"Great! Great!"

Su Wan's eyebrows were burning, she held Jiang Xuecheng round and round with joy, almost an urge to cry!

God knows how afraid she will die one day, she wants to live, she wants to live well with Jiang Xuecheng.

They are still so young, they can certainly have a very bright future.

God gave her hope again, how wonderful this feeling is!

Jiang Xuecheng saw Su Wan's ecstatic appearance and was happy for Su Wan.

He stretched out his hand, not overbearing Su Wan's shoulders and necks gently, and sniffing gently among Su Wan's thick black hair like a waterfall, intoxicated by the fresh fragrance in her hair.

--He will never tell Su Wan what is the risk of surgery to eradicate CHK3 virus.

Su Wan has suffered enough injuries, and Jiang Xuecheng hopes to carry all his sufferings and protect his lover forever.

All his efforts are just for the girl to smile.

It was so bright, so shining, even if there were so many charms in the world, it was not as shallow as the corner of her lips.


Su Wan is usually a restrained person and rarely has such an exciting moment.

So after holding Jiang Xuecheng and jumping for a long time, Su Wan realized how "wild" he had just been!

This is a ward!

Su Wan touched her nose embarrassedly. When she turned her head, she suddenly swept to the sick little thing on the sickbed.

The other person's outline didn't open at all, and he was sleeping with his eyes closed at the moment, as if he wasn't disturbed by the noise that Su Wan had just said.

At first glance, the child was born shortfall.

Su Wan's slender Liu Yemei frowned slightly, and there was a touch of distress in Xing's eyes.

Compared with Jiang Xuecheng, Su Wan has always liked children very much.

Uh, of course there is a premise!

Su Wan only likes cute and well-behaved children, and the kind of bear children who are superb and noisy.

"Does this child have any parents?"

Su Wan sat down next to the little dumpling, and she couldn't help but stretch out her hand, carefully poke at the other person's thin face.

If there are parents, unless they are particularly inhuman, their adoption is somewhat unreasonable.

Jiang Xuecheng heard Su Wan's question and knew that Su Wan's attitude was loose.

He sat down next to Su Wan and systematically recounted the poor baby's life.

Su Wan was angry and distressed. After a long silence, she nodded and agreed to Jiang Xuecheng's proposal.

This child is too pitiful, he just had no parents at the time of birth, and his parents are not because of love, really...

Sure enough, happiness is always similar, but misfortune is unfortunate.

Su Wanxing's eyes bent, and he caressed the corner of the child's eyes with infinite compassion.

"The child is so young, if you want to adopt...Syracuse, shall we give him a name first?"

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