The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1021: Jiang Qiran, a small pot friend

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Just as Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng were talking, she suddenly heard a babble.

Su Wan stunned and looked at the little guy in the ward.

I saw the little ball opened slightly, and the child's eyes were watery, the purest black, like obsidian, clean and flawless.

The little child looked at Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng ignorantly. He was confused, but he was not afraid, but stared at Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng with pure curiosity.

As if not afraid of life at all.

If I heard that the child was born before, Su Wan was only willing to adopt the child out of sympathy.

That moment when the child opened his eyes, Su Wan felt that looking at this thin little child, he hit his atrium somewhere.

The child's original pale and weak face, because of these big black-and-white eyes, had a little splendor.

Su Wan couldn't help but stretch out his hand and caressed the child's thin and weak cheek with great care.

Somehow, the little boy did not resist Su Wan's closeness at all.

It was just ignorantly looking at Su Wan, his eyes filled with water, like small animals waiting for the owner to caress.

Fate is so wonderful.

Su Wan looked at each other's immature brows, and his heart softened involuntarily.

Probably motherhood is a natural part of every girl's body, Su Wan can't help but want to touch this child more.

"How about Qiran?"

Seeing Su Wan's sudden speech, Jiang Xuecheng froze for a moment, hesitating for a second before realizing that Su Wan was talking about the child's name.

"Which prays?"

Su Wan smiled and dangled her eyes, and her long lashes cast a thick shadow on her eyelids, which looked somewhat maternal.

"This child doesn't look well, so I want to give him a healthy name, pray for it, pray for safety."

Pray for Enron?

Jiang Xuecheng's expression softened a little as he passed Su Wanqing's voice.

He could see that he really fell in love with this kid in the evening.

"Okay, your name is always good, just call this."

"Baby, you'll be called Jiang Qiran from now on. Qiran must grow up healthy and healthy, you know?"

Su Wan's eyes were as clear as a star. She reached out and stroked the child's soft, non-glossy hair, and there was love in her expression.

The little child looked at her and Jiang Xuecheng confusedly.

I don’t understand what the other party’s repeated prayers mean, and I don’t know the name, which will accompany him for life and become his eternal mark.

But even so, the child knows who is exuding goodwill in nature.

Xiao Qiran's eyes were shining brightly, and his dark pupil looked closely at Su Wan, feeling the girl's breath was very sweet and very nice.

He couldn't help but stretch out his little hand, as if he wanted to hug Su Wan.

Su Wan saw a surprised smile on the face of the child's active approach.

"God, is he going to hug me?"

Su Wan blinked his eyes and questioned Jiang Xuecheng in wonder.

Seeing Su Wan's playful look, Jiang Xuecheng couldn't help but stretched out his hand and scratched Su Wan's face.

"It seems Qiran likes you very much."

Su Wan's heart was full of joy, and he also believed that he had a special relationship with this child.

She has no experience of holding children, so she can only reach out very slowly and carefully pick up the thin ball.

Sure enough, pray that this little guy is much lighter than she thought.

As if it were a piece of paper, I am afraid the wind would fall down.

How could it be this way!

Su Wan thinks that even if it is a normal premature baby, it wouldn't seem to be such a small group?

Su Wan couldn't bear the pain in his heart, and was full of resentment towards the high priest.

That woman was so hateful that she didn't even let a newborn baby go.

Fortunately... Fortunately, the high priest is dead, and those innocent people in the laboratory can also be rescued and start a new life.

Xiao Tuanzi stared at Su Wan's changing face, watching her staring at herself intently, and then suddenly raised her eyebrows, and then smiled.

It’s amazing that people can have so many expressions at once!

The short-handed and short-legged praying opened his misty eyes, and couldn't help learning what Su Wan had just looked like.

But of course he couldn't learn at home, and he didn't understand the complex emotions of resentment and pity.

Therefore, Su Wan giggled with a small expression that made her eyebrows dazzle.

"Look, look, this little guy seems to be learning me."

Su Wan looked at the other person's crumpled body and couldn't help but poked again.

Hey, such a weak child hopes to be able to raise chubby as soon as possible.

That's right, Su Wan actually still likes Fat Dudu's children, because she has a little hobby.

Just poke the baby's belly, thin arms and legs!

She likes to poke all!

Then look at the children's skin glowing red, blinking at the watery eyes with big eyes, how cute and adorable!

It's just too bad to do her image. Su Wan didn't have the kind of younger brothers and sisters who were younger than herself, so she could only get through eye addiction.

I dare not put these "evil" ideas into practice!

So... the arrival of Jiang Qiran really made Su Wan immediately find the "right" way to raise children!

Su Wanyue became more and more excited, finally unable to hold back, and poke Jiang Qiran's thin face cautiously.

Woo, no meat, no fun!

Su Wan's eyes widened unwillingly, and he made up his mind almost immediately.

——If she doesn't raise this little dumpling into a big and fat dumpling, she won't be named Su!

Poor Qiran children's shoes, did not know that he had been included in the "Yangtang program", but just let Su Wan poke unpreparedly.

Still learning Su Wan's previous smile, he tried to open his mouth and laughed babble.

Even if Jiang Qiran's children are still thin, Su Wan was also sprouted by this little dumpling!

"Syracuse, look, look, he smiled!"

Seeing Su Wan's startled look, Jiang Xuecheng was already surprised.

Su Wan held Jiang Qiran and kissed his rumpled face.

The little dumplings look so beautiful!

Looking back many years later, Su Wan simply couldn't figure out how the small dumplings developed into that.

I clearly wanted to raise Jiang Qiran's little friend into a tangyuan dumpling that everyone loved, laughed when I saw him, and became a big cute thing for all kinds of uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters.

But why did Jiang Qiran learn his father in the end and become an unsmiling, very unsatisfactory Junior Two?

It's not the same as the plan says, fall!

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