The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1049: Uncontrollable gaffe

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When Jiang Xuecheng received the email, it was the moment when Dichen held a meeting on Wednesday afternoon.

He sat on the throne, next to Jiang Haoxuan, and across the six chairs was Su Wan.

There are also black people in the middle.

Jiang Xuecheng was originally talking about a merger and acquisition, with a dignified look, and pointed out the various deficiencies in the previous merger and acquisition plan, as well as the flow of funds.

However, when I saw the suddenly lit mailbox icon in the lower right corner of the screen.

Jiang Xuecheng's cold voice stopped abruptly.

He was stunned and wondered why Jiang Xuecheng suddenly stopped talking.

The small red icon on the mailbox does not show the sender or the content.

But I don't know how, Jiang Xuecheng has an intuition.

That must be the message sent by the DNA verification he was looking for.

Su Wan seemed to sense Jiang Xuecheng's mood, and suddenly looked up, staring at him from across the sky.

The two saw the dignity in the other's eyes.

Jiang Xuecheng has always been a calm person, no matter what he encounters, he is always advancing.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt an inexplicable timidity.

Hope that the idea that Qiran was his biological son, like a demon, was tightly wrapped around his heart.

Even Jiang Xuecheng knows that there are some things that are not only expected to be achieved.


Jiang Xuecheng took a deep breath and tried his best not to read the small red icon from the mailbox.

He pretended to turn off the prompt calmly.

Then he continued to explain the acquisition of another group.

Originally according to his expectations, he had to speak for at least half an hour.

There were many ideas that he had planned early in the morning, but Jiang Xuecheng didn't say anything about it.

He spent only ten minutes explaining all the important content, and many branches and details were all cut off by Jiang Xuecheng.

The speed of Jiang Xuecheng's statement is not urgent, and even in the ears of others, it is still calm and elegant.

Only Jiang Xuecheng and Su Wan knew what kind of suffering the email would bring them.


Then Jiang Xuecheng directly found a director in charge of related matters to go up to discuss in detail.

He returned to his seat again.

The spine is straight and his eyes seem to fall on the director's plan PPT, but in fact, the thoughts have long drifted away.

But Jiang Xuecheng did not open the email for the order.

Nor did it mean to end the meeting early.

Su Wan was sitting at a distance from him, hands under the table tightly grabbed his arms, his eyes looked as if they were expecting or worrying.

The unknown is always so scary.

Su Wan was sitting in a chair, feeling like there were thin needles on it, piercing her skin without mercy.

Su Wan looked at Jiang Xuecheng across the air, sitting in a state of uneasiness.

Fortunately, the director's speech that went up was not cumbersome, and he quickly concluded the following M&A proposal.

After everyone's comments, today's meeting is considered over.

In accordance with general practice, Jiang Xuecheng often has problems at the first sight.

However, this time it did not.

Everyone was a little strange, but they didn't say much.

Regarding the merger and acquisition plan of another group, when Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng were absent, the dust settled.

No matter how important the list is, at this moment, for Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng, there was no such email at all.


As soon as the meeting was over, Jiang Xuecheng stood up suddenly.

He was cold and indifferent, and suddenly Su Su's name was ordered.

"Director Su, come to my office."


Su Wan raised her head to Jiang Xuecheng and nodded. Her hands were trembling slightly because of the anxiety, but her eyes were amazingly bright, with a look that others could not understand.

Because it was in the company, Jiang Xuecheng and Su Wan were always commensurate with the subordinates when others were there.

Those people understand how good the relationship between Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng is.

When they saw that they wanted to meet alone, they glanced at the colleague next to them.


With the gaze of everyone's gossip, Su Wan opened his legs and followed Jiang Xuecheng out.

Jiang Xuecheng's office is on the 27th floor, and he has a private elevator.

Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng walked in like this.

Jiang Xuecheng looked cold, and Su Wan's face was filled with nervousness.

Until walking into the private elevator, Su Wan still felt his heart beating.

The space of the elevator is not too big. The two people stood inside and did not speak, which made the atmosphere more condensed.

Just as the elevator kept going up, Su Wan's ear sounded Jiang Xuecheng's voice.

"Do you want to watch now?"

"Wh... what?"

Su Wan was taken aback for a moment, but when she saw the deep sea eyes of Shangjiang Snow City, she suddenly understood the meaning of Jiang Xuecheng.

Jiang Xuecheng asked her if she wanted to read the email now to know the result directly.

Su Wan's mood was inexplicably heavy.

She grabbed Jiang Xuecheng's arm and shook her head decisively.

"Don't... let's wait until you see your office."

Looking at it now, it is likely that the death penalty was directly pronounced.

She prefers to suspend the execution.

Death reprieve is also better than direct death penalty, even if there is only such a short struggle of tens of seconds.


With a ding, the elevator reached the 27th floor.

Su Wan took a hard breath and followed Jiang Xuecheng to his office.

Su Wan sat on the leather sofa without any politeness, without directly shouting to see the final answer.

Jiang Xuecheng also understood her psychology, so she first soaked a cup of Taiping Monkey Kui with Su Wan and himself.

He likes to drink tea, like coffee, and occasionally drinks red wine, in a way, to reduce pressure.

Looking at the tea mist in front of him, Su Wan bit her lip nervously and finally spoke.

"Syracuse, click and see."

Su Wan said, immediately sitting beside Jiang Xuecheng, grabbing the sleeve of Jiang Xuecheng's suit with one hand and pulling.

Su Wan was unaware of this.

Jiang Xuecheng noticed Su Wan's small movements.

He feels how nervous she is.

However, sooner or later you need to know.

Jiang Xuecheng narrowed his expression and finally opened the email.

As expected, the sender was the DNA verification team.

In fact, Jiang Xuecheng has a lot of mailboxes. In order to change his identity, the mailbox he provided is not the one he usually uses. It is only related to the receiving party.

"Mr. Song, after verification, the similarity between the DNA and the other two RCP values ​​you provided is as high as 99.7% and 99.8% respectively. He and the other two are in a direct parent-child relationship."

That's right, the fake identity used by Jiang Xuecheng is a rich family with the surname Song.

Su Wan did not understand what the RCP value was, and did not want to understand what the term was.

Her focus is on the final sentence.

——He has an immediate parent-child relationship with the other two.

With a loud bang, the white porcelain cup in Su Wan's hand fell to the ground.

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