The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1050: Nothing is more important than you

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The still hot tea spreads along Su Wan's legs.

The top-notch Taiping Monkey Quebec, which is hard to find on the market, is crumpled and scattered among those pouring hot tea.

Su Wan wore a white-collar today, a formal dress in a white suit and white trousers, and many of the hot tea spilled were directly impregnated on Su Wan's trouser legs.

In fact, the heat is amazingly hot.

At this moment, however, Su Wan seemed to be completely out of sight, as though he was in pain.

Su Wan's eyes seemed to be stuck, and he replayed the words in the mail tightly.

——After verification, he and the other two are in direct parent-child relationship.

It turned out that Qiran... really her and Jiang Xuecheng's son.

Su Wan couldn't describe how he felt when he heard the news.

She was not unimagined, but she was born with Jiang Xuecheng.

However, fantasy is an illusion after all, and Su Wan was still awake in her heart when she dreamed back at midnight.

Her child was dead and died on the cold operating table.

However, God now tells her that the child she and Jiang Xuecheng inadvertently adopted was actually the blood of the former "premature death"!

Su Wan felt that he had made a huge dream. Even if the dream woke up, he still felt good and unreal.

Tears fell like this.

Sorrow and joy.

Uncontrollable moved by joy.

"Qiran... really our son, Qiran really our son!"

Su Wan seemed to be mad, she grabbed Jiang Xuecheng's arm violently, her tears were already surging like a river, flooding into disaster.

Thank you for the unknown destiny, thank God can still give her and Jiang Xuecheng a chance.

Even when he did not know that it was their children before, Su Wan was determined to raise him as his own son.

But when she knew the facts, Su Wan only found out how happy she was, how excited she was, how sick she was...

Su Wan sobbed, her throat hoarse unreasonably.

Just when Su Wan was going to continue to murmur, he suddenly saw Jiang Xuecheng suddenly kneel down.

Su Wan was stunned and didn't understand what he was going to do.

However, Jiang Xuecheng pulled Su Wan's trouser legs very carefully and pulled up.

Along with Jiang Xuecheng's movements, Su Wan finally felt the pain.


A strong heat pain spread from the ankle to the knee.

The pain was fine and sharp, as if it had been pierced with a deliberately hot embroidery needle.

Su Wan looked down and found out how cruel his legs were when his white trousers were piled up.

Hot tea was splashed from the ankle to the knee.

In many places, the skin fleshed out an abnormal pink, and some even oozed a trace of blood.

Su Wan's scalp felt numb, but she only felt the pain doubled.


Seeing Su Wan's appearance, Jiang Xuecheng gave Su Wan a blank speech.

"Now I know that it hurts?! I really care about what I am so excited about when you are so strong and poured into such hot tea."

Then he slammed his hand toward Su Wan's waist and hugged Su Wan horizontally.

Such things as scalding can be large or small.

Jiang Xuecheng felt that the most important thing now is to deal with the wounds on Su Wan's leg.


Su Wan was held by Jiang Xuecheng to another velvet seat.

Fortunately, there is air conditioning here, otherwise it would be too hot to sit on this sofa in such a hot day.

Su Wan looked at Jiang Xuecheng pretendingly, because he was a little baby connected with his blood, and the excitement in his heart could not be calmed down.

"Syracuse, aren't you excited? I really want to go home to see Qiran, I want to kiss his face..."

Jiang Xuecheng glanced at Su Wan silently.

I don't seem to understand why Su Wan was so painful and still excited.

Jiang Xuecheng turned to get the medicine box, just turned his back, and suddenly turned back to tell Su Wan.

He spoke lightly.

"Pray that Aunt Fang will look after him at home and he won't run. How long do you want to kiss?"

Jiang Xuecheng said that he found a small medicine box from another storage room and two ice packs.

Su Wan saw him coming back, but he pouted again, and reiterated the old saying.

"Why don't I think you're fluctuating at all, our children... praying to be our biological sons, don't you really feel excited?"

Jiang Xuecheng knelt halfway in front of Su Wan, picked up the medicine chest and applied Su Wan's wounds.

Because Su Wan had been chattering and wanted to prove an answer.

Jiang Xuecheng finally raised his head.

His long and narrow black phoenix eyes became more intimidating under the light of the light, as if it were a black gemstone with excellent texture, which attracted people to fall into it.

"Late tonight, this matter seems to me to be inseparable, are my favorite and only woman, praying to be the child of my favorite life, you say I will not Are you excited?"

It's not only the exaggerated expressions written on the face, or the gestures of dancing and preaching, that is called excitement.

His inner turmoil is definitely not half a minute later than Su.

He even thought about it. If the DNA test of Qiran came out, which was very different from himself and Su Wan, what would happen then?

It is inevitable to still accept the prayer, but how to comfort Su Wan becomes difficult.

Now, he and Su Wan have a baby with bone and blood.

He and Su Wan's children.

Inherited everything he and Su Wan had.

Jiang Xuecheng suddenly felt that life was so wonderful, and his life seemed to be complete.

Nothing else.


Su Wan suddenly fell silent when he saw Jiang Xuecheng.

In fact, she understood what Jiang Xuecheng meant.

It's just that she doesn't have as good skills as Jiang Xuecheng. She really wants to go home now and hug the cute child!

She and Jiang Xuecheng's children! Baby boy!

Jiang Xuecheng saw Su Wan's appearance as a soul wandering around the world, and guessed her thoughts.

Jiang Xuecheng shook his head helplessly, covering the scalded area of ​​Su Wan with cotton a little bit and drenching the potion.

"Today and tomorrow, your wounds can't touch water, and you can't wear clothes that cover your calves."

Su Wan casually nodded his head, and his words were the name of Qiran.

"Pray that he..."

Jiang Xuecheng seemed to have expected that Su Wan would continue to mention the little guy. He collected all the medicine boxes one by one, and then slowly stood up.

Jiang Xuecheng moved closer to Su Wan, and the distance was getting closer and closer, making Su Wan somewhat unclear what he was going to do.

Only the heartbeat accelerated, and there was a loud noise.

"Late, I know you want to pray, we will go back now, and then I will accompany you on two days off."

Jiang Xuecheng's slightly hot breath fell on Su Wan's face. He held Su Wan's face, as if holding a rare treasure, with a compassionate look.

Su Wan looked at him in a daze.

"Go back now? Two days off?... But the company isn't..."

Jiang Xuecheng smiled, his voice firm as a rock.

"Nothing is more important than being happy."

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