The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1054: It's better to take advantage of this!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Why do so many people surround Aunt Song's door? !

Why do so many people have a sad expression? !

A terrifying thought flashed across Ye Linlang's mind.

Ye Linlang's complexion turned pale, but it was still very hot, but Ye Linlang felt cold.

It seems that in a few cold days, people once again poured a pot of ice water until they were cold to the bottom of their feet.

No, she doesn't believe it.

It must not be what you think!

Granny said that good people will live for centuries. A good person like Granny is the best and best person Lin Lang has ever seen in this world. Why is there something wrong?

Don't scare yourself, grandma will be fine! !

The thin little girl just dropped the schoolbag and rushed past like crazy!

"Give up! Give up!"

The people around were shocked by the scene when Ye Linlang rushed over.

The girl who usually seemed silent was like a wild animal at the moment!

Whispering around suddenly.

Even in a sympathetic voice, there are many people who are pointing at Ye Linlang who is standing.

"Look, it's this disaster star. It's not enough to kill your younger brother. You have to blame the Song Apo family!"

"Yeah yeah, how could this girl be so disappointed!"

"After Granny Song adopted her, her only son and daughter-in-law died shortly afterwards, but Granny Song didn't believe in evil, and she still wanted to keep this little disaster star by her side, let's see it! It's all killed!"


So many people's voices, but Ye Linlang seemed to hear nothing and see nothing, only the weak figure paralyzed on the chair in front.

Song's grandma's head and hands and feet drooped weakly. Her face after long years was already covered with wrinkles. She closed her eyes and her face and lips were abnormally pale.

No, no, no, Grandma just fell asleep.

How could Grandma abandon her and leave alone?

Granny clearly promised herself that she will live for a hundred years.

The heart seems to have been bitten by some insects, and it is full of holes and pains.

Granny, this joke is not funny at all.

Granny, are you awakening?

Lin Lang promised you that he would study hard in the future and would go to school obediently in the future.


Ye Linlang only felt that his steps seemed to be heavy and heavier. Every step he took was difficult.

Those people looked at the little girl with a silent face on the weekdays, and walked to the body of the Song family's grandmother, and hugged her tightly and tightly.

Ye Linlang's knees softened, and he knelt down stiffly in front of Song's grandma.

"Grandma, don't you scare me, OK? Lin Lang is timid, Lin Lang will be afraid..."

In an instant, tears fell like water that had opened the valve.

One drop at a time, so hot that Ye Linlang panicked.

But Granny's body was a diaphanous cold.

No temperature at all.

Ye Linlang passed the clothes of the Song family's grandmother with two patches, and did not care about the fact that the other party was dead, rubbing in vain in the old man's arms.

The sixteen-year-old girl's eyes were red and astringent, her tears flowing.

Why is Granny so cold?

Will it be better if it is warm?

Ye Linlang thought so stubbornly and immediately hugged the temperatureless body of Song's grandmother tighter.

"Grandma, grandma... don't leave Lin Lang, OK, you don't mean Lin Lang is the best girl in the world, don't leave Lin Lang, OK."

"Lin Lang is the only one in this world. If you scare me like this, I will really be scared."

"Grandma don't go... don't go..."

Ye Linlang's voice was hoarse, and it was so desperate without hope.

The haze that covered the sky seemed to cover the girl.

However, no one felt heartache for her.


Everyone looked at this scene dumbfounded, and even some people who watched the movie took a subconscious step back.

Obviously I didn't expect Ye Linlang to be so daring, and even dare to hug a dead body!

"Look at that little disaster star, it is apparently that she killed Granny Song's grandmother, and she dared to say that Granny don't go!"

"That's...who looks at the strange infiltrators, who would hold a corpse!"


At the moment when there was a lot of discussion, the village elder Li of Xiaoshan Village came.

The village is extremely small and remote, so it looks like a big family.

Basically, every major household has any major issues that cannot be determined and must be managed by the village head.

Lao Li passed the people who watched the opera in Song Apo's house. When she saw the little girl holding Song Apo's body in the room, she also subconsciously widened her eyes.

I feel so good.

However, after all, Li has some culture, so it will not be so chaotic.

"Song Granny is gone, Ye Linlang, you can't hold it like this, like what you look like, you'll come down soon."

The thin and weak girl didn't seem to hear it, her eyes were red, and she kept holding Grandma Song's body.

The air began to freeze.

Because the village is backward, and people here generally believe in the eight-character, five-element, retribution, etc., they generally do not like Ye Linlang.

The reason is that Ye Linlang is said to have a very hard character, killing many people. The first is her brother, who died before birth.

No, since being sent to Xiaohuang Village, he has killed the son and daughter-in-law of Song's grandmother, and now even Song's grandmother has not escaped!

The village elder suddenly frowned, and he did not like this girl very much. Now that Granny Song is dead, it is best to be able to drive this little disaster star out of this village.

Anyway, in addition to Song Apo, the whole village has no one willing to adopt her.

Ye Linlang's biological parents are quite rich people, it is better to take a stroke!


Village elder Li made a good idea, and immediately snorted at Ye Linlang.

"Hurry, give me me. I dragged her away, everyone is dead, thought he could be brought back to life with a corpse?!"

The head of the village is very prestigious here. Soon, two men of five, three, and three thicknesses came forward, and they stepped forward to pull Ye Linlang's arm.

Under the restraint of two big men, Ye Linlang's eyes turned red and he still struggled.

"No! Granny is clearly not dead! You can't separate me from Granny!"

The onlookers sneered in disdain.

Ye Linlang was just a 16-year-old ordinary girl. Where there was such great strength, she watched the village chief looking for someone to take Grandma's body away.

Ye Linlang sat stunned on the ground, his heart hurt like a stabbing.

Granny, no more.

Home, gone...

She has nothing left...

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