The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1055: Flying on branches to be a phoenix

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In front of the tombstone of Song Apo, Ye Linlang wore a filial dress made of linen and knelt in the rain for a night.

Unsurprisingly, Ye Linlang was sick. Although it was only a minor illness of the cold, he coughed slowly.

But no one came to see her.

Everyone heard Ye Linlang's coughing, and without exception were disgusted, as if afraid of being contaminated with the germs on this disaster star.

It's just late September. Ye Linlang is in the second semester of high school. This semester has just passed half a month.

However, Ye Linlang had the idea of ​​suspending school.

Every time in school, the glances that are not good intentions, and the chilling comments, always make Ye Linlang feel sad.

When it was time for school again, Ye Linlang dragged the schoolbag silently and stepped back in the shadow of the setting sun.

Before I left the school gate, I heard a long list of comments.

It seemed that the sun would leave Ye Linlang nothing.

"Look at you, it's Ye Linlang in Grade One and Grade Two! I heard that no one dared to do the same with her in Grade One and Grade Two!"

"It's a big name! Who dares to be at the same table as Little Disaster unless it's dead!"

"I heard that her father and mother had killed her own brother, so her father and mother threw her to Xiaohuang Village!"

"Poor Granny Song, what a grandmother, so kind and nice to adopt such a white-eyed wolf, now it's okay..."


Those youthful voices sound so harsh at the moment.

Ye Linlang pulled the strap of the schoolbag silently, and left a little nervously.

The injury of adolescence always seems so painful.

Even just a buzzword is enough to make a girl feel inferior.

Not to mention such overwhelming exclusion.

That's right, Ye Linlang has a low self-esteem.

She was like a little snail, with a hard shell, she resisted those injuries, but said nothing.


Ye Linlang returned to Song Apo's house.

Song Apo no longer has relatives, plus the family can almost be said to be the walls of the house, and even some places will leak when it rains, so no one covets this Weibo heritage.

Simply let Ye Linlang live alone in this small broken house.

Ye Linlang counted the remaining coins in the money box and suddenly felt dazed about the future.

She didn't know where Granny usually came from for money.

It is said that her parents will regularly give money to grandma, but it is obvious that it is less every year.

It seems that the daughter has also been forgotten.

In addition, when Ye Linlang was seven years old, Granny Song’s son and daughter-in-law died unexpectedly in the field, and burial expenses, freight, and human resources alone went to Granny Song’s savings for most of her life.

Therefore, Song Apo's situation is getting more and more difficult. The root cause of the disease that has fallen in her early years has not been cured. Ye Linlang cried anxiously, but there is no way.

Ye Linlang didn't know if he had eaten this meal and whether there was another meal.

But she didn't know who her parents were and what contact details she had.

In fact, Ye Linlang was stubborn in her heart. She knew that her parents really didn't want her, so to find them in this way was nothing but shame.

Therefore, Ye Linlang intends to wait until she finishes reading this September book, then she will leave school and go out to work.

Relying on the remaining meager money, buy a ticket and go to work in a big city.

In fact, she knew that 16-year-old was a child laborer, but could she at least wash dishes and dishes?

In Xiaohuang Village, without Song Apo, it seems that there are signs of sadness everywhere.

And the people here, even if she wants to be a helper, because her character is too hard, no one wants her.

Ye Linlang sat silently in the yard, holding her knees in both hands, and conceived the future in a daze.

Then... drop out of school.

At such a difficult time, the sixteen-year-old girl never thought of using death to end her life.

the reason is simple.

Granny said that life is lovely, and to respect your body and skin, you must not suddenly seek death for anything.

Granny Granny, Lin Lang listens to you.

Can you come back

Lin Lang missed you so much, really missed it.


Ye Linlang held his knees with both hands, and finally couldn't help but buried his head in his knees.

There was a cold liquid, which just oozed down.

The evening wind was a little cold, and the girl wept mournfully, tears wet her clothes.

As soon as September ends, go to work...

Ye Linlang thought so.

While Ye Linlang was hesitating, he suddenly heard a footstep in front of him.

Ye Linlang stunned, but saw the village elder Li standing at the gate of the courtyard, looking at her with a smile, very proud.

"Ye Linlang, your father and mother called and said they would pick you up back in the big city! How about it! Happy or not!"

Ye Linlang had never seen the village chief smile at her.

Wait... Mom and Dad?

Want to take her back to the big city?

Ye Linlang was dazed by the sudden "good news".

Ye Linlang stood up hesitantly, not knowing why it was awkward.

Will a parent who has never nurtured her in sixteen years and has never treated her indifferently really want her?

"The village head, I don't want to go back."

Hearing Ye Linlang's resistance, the village elder Li suddenly opened his eyes.

Hey, this dead girl!

The smile on the village elder Li's face collapsed!

He hurriedly pushed open the door of the courtyard, wishing he could slap Ye Linlang.

"I said Ye Linlang, don't give your face shame, such a good opportunity, fly to the branches to be a phoenix, do you know who your parents are?! Do you dare not go back!"

In fact, the real intention of the village elder Li is very simple. After Ye Linlang’s parents agreed to go back, they would sponsor 10,000 yuan for the burial of the grandmother of Song’s family, and then give him 5,000 hard work!

Of course Lao Li will directly devour both of these money!

Huh, Granny Song is already in the ground, and you still want to ask for the money, no way!

In fact, at the time, Li Li also called Ye Linlang's parents with a try mentality. After all, Ye Linlang was a disaster star, otherwise they would not abandon her.

So Lao Li wondered if they wanted Ye Linlang, and now the ending is very happy, how good!

Even this dead girl is stubborn!


The village elder Li once again advised Ye Linlang on the left, and another onslaught of war.

Ye Linlang finally changed his attitude reluctantly.

That night, Ye Linlang stared at the jade jade Buddha in the palm of his hand in a daze under the moonlight.

It is very inferior and inferior jade. It is estimated that two or three hundred stalls can be bought at the roadside.

But Ye Linlang is very cherished.

This is the 16th birthday gift given to Ye Linlang by Song Apo.

Say it will bless Ye Linlang's life.

Ye Linlang's eyes were astringent.

Granny, I'm going to see my mom and dad. You said, will they like me?

Under the pale moonlight, the inferior jadeite jade Buddha showed a quiet color, silently.

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