The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1097: She is not so easy to bully!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

The few girls talked about it in a hurry, but did not expect the person to be here!

They looked at Ye Linlang in amazement, and a girl even took a step back in fright!

This feeling of being caught on the spot is a horror!

"Ye Linlang, you are there too, ha..."

A girl with a cute haircut scratched her hair, pretending nothing happened and looked at Ye Linlang.

And Ye Linlang doesn't eat them at all!

I just said one by one that she was mean and shameless. Now that she is here, you want to think that everything she said before is air?

no way!

Ye Linlang is not such a bully girl!

She stepped forward and stood suddenly in front of the girl.

"Is it fun to talk about other people's bad things behind your back? You don't understand anything, so why put a person on a post of shame!"

The height of each other is almost the same, but the girl with cute hair is inexplicably guilty, and feels that Ye Linlang seems to be condescending.

The girl grabbed a handful of hair pretendingly, and finally began to beat Haha in the past.

"Cough, Ye Linlang, you must have heard it wrong. Where have we said your bad things? We just talked about Ye Siyao?"

The female classmates next to her seemed to have found confidence, and quickly echoed.

"That's right, who talked about you?"

"You have poor hearing?"

Ye Linlang was anxious, but she didn't expect that she had caught a current one, and these people dare to deny it!

Ye Linlang turned on the faucet, and when Ye Linlang was so angry that he wanted to pour water on those people's faces, he suddenly heard Richard Kleman's piano music ring in his ear!

Actually the preparation bell for class!

In the afternoon, there is another English lesson from the class teacher, so you must go back in time!

The few girls couldn't care about the dispute with Ye Linlang, and fled in haste.

It was just when I went back that I was running and talking quietly. Ye Linlang was dead and his heart was smaller than the pinhole. I really don’t know why Jiang Qiran wanted to protect her!


Ye Linlang stepped into the classroom of Class A of Grade One in the last ten seconds of the end of the class bell.

It's a minute faster than the class teacher.

Yin Zihan, who had been sleeping for a long time today, was finally awake at this time.

He propped his arms and sneered at Ye Linlang's gasping face.

"Are you rushing to reincarnate? What if you're late? The class teacher won't eat you."

Ye Linlang heard the words and gave him a blank speech.

"You are just talking coldly. You son of your school director, don't say you are late, you violate the school discipline rules every day, and you don't see how the class teacher and principal treat you, but ordinary people like us are different. "

Yin Zihan heard Ye Linlang's words, he raised his eyebrows with interest, and his voice was a little pleasant.

"So you still know that Master Ben's identity is different from that of ordinary people like you."

Ye Linlang heard Yin Zihan's words and suddenly got goose bumps all over!

She has never seen a boy more narcissistic than Yin Zihan!

While Yin Zihan saw Ye Linlang pouting, suddenly thought of another important thing.

"Ye Linlang, today I woke up and heard that they all said that you are Ye Siyao's sister, wouldn't you really have anything to do with Ye Siyao? You look so ordinary, you just wore it so badly when you first came to school, really not Like!"

Ye Linlang heard Yin Zihan's words and almost vomited blood three liters!

Why did Yin Zihan ask questions, ask her to belittle her!

"What about it?"

Just when Ye Linlang returned angrily, teacher Zhao's eyes suddenly swept over here, with a full warning meaning!

"Some classmates don't go too far! Do you really think I can't hear?"

Ye Linlang heard a stagnation, and immediately ignored Yin Zihan's scum. She shrank her head down and tried to narrow her presence.

When Yin Zihan saw Ye Linlang as long as she faced the class teacher, she was so bored that the mice looked like cats.

Yin Zihan really didn't want to attend the class, he immediately reached out and poked Ye Linlang's arm.

"What's the matter with class talking for a day? Why are you so afraid of the class teacher!"

Ye Linlang saw Yin Zihan move his foot like this again, and he was desperate in his heart.

Did you clearly talk about this last time? !

"Don't touch it!"

She immediately pushed Yin Zihan away angrily!

And Yin Zihan knows where, in all her subjects, she counts the most scum in English and mathematics. The only difference is that she can barely pass in mathematics, but English is really like listening to heavenly books, and the questions are completely blind!

Yin Zihan frowned when she saw Ye Linlang resisting herself so much.

"Why do you look like a fierce woman? I didn't want you. Haven't you all gone through the men's locker room? What a pretense!"

Ye Linlang heard Yin Zihan's words of straight male cancer and almost wanted to drop the English book directly on Yin Zihan's face!

In fact, Ye Linlang was more concerned. Yin Zihan just talked, but his character was not so bad.

Unfortunately, since the Xiaohuang-Book incident, Ye Linlang's impression of Yin Zihan has been negative!

"Dogs bark!"

Ye Linlang responded coldly with Yin Zihan.

Yin Zihan heard words for a while, but when he wanted to say something, he saw the head teacher suddenly came to this side!

As a class teacher, English teacher Zhao is almost crazy by Yin Zihan and Ye Linlang!

Probably because she felt that Yin Zihan could not provoke her, so she spread all her anger on Ye Linlang!

"Ye Linlang, I have warned you once without saying the name, why do you want to chat with the same table!"

"Is there such a good chat?! Let's talk about the content of your chat with our entire class? Or is it that you deliberately disturb my progress of the class?! Is it fun to despise the dignity of the teacher?"

Ye Linlang heard Teacher Zhao's name, and suddenly his face flushed.

She was anxious in her heart and suddenly panicked to explain.

"Teacher Zhao, I didn't mean it. I really didn't want to disturb you in class, I was wrong."

However, Mr. Zhao didn't want to ignore Ye Linlang's apology at all. She was upset when she saw the girl now.

Because of Ye Linlang's posts on the forum, she has been asked by the principal to talk to her!

Even though it was later clarified that Ye Linlang was innocent, Mr. Zhao had already seen Ye Linlang as unpleasant.

The head teacher looked at Ye Linlang coldly, his voice angry.

"Okay, since you said you didn’t do it on purpose, then you can read the cloze I just talked about and tell everyone what Chinese means!"

Ye Linlang suddenly panicked!

Her spoken language is worse than written answers!

How to do? !

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