The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1098: Only help me with her brain!

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Ye Linlang looked at the class teacher with anxiety. She grabbed the corner of her dress and filled her face with panic.

"Teacher Zhao, I'm really wrong. I really don't know much about this. Can I change someone?"

Seeing Ye Linlang's uneasy appearance, the class teacher felt a little relieved!

She snorted immediately, and there was no room for discussion.

"No! I want you to read it, but you just read a cloze and translate it again. It's such a simple thing! Why, don't you think I'm embarrassing you?"

Ye Linlang bit her lip, her face flushed more and more red.

"Okay, teacher, then I will try to read it. If there are mistakes or inaccurate pronunciation, I hope you will not be surprised."


Teacher Zhao saw Ye Linlang subdued, and his heart flashed with infinite pleasure!

Students should look like students!

What is Ye Linlang?

She secretly asked the boys who were in the same class before they sneaked into the men's locker room. They all saw it with their own eyes!

A girl's family, study hard and study hard. Why is it so cheap, just want to attract Jiang Qiran's attention?

I thought Jiang Qiran was also worthy of her!

I don't take a mirror to see who I am!

And the most uncomfortable thing for the head teacher, Ye Linlang not only provokes Jiang Qiran, but also plays with Yin Zihan so intimately during class!

It's shameless!

If the girls are like Ye Linlang now, how do you control it!

It's simply to lose their face in Grade A of Grade One!

Because Ye Linlang's poor English scores, coupled with the recent incidents, in the heart of the class teacher, Ye Linlang has become the image of a little girl!

Therefore, the class teacher deliberately wanted to frustrate Ye Linlang's sharpness!

Let her know how to be a student!


And over there, Ye Linlang took a deep breath and began to recite the cloze that was not too difficult.

"Hty, butshestilldroveheroldcarlikeawomanhalfherage..."

Ye Linlang stumblingly read those English words, but only the first sentence at the beginning, she felt that her scalp was tingling for a while, and she could not continue at all!

The education resources in Xiaohuang Village are scarce, especially in foreign languages. Even the teacher said that this kind of foreign devil's book is so difficult to learn, that even the class is completely inattentive.

It would be strange if Ye Linlang could learn well in this environment!


And Ye Linlang just said the first sentence. That strange English accent, which did not know what tone was mixed, suddenly caused a lot of laughter!

"God, what Ye Linlang is reading! I don't understand!"

"It's so funny! The first sentence is so simple, elementary school students will, why did Ye Linlang read it as a stutter?!"

"Laughing to me! I heard Ye Linlang reading English, I think it's really spicy ears, is she coming to be funny?"

"What's the accent of ten miles and eight townships? The country gangster is the country gangster. If I were Ye Siyao, I don't want to admit that I have such a shameful sister!"


The ridicule was like a knife, chopped heavily on Ye Linlang's heart.

She never knew that she could not read English well, and in the eyes of these noble school children, it would be such an extremely disgraceful thing.

Yes, most of them often go abroad to collect styles even if they do not study abroad. Spoken English is indeed not comparable to hers.

However, do you stutter while reading English, because of poor English grades, should they be laughed at by these people?

The whole class looked at her, both men and women, almost everyone's eyes were unabashedly ridiculed.

With a certain pride of self-indulgence in identity, it seems as if they are in a class with Ye Linlang, which is tarnishing their noble identity.

At that moment, Ye Linlang felt as if she was standing on a cliff above a thousand meters, and there was a vast void underneath. As long as she took a step forward, she could crush her bones.

Such isolation is really sad.

Ye Linlang closed his eyes, and suddenly felt that his eyes were slightly hot. Even those with low self-esteem have the pride of her in their bones.

Ye Lin stopped studying abruptly. She looked fixedly at the teacher Zhao who disliked her. Her voice was a little astringent, but she was also very firm.

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I really can't read anymore. Please change people."

Ye Linlang said one word at a time, she was very firm, just wanted to let Teacher Zhao understand her misery.

However, when the class teacher saw Ye Linlang's grievances, he felt uncomfortable these days but felt a vent.

——It seems that Ye Linlang is still a little ashamed, and she should really be disciplined, and don’t let her discredit Class A of Grade One!

As long as he thought that he might lose the management fee of the class teacher because of this young girl, Mr. Zhao was furious.

She looked at Ye Linlang coldly, her voice decisive.

"You can't read it if you can't read it! How to do it halfway! Everyone in our class is waiting to hear what you say! Ye Linlang, I believe no one but you is willing to read such a simple thing?"

The head teacher's words, like a fierce slap, directly slapped on Ye Linlang's face.

Ye Linlang looked at Teacher Zhao somewhat helplessly.

No matter how stupid she is, she can hear the teacher's badness towards herself.

It was indeed wrong for her to argue with Yin Zihan just before class, but she apologized and promised not to commit again. Why is this happening?

Ye Linlang didn't know that at the time, what she did these days was enough to make the class teacher feel unhappy. After all, blocking people and making money is not so fun.

Even if Ye Linlang didn't even think about his own things, it would have so many consequences.

The head teacher saw Ye Linlang's dull look, and then swept the class carelessly.

"Ye Linlang said that she didn't want to read any of them. Are any of you willing to read this cloze for her?"

The head teacher's voice did not fall, almost all the class burst into laughter, and then everyone unanimously rejected!

"Not willing!"

"Whoever has a brain pit will be willing!"

"I'm willing to see ghosts!"

Most of the talking is girls, jealous that Ye Linlang can be so close to Jiang Qiran, and is also at the same table as Yin Zihan. Her "lucky man" seems to have committed public anger.

Although the boys basically had no hatred or complaint with Ye Linlang, they were all waiting for Ye Linlang to joke.

Life in high school is too boring. Isn't it fun to have someone come out like a clown to entertain the public?


Ye Linlang heard the mocking voices and suddenly found that she had been isolated, even if she didn't know why!

The hands under her sleeves clenched tightly, just as she was about to forcibly read the cloze.

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in the class.

"I read for her."

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