The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1285: Ye Linlang is ugly!

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Xia Qianqian gritted her teeth, and a trace of scarlet appeared in her beautiful eyes.

She really did not expect that one day she would even lose her academic performance to Ye Linlang!

What a shame!

Even now, Xia Qianqian can't believe Ye Linlang's 30th place in the school is true!

It seems that she should let her teacher name more Ye Linlang to do math problems!

What kind of good luck did a girl who was ordinary in all aspects enrolled in school actually crush her head step by step? !

Xia Qianqian remembered that sometimes she saw Ye Linlang holding the title of the Olympiad in her hand and asked Jiang Qiran very seriously. At that time, she felt ridiculous.

Now I want to come, does Ye Linlang really make such great progress? Even if there were, it must have come from Jiang Qiran’s hard work and dedication to her, right?

If she could follow Jiang Qiran to learn these things, how could she be inferior to Ye Linlang's idiot from the country!

Xia Qianqin thought more and more that there was a nameless fire in her heart. She even remembered the days when she and Jiang Qiran were sitting at the same table. She wanted to follow Jiang Qiran in the name of winning honors for the class, but at that time Jiang Qi What does Ran say? !

She refused her completely mercilessly!

Why can Ye Linlang be treated like this!

She must treat Ye Linlang well!

Even if Jiang Qiran is not robbed, Ye Linlang's wild girl from the country must taste some bitterness!

And the sports meeting is a good opportunity!


Xia Qianqin's mind was filled with an emotion called jealousy. She gritted her teeth, not even the usual appearance of a beautiful lady.

A few of the boys who admired Xia Qianqian on the next day saw her like this, and they were frightened and looked at each other.

How do you feel... Xia Qianqian's appearance is now a bit infiltrating!

A boy asked Xia Qianqin with some trembling.

"Xia Damei, are you okay? Why do you"

Originally he wanted to speak horror directly, but he dared not say it in the end.

Xia Qianqian returned to her with a smile, and immediately realized that the way she just gritted her teeth did not match the image of her lady.

She looked at the boys who had special dog legs to her on weekdays, but suddenly her eyes suddenly turned red and became extremely innocent.

"I... I'm just dissatisfied that my classmates just said me like that... Isn't I not working hard enough? How could I be worse than Ye Linlang's kind..."

The boys had loved Xia Qianqian for a long time. When Xia Qianqian was crying, all the previous feelings of seeping were directly thrown out of Jiu Xiaoyun. Instead, they immediately lowered Ye Linlang to Xia Qianqian and wanted to win the goddess's joy.

"Qianqian beautiful woman, don't you be sad for Jiang Qiran's kind of person, he was confused by Ye Linlang at first glance! Ye Linlang can't compare with you!"

"Yeah, compared to you, that Ye Linlang is a dogtail grass in my eyes! No, no, not even dogtail grass!"

A boy nodded deeply.

"Let me say, Jiang Qiran, no matter how powerful he is, it's not a good idea to pick up his girlfriend. Qian Qian, beautiful woman, why do you have to hang on a crooked neck tree, I don't think I'm better than Jiang Qiran How much worse!"

The boy also lowered Jiang Qiran by the way, thinking that he could openly say that the school's school grass and learning god, he proudly lifted his chin, did not know that his fart on the horse's legs.

Xia Qianqian heard the words of the boys here, and the tearful beautiful eyes suddenly became dark!

"Who said that Jiang Qiran had a crooked neck tree! Even if he is not good, will you dump your ten streets?"

Xia Qianqin snorted coldly, and immediately walked towards the teaching building where Class A of Grade One was located.

The few boys left looked at each other, I don't know how I provoke the nerve of this big school!

Hey, they are helping Xia Qianqian!


Xia Qianqin returned to the classroom in Class A of the first grade of high school, and raised her eyes, noticing the pair of young men and women near the window on the far right of the classroom.

Ye Linlang seems to be happy about the first 30 grades. A pair of eyes with water spirits are even brighter than the stars.

Jiang Qiran just bent his lips lightly, watching Ye Linlang chattering nonstop.

It should have been a very pleasing picture, but it stung Xia Qianqian's eyes!

Why can Ye Linlang be treated specially by Jiang Qiran!

Is she any better than Ye Linlang?

Xia Qianqin was filled with grievances, and she immediately walked to her seat and began to find the registration book for the games.

The A-level of the first grade of high school is a preparatory key science class. At first, it was originally more men than women, so when the sports meeting came, women's sports events were particularly lacking in registration.

After all, few girls like physical exercise and their physical fitness is not good, it is good to be able to participate in a long jump!

That kind of running event, especially the 800m event, no one has signed up yet!

The teacher in charge of the class, Mr. Zhao, is in a dilemma. If it wasn't possible, it would be empty. Anyway, academic performance is the highest standard for the teacher's bonus and evaluation.

Since Jiang Qiran took the first grade twice and even took the second place so much, the principals publicly praised Teacher Zhao twice during the meeting, and Mr. Zhao almost couldn't close his mouth.


At the beginning, teacher Zhao said to Xia Qianqian that if the women's event was dissatisfied, at least the 4×100 relay race in the run was still reported, and 800 meters would not be difficult for Xia Qianqian to mobilize.

Now, Xia Qianqian has changed his mind!

Huh, of course she knows that Ye Linlang's physique is not very good, it seems that it is not bad to push the 800-meter mess on Ye Linlang!

By the time she ran so slowly, the whole school could see Ye Linlang's jokes!

Xia Qianqian even thought about whether to go to the shop to buy a bottle of mixed mineral water and put some diarrhea to see how Ye Linlang will be ugly when the time comes!

Since Ye Linlang didn't feel better, why did she make Ye Linlang feel better!


Xia Qianqian's eyes flashed a fierce light, and her eyes concealed the anger, and then quickly found the registration document for the games from her desk!

She walked step by step to the podium and waved to everyone to be quiet.

"Quiet everyone! I want to talk about an important thing!"

"what's up?"

Xia Qianqian bit her lip corner, she was embarrassed with embarrassment on her face, as if very embarrassed.

"It's about the games. No one has signed up at 800 meters in our class, but three girls must join in. Everyone... do you want to sign up?"

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