The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1286: God does not make beauty

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Xia Qianqian's words just fell, but all of a sudden, the few girls in the whole class exploded!

What a joke!

As for their little broken legs, they usually feel tired after jogging for a lap during early exercise, not to mention this kind of award for competing for 800 meters!

The following twitter is like boiling water, Xia Qianqian is quite satisfied with this effect.

She knocked on the desk with a blackboard eraser, and finally brought everyone's attention back to her side.

"Everyone be quiet? There are a total of three places in the women's 800 meters. Don't you really want to sign up?"

"If other classes see our class A in high school when no one is participating in the women's 800, then maybe they will look down on class A!"

"Classmates, whether you can get honor is not the most important thing. The important thing is do you want other classes to see our jokes?"

Xia Qianqian is best at hiding his intentions under another guise.

Soon, the voice in the class quieted down, and everyone was a little ashamed by Xia Qianqin's exhilarating expression.

However, when thinking of running a 800-meter race in the open-air stadium of ten thousand people, all the girls began to look at each other again, and everyone dared to raise their hands to compete.

Class honors, in fact, that's why Xia Qianqian and class teacher Zhao can still force themselves to go!


Xia Qianqian saw no one vocalize, her lips and lips could not help but evoked a somewhat strange smile.

Realizing this, she immediately pursed her lip corner again, pretending to be a little embarrassed to propose to the class.

"If everyone is unwilling to go, then I can only order people randomly in our class!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere boiled!

What a joke!

What if I get clicked?

A girl who had signed up for the women's high jump suddenly stood up weakly.

"Xia Xuexue, I... I have already signed up for the high, can we allow people like us who already have sports to be eliminated from the random list directly!"

As soon as these words fell, many girls applauded in an instant.

"Yes! Flourishing! I have also signed up for women's shots!"

"I am me! I signed up for the 4×100 relay race! Flourishing, I'm going to run, don't let me run again!"

"I also signed up for two hundred meters!"

Ye Linlang heard the sounds around him, and immediately frowned at Xiu Mei.

Hey, how does it feel that there are really not many girls in the class. If you count those who have already had sports, it seems that there are really few people in the class who can participate in the competition!

Ye Linlang's teeth bite...

Why does she think this situation is very bad!

Feeling sure to fall on your head?

Ye Linlang looked at Xia Qianqian in a suspicious way. Who thought that the beautiful **** the podium seemed to notice Ye Linlang's sight, and she smiled at Ye Linlang very secretly.

Ye Linlang was numbed by Xia Qianqian's scalp.

Just when she was frightened, she suddenly heard Xia Qianqin speak very sincerely.

"Okay! Qianqian doesn't want everyone to take on so many projects alone! But in this case, there aren't many people in the class, so next, let me just count one myself!"

Xia Qianqian's voice was still falling, and the whole class was shocked!

Goodness, the beautiful and delicate Xia beauty, who was actually ready to take the lead, said the first to participate in a 800-meter run!

I don't know who brought the head first, and there was a burst of applause from the class!

Can't calm down for a long time!

This moment of public attention has greatly satisfied Xia Qianqian's vanity.

She was very satisfied with the effect she had created, her lips were bent, like a somewhat embarrassed opening.

"Everyone don't have to applaud me, after all, it is for the honor of our class A, this is what we should do!"

Xia Qianqian said this beautifully, and immediately brushed the favor of many people, especially boys!

And those female classmates who don’t have any sports are embarrassed. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if they were so big that a high hat was buckled up, and they would be clicked by then, even if they refused?

Everyone regrets it now. If I knew it was like this, I should have reported a few easier projects!

For example, what are long jumps, women's shots and the like.

Xia Qianqin looked around, and suddenly his eyes fell on Ye Linlang.

She looked at Ye Linlang cautiously, a very pleading look.

"Ye Linlang, I remember you didn't seem to have reported any sports? Can you participate in this competition on behalf of our class A?"

Ye Linlang felt that something was bad when Xia Qianqian looked at herself. When he heard his name from Xia Qianqian's mouth, he felt even darker.

God knows that her sports have always been on the edge of passing and failing!

"I... I run poorly..."

When she stood up calmly, just thinking of a way to refuse, Xia Qianqian spoke again.

"It doesn't matter! As long as there are three people in our class, I'll report it all!"

Under the eyes of all eyes, Ye Linlang felt that she was not coming to Taiwan.

Jiang Qiran sat next to Ye Linlang and immediately frowned.

He squinted slightly and shook his head at Ye Linlang, indicating that she didn't need to hit a swollen face to become fat.

Seeing Ye Linlang's retreat, the boys knew that Ye Linlang and Xia Qianqian were not right, but they started to coax.

"Ye Linlang, wouldn't you have any sense of class honor?"

"That's it! See how brave our Xia beauty is!"

I don't know what the mentality is, and Ye Linlang gritted his teeth, and finally nodded!

"Okay! Just run, but I can't guarantee that I will be ranked!"

Jiang Qiran agreed that after seeing Ye Linlang being punished, he immediately frowned deeper.

Sometimes, Ye Linlang is too strong.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Xia Qianqian's lip angle smile arc increased, and she immediately happily ordered another female student in the class randomly.

That female classmate was also very reluctant, but Xia Qianqin was like this, if she flinched, it would not be nice to speak.

No one knows that Xia Qianqian is nothing but a white wolf with empty gloves!

She would never go to the 800 meters, she was all right, and she would pretend to be her aunt when the time came, who would run 800 with Ye Linlang!


Ye Linlang was kept in the dark, begging Jiang Qiran to urge her to run, hoping that by the time 800 don’t lose, it was too ugly.

Soon, Friday arrived.

The annual sports meeting of Lingyun High School starts here!

Ye Linlang hoped that it would be a rainy day. He could drag it for a while, but he didn’t make beauty, even the sun was shining, and there was nothing even the wind!

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