The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1287: Standing so as not to cause back pain

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

The sky is high and the clouds are low, the sun is shining brightly, the autumn rain is lingering a few days ago, and today can be said to be a rare good weather since autumn.

Half an hour before the 800-meter race began, Ye Linlang was so distraught that he couldn't stop looking at the runway.

Ooo, why not run 800 meters on the small playground, but it is an open-air people stadium!

Obviously the distance is the same, but psychologically, Ye Linlang always feels that the runway of the Ten Thousand People Stadium is much longer, giving her a feeling that she will never run to the end.


When Jiang Qiran saw Ye Linlang's appearance, she was helpless. The weather was very cool, but she glanced over and saw that Ye Linlang's head had oozed fine sweat.

"So nervous? Would you like me to buy you a bottle of water?"

Jiang Qiran raised his eyebrows and asked Ye Linlang.

Ye Linlang prayed to the river and shook his head.

"No need... what if you are more afraid of drinking water later?"


Xia Qianqian, who had been sitting in the back row of them, suddenly felt happy when he heard the conversation between Jiang Qiran and Ye Linlang!

But she had already bought many bottles of mineral water from the shop, and one of them was added with the kind of stomachache that kept thinking of going to the toilet.

That's right, Xia Qianqian just wanted to watch Ye Linlang be ugly!

Xia Qianqin was very happy, and immediately took several bottles of mineral water, and sent it to the athlete who had the competition number sign on the sportswear.


Xia Qianqian handed over three or five classmates. When it was Ye Linlang's turn, he also handed Ye Linlang a bottle. Only Xia Qianqian knew that the bottle of mineral water was different.

"Ye Linlang, you take a bottle, too, we bought it for the class fee without extra cost."

Ye Linlang couldn't help frowning when she saw Xia Qianqian's soft smile.

When did Xia Qianqin become so kind?

It's not that Ye Linlang had to use the heart of a villain to measure the abdomen of a gentleman, but she was miserable by Xia Qianqian's pit.

But if she refused Xia Qianqian here, she might be considered a chicken intestine.

Ye Linlang frowned, and reached for the bottle of mineral water that looked like no other.

"Thank you."

Ye Linlang still understands the principle of reaching out without making faces laugh.

Moreover, a bottle of mineral water was bought collectively in the class. Ye Linlang naturally did not think that Xia Qianqian was so desperate and mad, and she would do this kind of thing specifically for her.


When Xia Qianqian saw Ye Linlang reaching for the bottle of mineral water, the smile on his face became sweeter and more pleasant.

She walked step by step to the next classmate who participated in the sports meeting, and handed another bottle of past...

When Xia Qianqian finished sending all the mineral water back to his seat, he saw Ye Linlang and Jiang Jiang biting their ears, and the two people looked very intimate. The other people could see that they were a couple.

Xia Qianqian bit her teeth, her eyes were drooping, and she didn't want to be seen the kind of jealousy in her heart that was almost impossible to hide!

The bottle of mineral water she had just given to Ye Linlang was placed in front of Ye Linlang's stool. It seemed that Ye Linlang didn't mean to drink at all.

But Xia Qianqian was not in a hurry.

Huh, when Ye Linlang finished running 800 meters, when the whole person ran out of breath, then gave her such a bottle of "good stuff", Xia Qianqian did not believe Ye Yelang's half life!


Seeing that it would be eight hundred meters away in twenty minutes, Xia Qianqian's eyes dimmed, and his fashion was like a stomachache. Suddenly, there was a cry.

She looked at Wang Xiaoya, the life committee member next to her.

"Xiaoya, I feel a little stomachache..."

I don't know if it's too realistic or pretending. Xia Qianqian's face turned slightly pale, as if it was really painful.

Of course, Wang Xiaoya also knows that her friend, a charming Miss Dijin Qianjin, is unlikely to participate in a 800-meter run, so she immediately noticed.

"Qianqian, shouldn't you be the aunt suddenly? I remember you seemed to be at this time last month, what about your 800-meter run?"

When it comes to such a private matter in public, all the students in the class look towards this side.

A red cloud appeared on Xia Qianqian's face, as if to mention the great aunt was very embarrassed, and the voice was also shy.

"Should...should not! I will go to the bathroom first."

After talking, Xia Qianqian took the bag directly and walked quickly towards the bathroom


Ye Linlang heard a conversation between Life Commissioner Wang Xiaoya and Xia Qianqin, and her face suddenly looked strange.

How did she feel that Xia Qianqian and Wang Xiaoya sang together!

Such a big aunt, who would say so loudly in front of the class!

Ye Linlang suddenly seemed to catch something in her mind. She looked at Xia Qianqian's back and suddenly poked Jiang Qiran's arm.

She whispered in Jiang Qiran's ear.

" said you wouldn't wait for Xia Qianqian to come back, you said she really came to that one? Would she be a fake and generous nominee when she signed up a few days ago?"

Jiang Qiran looked at the girl in close proximity, the other star's eyes were ignorant, and looked dumbfounded.

He couldn't help laughing, but also plucked Ye Linlang's arm as he did.

"You only realized? Do you think that people like Xia Qianqin would like to lead the way?"

Ye Linlang pouted, suddenly a little bit angry!

Dare to love the whole class was deceived by Xia Qianqian!

At the beginning, many boys struggled to advocate how Xia Qianqian thought about the class. It is indeed the first goddess of class A!


However, Ye Linlang is different from Xia Qianqian. Xia Qianqian pretends to be the aunt. She can't leave temporarily?

Ye Linlang couldn't help but sigh, feeling that she was still too silly and sweet.

On the other side, Xia Qianqian soon returned from the direction of the school's public toilet.

As soon as she came back, she bent over in front of the class as if in extreme shame.

"Sorry everyone, I... I can't participate in the 800-meter race because of my health."

The whole class was suddenly in an uproar, but the boys who loved Xia Qianqian quickly defended her.

"It's okay, we all know that you didn't do it on purpose. Every girl comes here every month. It's so sudden that it's not your fault!"

Xia Qianxin nodded sincerely to the boy who defended her, and then thanked her.

"Thank you for your understanding, then it is hard for our classmates Ye Linlang and Lin Xiaoyan."


It's really nice!

It wasn’t her who broke her leg by then!

Ye Linlang couldn't help but curl her lips. She reached out and wanted to pick up the mineral spring in front of her stool to quench her thirst. At this time, the campus radio suddenly rang!

"The women's 800m race will start immediately! Please invite the students to report to the inspection office!"

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