The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1307: There will be babies...

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

With a buzz in Ye Linlang's head, he only felt that some string was broken at the moment Jiang Qiran came together!

Her eyelashes were trembling tremendously, and from the tip of her ears to her cheeks, an unstoppable rose red immediately appeared.

It is said that women's hearts are needles in the sea, but Ye Linlang didn't understand it until now. In fact, the boy's heart is the most difficult to figure out!

Was Jiang Qiran angry and wanted to block her noisy mouth, or did she really want to kiss her?

Ye Linlang didn't think very clearly, and Jiang Qiran was still distracted when he saw Ye Linlang kissing, and there was an unknown fire in his heart.

His eyes darkened a bit, suddenly holding Ye Linlang's waist with one hand, and holding the other hand on Ye Linlang's face. His eyes were deep, and an unknown flame was burning in it.

"Be careful when you kiss, you know?"

Jiang Qiran loosened Ye Linlang for a moment. Ye Linlang was stunned. Before he could understand Jiang Qiran's long-focused education, he suddenly felt that Jiang Qiran pulled himself closer!

Thin lips pressed down.

If there is still a crunchy numbness from the limbs of the body, Ye Linlang's face is red and hot, and he dare not look directly at Jiang Qiran Qingjun's face.

The nose is full of clear mint breath, and the kiss is also mixed with a bit of domineering meaning.

Ye Linlang was imprisoned in Jiang Qiran's strong arms. He clasped her porcelain-white face, and the two were close to each other almost without any gap.

The room was not big originally, it was obviously the winter season, but Ye Linlang felt that the temperature in the room had suddenly risen a lot.

Hot enough to make you want to sweat!


If it were not for Jiang Miaomiao, he had always vowed to ensure that Jiang Qiran had never been in love before, and that his beautiful and beautiful green horse and horse Shen Xi'er were only ordinary neighbors, otherwise Ye Linlang really had to doubt that Jiang Qiran had made many girlfriends before!

Why can some people be so skilled at kissing for the first time?

On the other hand, I haven't even learned how to breathe.

When Ye Linlang was distressed, Jiang Qiran frowned deeper!

This girl! I told her to concentrate!

Jiang Qiran suddenly like a siege, swept directly in Ye Linlang's mouth.

His generous palm fell on Ye Linlang's waist, as if to punish Ye Linlang's distraction, suddenly he bit Ye Linlang's lower lip lightly!


Ahhhh! This guy is so shameless!

In fact, Jiang Qiran had a very good grasp at that moment, and it was definitely not very painful.

Why did he bit her!

She changed her face like turning a book, but she bite her bite!

Ye Linlang was very dissatisfied, and her instep suddenly stretched like a straightened bow and arrow. Her lips were crimson and red. The whole person had a light red from head to toe, as if it was steamed in the sauna!

Jiang Qiran saw Ye Linlang look like this, his throat slipped slightly, and worried that he could not control himself, he immediately let go of Ye Linlang.

Ye Linlang was gasped by Jiang Qiran, she was short of breath, and the clear water-cut double pupils stared at Jiang Qiran with hate.

"Why did you just bite me?! It hurts, do you know?"

Because Jiang had just "punished" the disobedient child in front of him, Jiang Qiran had a smile on his face and a full look.

"If you are unhappy, you can bite back!"


How could anyone be so shameless? !

Ye Linlang stared at Jiang Qiran's thin, curved lips, and wanted to bite it in her heart. It is best to bite Jiang Qiran's lips with bleeding, letting him know how powerful this girl is!

However, Ye Linlang didn't move forward, and suddenly realized a problem.

Wait, what did she bit Jiang Qiran's mouth?

Isn't that equivalent to continuing to take advantage of Jiang Qiran? !

Ye Linlang figured out the twists and turns inside, and even felt that the boy in front of him was like a fox, and sometimes like a sleeping lion. You think he is very annoying, but it is not.

If you don’t let Jiang Qiran sigh, Ye Linlang feels that his heart is not fair, and he hasn’t stopped tonight!

If that's the case, would she have to wear two dark circles to teach students tomorrow?

Ye Linlang glanced at Jiang Qiran's slender, white neck, and suddenly a plan came into her mind!

"Huh, then I'm about to bite! You mustn't shout pain! I won't stop when I cry!"

Jiang Qiran was stunned. He thought Ye Linlang would bite him, but he saw that the little cat hugged his shoulder and neck, and his sharp teeth bite mercilessly on Jiang Qiran's neck.

It's not really painful.

After all, there are large arteries on the neck. In case of accidental bite, Jiang Qiran's blood splashing three feet is not fun.

Ye Linlang's bite might be more appropriate to tickle Jiang Qiran, but it still leaves a light red mark, like a mark of punishment for lovers in some ancient legend.

Jiang Qiran's eyebrows moved slightly, and this angle was not very good.

As soon as he lowered his head, he could see the scene inside Ye Linlang's pajamas.

Jiang Qiran didn't overdo it and finally coughed.

"Lin Lang, can you go down?"

Ye Linlang is on the rise, where is he willing to let Jiang Qiran so simple.

Seeing Ye Linlang still so ignorant, Jiang Qiran finally couldn't help telling the truth.

"You... this dress is a bit wide."

Jiang Qiran is always not so thick-skinned, and is not embarrassed to go straight.

Ye Linlang froze for a moment, then looked down, his face suddenly redder than the cooked shrimp!

"Soul! You shameless! Shameless!"

After all, the Granny Song family told her before that girls are not suitable for wearing small clothes when they sleep, otherwise they may get sick in the future.

So Ye Linlang has become a habit for a long time, who thought that today Jiang Qiran took such a big advantage!

Jiang Qiran looked at Ye Linlang who was so embarrassed that he was helpless.

"Can't you blame me?"

"You don't know if you don't see it?"

Ye Linlang was almost crying by Jiang Qiran. Was she completely seen by Jiang Qiran? !

Her face was flushed, and the whole person thumped Jiang Qiran hard, and then she didn't want to bother with the boy anymore. She suddenly got into the bed and only revealed a head to him.

Jiang Qiran couldn't help crying, but he thought Ye Linlang was cute like a bunny. He lowered his head and gently touched Ye Linlang's hair with his lips, and then closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Ye Linlang and Jiang Qiran hadn't gotten up the next morning.

Suddenly, Huwa, the son of the village head, came to call them and got up early!

Huwa did not find Ye Linlang in the next room. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Jiang Qiran's two sleeping figures lying in his room.

The sound of opening the door was a bit loud, waking up the people inside.

"How come so early?"

Ye Linlang was sleepy.

Hu Wa looked surprised, looking weakly at Ye Linlang and Jiang Qiran.

"That... Mom said, there will be babies when boys and girls sleep together... pray brother, is Sister Lin Lang your wife?"

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