The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1308: The world of adults is so complicated

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Tiger baby's big eyes were filled with ignorance, and she looked at the little brother and sister in the room very puzzled.

Children in mountain villages, because of the lack of educational resources relative to the people in the city, many boys and girls may not study in high school, and even more, not many in junior high school.

Because they do not study, and many people may not go out of this mountain in their lifetime, most girls do not have a real job. They may face a life full of trivial things after they drop out of school.

They occasionally make a little money by weaving, or fight when the farm is busy, but most of the time, they are idle at home. Perhaps the only thing that can be bored, except for the neighbors playing mahjong, is to fall in love.

In fact, in Meihua Village, 16 or 7 years old because of protective measures are not appropriate, there are many girls marrying.

Of course, this so-called "marriage" is just a few tables set up by the man's house and the woman's house unilaterally in Meihua Village.

After all, he hasn't reached the age of receiving the certificate.

Meihua Village is a small place. Everyone from the head of the village to the end of the village knows each other, so setting the table wine recognizes this marriage.

Of course, if the woman's luck is almost worse, the 16-year-old and the 17-year-old had a small life with the boy, but the man was reluctant to take responsibility, which may be followed by everyone's laughter.

Some girls may bite their teeth and leave their homes, or the cowardly, live with that kind of gaze, or even commit suicide by throwing a river.


Ye Linlang has witnessed such things with her own eyes, so in any case, before she and Jiang Qiran get married, or at least be engaged, she and Jiang Qiran will never go further.

In this world, what happened is somewhat unfair to girls.

Ye Linlang looked at the innocent face of the village chief's son, Huwa, and the kind of rhetoric that a pair of opposite **** would lie on a bed and have children. I don't know whether to laugh or embarrass.

She glanced at Jiang Qiran slightly, and she was about to explain, but she slowly heard the tone of the boy next to her.

"Sister Lin Lang, she is indeed my wife."

Probably because of the early rise, Jiang Qiran's voice was clear, and there was a lazy hoarse, like velvet, and the people tickled itchy.

Ye Linlang heard the words, and suddenly his eyes widened!

Hey, hey, this shameless person actually took advantage of himself verbally early in the morning, and also fool children!

It is unbearable!

Ye Linlang immediately picked up the pillow next to it and fell heavily on Jiang Qiran.

"Huwa! You must not listen to this bad brother! He is a big liar! I am not his wife!"

The tiger baby stared at Ye Linlang and Jiang Qiran foolishly, and some clouds were foggy.

He clenched his hands in embarrassment, not knowing whether to listen to Qiran's brother or sister Lin Lang.

Mom and Dad have said that these two brothers and sisters are students from the city, know a lot of things, and have won many awards to listen to them.

But Mom and Dad didn't teach. When brothers and sisters had differences, where would he stand?


Jiang Qiran was not annoyed by Ye Linlang being so noisy.

He smiled slightly, his flat eyebrows flat, because the faint curvature of the corners of his lips was like ice melting and snow melting, which was very touching.

"Tiger baby is a good boy. Don't tell Mom and Dad about this morning? Don't tell anyone other than brother or sister."

The thing he slept with Ye Linlang, after all, had a bad effect. Huwa, a child, would not think too much, but adults would inevitably misunderstand him and Ye Linlang.

Cough, although this kind of thing can't be misunderstood.


Huwa nodded stunnedly, his brother smiled so nicely, since his sister did not refute, what he said was what he said.

Tiger baby is young, but has a stubbornness to break the casserole.

"Brother Qiran, is Sister Linlang your daughter-in-law?"

In the past, my mother said that only when married, can boys and girls sleep together.

Ye Linlang was amused by Huwa's stubbornness. She got up in her cloak, and put on slippers when she pedaled twice.

"Actually, Qiran and I are right. My sister is now Qiran's girlfriend, but after a few years, she will be Qiran...wife."

When speaking the words of his wife, Ye Linlang's smile at the corners of her lips was suddenly embarrassed, and she almost couldn't even speak.

Huwa nodded ignorantly, but he couldn't figure it out.

Hey, the world of adults is so complicated.

Forget it, don't want to!


Ye Linlang made breakfast for Jiang Qiran himself.

When winter comes, coupled with frequent obstacles on the road due to the weather, there are not many supplies in the mountain village, and exchange becomes a problem.

Therefore, Ye Linlang could only use limited resources to make Jiang Qiran a pancake of cornmeal.

In fact, it is very rough, the taste is average, and even the edges are still burnt. Ye Linlang thought that Jiang Qiran would be disgusted. After all, this servant is used to it, and it is not like a simple life that can’t be more simple.

However, Jiang Qiran ate very happily, and had nothing left to eat.

Ye Linlang looked stunned for a moment, but couldn't help but asked the question that had been up and down for a long time.

"Is it so delicious?"

The teenager pursed his lips and smiled.

"Because you did it."

His tone was faint, not at all like coaxing Ye Linlang, but the girl sitting next to Jiang Qiran blushed.


The wind is light and the clouds are faint, and the sky is faintly revealing the sun's rays, but it is not obvious, it seems to be a cloudy weather.

This was the first day of teaching in Meihua Village. Ye Linlang and Jiang Qiran finished their breakfast and quickly went to the empty classroom that Hope School had already prepared.

Ye Linlang thought that he had come very early, but unexpectedly, the teacher was already black and full of children with uneven grades.

Some look smaller than Huwa, while others are the same age as Ye Linlang or even larger.

However, their eyes were filled with thirst for knowledge.

Ye Linlang stunned.

This posture has never been seen before when she was seventeen.

Although Xiaohuang Village is poor, it is not like Meihua Village. Teacher resources are so scarce. At least, Xiaohuang Village has high schools and eight teachers are responsible for the entire school.

Meihua Village doesn't even have high school.

Some people are born rich and rich, while others, even getting a chance to get an education is very difficult.


Ye Linlang was a little ashamed by their eyes, she followed Jiang Qiran, and walked to the podium bluntly, just wanting to say something.

As a result, a girl under the stage, who looked much smaller than herself, suddenly reached out and pointed her finger at Jiang Qiran's neck in surprise.

"Teacher, what happened to the marks on your neck?"

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