The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1313: Stay away from that disaster star!

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The villager who was pulled over by the driver's uncle poked out his lips and was very disdainful of Ye Linlang.

"You, do you seem to be the cousin of Lao Chen's family? Do you usually do passenger business? You just brought them over?"

The uncle driver nodded stunnedly, not knowing what to say.

The villager gave the driver uncle a serious suggestion.

"I urge you to stay away from that disaster star, and anyone who gets Ye Linlang will be unlucky! That's historically proven! Grandma Song's family is a **** example! Don't pick up this guest in the future."

The driver's uncle was startled, and suddenly felt that the three big red bills in his pocket were heavy.

Although it is almost approaching the Chinese New Year, it is in the mountains after all. People would rather climb their legs and walk the mountain road than choose to take a van unless they go to the city.

These three hundred dollars have already been able to withstand his nearly one week's wages!

But the driver's uncle had no big impression on Ye Linlang's beautiful girl. Instead, he couldn't help but point to the boy who was handsome and tall and handsome.

"Fellow, what do you mean by the little disaster star refers to that girl, who is that boy? It doesn't feel like ours."

The villager couldn't help but stunned when he heard the driver's uncle.

Because Jiang Qiran turned his back on him just now, he only noticed Ye Linlang. Although he saw a tall boy beside Ye Linlang, he did not pay attention to it.

Now the driver's uncle asked, but he couldn't help but stare at Jiang Qiran for two more times. At the moment when Jiang Qiran turned sideways to see his face clearly, the villager could not help but widen his eyes.

Sometimes, a good-looking appearance does have an inherent advantage. This advantage, even for men and women, can't help but have an admiration.

"Oh my god! That boy is also pretty handsome! It seems to be wearing good clothes, and it feels like a city man. How can it be **** with the little disaster star?"

Seeing that the villagers clearly did not understand Jiang Qiran, the driver's uncle suddenly lost interest.

"It feels that the boy is very protective of what you just said, and the family seems to be quite rich. Just a distance from Meihua Village to here, I was given 300 yuan, saying that it will let me return Take them back!!!"

When the villagers heard the news, they almost shocked their chin.

God, three hundred dollars? !

Such a generous shot? !

Just when the villagers were taken aback, the driver uncle smiled twice, patted the villagers on the shoulders, and immediately walked towards the relatives he wanted to find.

"Okay, not to mention, I went to drink with my relatives."

Only the villagers were left standing still in a daze, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

Ye Linlang, is this a big deal?

Or, after Ye Linlang really returned to City A and found his own biological parents, he really flew to the branches to become a phoenix? !

After all, Xiaohuang Village is poor, 300 yuan, which may be enough for some families to have a good New Year's Eve dinner, plus the purchase of two fabrics to make clothes.

Just when the villagers were stunned, the figures of Ye Linlang and Jiang Qiran had gradually moved away and disappeared within his sight.

The thing that puzzled the villagers the most was that the village elder Li also said some time ago that someone from city A called to ask Ye Linlang some things before.

Moreover, listening to the tone was very disdainful to Ye Linlang. At that time, the village elder Li also said that a girl like Ye Linlang would not like to go anywhere. She was also hated by her own sister, and her parents did not like her very much.

But listening to the words of the driver of the van, it felt like Ye Linlang had a good life? !


No matter how other people's gossip circulates among other populations, Ye Linlang's concern for this place is weak.

Others laughed at her, questioned her as a disaster star, or even scolded her. Ye Linlang occasionally tingled in addition to the bottom of her heart, but more often, she was indifferent.

After listening for fifteen or sixteen years, so long, no one will be bored with this kind of rhetoric.

She and Jiang Qiran brushed through the thorns in the mountains and walked towards the place where the Song's grandmother was buried.

The heavy women's four-wheeled suitcase before and Jiang Qiran's black mountaineering bag were placed in the trunk of the van driver.

Jiang Qiran left only his mobile phone and wallet, not how much he trusted the driver.

In fact, if the driver is greedy for the contents of the suitcase and the mountaineering bag, I am afraid that he will understand what kind of person he is causing.

Jiang Qiran remembers his license plate number. As long as he wants to find out, the other party's resume from small to large, as well as various family networks and work lines, he can know everything. If the other party is greedy for small profits, it will only cause trouble. That's it.


Jiang Qiran's ears are not bad, of course, he also heard those villagers pointing Ye Linlang's words.

While climbing, Jiang Qiran couldn't help but ask Ye Linlang.

"Lin Lang, have you ever hated this place?"

Ye Linlang heard that the smile on the corner of his lips suddenly froze.

She shook her hand because the mountain road was still muddy, and the whole person almost stumbled down, but Jiang Qiran pulled her in time.

Ye Linlang gave Jiang Qiran a grateful look, then sighed.

"Hate? On the day Grandma died, maybe it was, but other than that day, there were more complaints, but hatred was not enough. They felt that I was a disaster star, that they were stupid, I already figured it out ."

Jiang Qiran reached out and stroked Ye Linlang's head.

His only wish was to give Ye Linlang as much warmth as possible.

In fact, Ye Linlang is like a hedgehog. Other people may only see the girl's stubbornness, but Jiang Qiran can feel that the hedgehog also needs to be heated.

He cherished her, nothing more.


The tombstone of the grandmother of the Song family has been stained with a lot of dirt. After all, no one came to clean it. In addition, in the past few days, the north wind whizzed past. The burial mounds were all yellow leaves, and there were a few fallen pine cones.

Ye Linlang looked at the tombstone of the Song family's grandma, and the eyes that were crystal clear like stars were bursting into tears.

She half-kneeled and placed the two-color plum blossom in her hand in front of the tombstone.

"Grandma, I miss you very much. You will be free from disease and disaster in heaven. If there is an afterlife, I hope that we will meet again and let me honor you."

Jiang Qiran heard Ye Linlang's innocent words, and she was touched.

He reached out and wiped the dust on the tombstone a little.

"Grandma, although we haven't met, but thank you for raising Lin Lang. My name is Jiang Qiran. I want to spend a lifetime with Ye Linlang. I will take good care of her."

The sound of Xiao Xiao was everywhere, as if it were Granny's response in heaven.

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