The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1314: Between life and death!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Twilight gradually filled up, because it was almost the time of the New Year, so Ye Linlang could even hear the sound of firecrackers burning in the village on the mountain.

Very loud, even at such a long distance, there is a sense of deafness.

In fact, the Kyushu country has forbidden to set off these overpowering firecrackers in these years.

In fact, the implementation in the urban area is good, and the small broken place like the Xiaohuang Village, where the high emperor is far away, the village officials are too lazy to manage. Everyone likes to buy in private.


Ye Linlang was trying to cover her ears, but Jiang Qiran stepped forward and took the lead to stretch out his slender hand and landed on Ye Linlang's ear.

The cold wind was cold, Ye Linlang's ears were very cold, but the young man's generous palms were warm, and he didn't dislike Ye Linlang's ears so cold, but whispered to her.

"The earmuffs are in the suitcase. Your ears are so cold. Be careful and you are sick because of freezing. When you go back, you should find the earmuffs and bring them."

Ye Linlang heard the words and couldn't help but pouted, and prayed to the river to be cute.

"Don't, when we get back, just transfer a few cars, and then get home, where is there any chance of cold and cold."

Jiang Qiran saw Ye Linlang's slightly wrinkled nose, so stern, he couldn't help but stretched his hand and scraped Ye Linlang's nose bridge, showing a little helplessness in his expression.

"Okay, you don't need to bring it when you are in the car, but if you get out of the car and you are outdoors, you have to bring it to me."

The tone of non-negotiable, I heard Ye Linlang couldn't help but looked at Chaojiang Qiran.

How does she sometimes feel that instead of looking for a boyfriend, she is looking for a father who disciplines her daughter severely? !

The smile on Ye Linlang's lips disappeared at the thought of Dad.

No, when Ye Haifeng, as her father, did her duty as a father.

Ye Linlang thought that maybe a parent does not need to pass the screening at all. In fact, for children, it may not be happy.


Jiang Qiran saw Ye Linlang's distraught appearance, thinking that Ye Linlang was sad because she worshipped her grandmother.

He glanced sideways at the blue sky of the small deserted village. Twilight has occupied half of the sky. If it is a little later, the street light facilities here are not as good as those in City A. It may not be convenient to hurry.

"Lin Lang, shall we go back? If you want to, we can continue to visit Granny."

Ye Linlang reluctantly stroked the silver tombstone of Fu Song's grandma, sour and uncomfortable.

She looked at the large letters of the regular script on the tombstone and said, she didn't realize her voice was dumb.

"Pray, let's stay a little longer, just five minutes. I want to spend more time with my grandma."

Although the distance from City A to Xiaohuang Village is not too far away, there is no direct way, and there are always various means of transportation around the ground.

It is not so convenient to want to visit Granny.

Jiang Qiran looked at Ye Linlang's nostalgia, and suddenly remembered something.

"Lin Lang, have you ever thought about moving the grandma's tomb from Xiaohuang Village? Build a more suitable cemetery for her in City A."

Jiang Qiran could see that apart from the Song family's grandmother who was buried in the ground, Ye Linlang did not have so many attachments to the sad land of Xiaohuang Village.

Rather than spending so much time every year on the small waste village, it is better to move to City A.


Hearing Jiang Qiran's proposal, Ye Linlang suddenly froze.

She frowned at Xiu Mei,

"This...a lot of work? Isn't the grandma's son and daughter-in-law buried in Xiaohuang Village? It's not appropriate to move out..."

Jiang Qiran smiled slightly.

"It's not troublesome, and I'm embarrassed to disturb my grandma's family of three. If I move out, I will definitely move her son and daughter-in-law together."

Ye Linlang listened, it was really a little emotional, but only a few seconds later, Ye Linlang suddenly thought of a more important thing.

Granny told her before her death that she loved the forest in Houshan and could see the most beautiful sunrise in Xiaohuang Village.

Moreover, the grandmother and her son and daughter-in-law are very old-fashioned people, Ye Luo returns to the roots, even if there are thousands of bad things in Xiaohuang Village, Yee is their hometown.

Born in Sri Lanka, grew up in Sri Lanka, and finally buried in this land, it is also a kind of local complex.

After Ye Linlang figured it out, he immediately resolutely shook his head with Jiang Qiran.

"No, pray, grandma and her family are all people with a strong affinity for their hometown. Ye Luo returns to the roots. The family of three is buried here. This is the best destination."

Jiang Qiran nodded thoughtfully, so he gave up his proposal.

"If you come to Xiaohuang Village after that, you must tell me that I will accompany you."

Ye Linlang warmed up and took the initiative to reach Jiang Qiran's arm.

"Okay, that's a word... pray, it's not too early, shall we go back? Lest we can't keep up with the bus to City A."

Jiang Qiran nodded when he heard the words.


The two of them walked down from the cemetery of Houshan, and when they returned to the village, they also attracted a lot of prying eyes. From time to time, whispering words similar to "Disaster Star" came.

Ye Linlang looked indifferent, and Jiang Qiran frowned, almost wanting to scold those people.

Ye Linlang took Jiang Qiran's hand first.

"Pray that it is not necessary to be angry with these irrelevant people."

It seems that as I grow older, my heart becomes harder and harder, and the soft part is only suitable for those who can warm myself.

Defending the kind of person who talks cool is actually just consuming your time and energy.

Jiang Qiran saw Ye Linlang's stubborn face and sighed in her heart, but finally gave up the idea of ​​arguing with those people.


Because the text has been sent to the driver's uncle earlier, the driver has long been waiting at the entrance of the village.

He saw Jiang Qiran and Ye Linlang come down, and immediately stopped the greeting with his relatives. He jumped into the driver's seat and waved at the two young men.

"Hey, come here! It will be darker in a while!"


The twilight diffused, the light first came, and the endless darkness gradually swallowed the last bit of sky.

Ye Linlang and Jiang Qiran got into the old van. The two of them sat in the back seats. Because they walked down this day, their bodies were already a little tired. Ye Linlang's head leaned against Jiang Qiran's shoulder, almost fainting. Sleepy.

"I'm leaning for a while, and reminded me when I got to the bus."

Jiang Qiran nodded.

Just when Ye Linlang's head kept falling, and almost had a dream, the whole car slammed through a big pit, and the car almost turned off!

This is a mountain road, and the road is not good!

The dilapidated van had insufficient impulse for a moment, and the whole car was pointed straight to the right, and it was about to drive to the shoulder of the road, and it was going to fall towards the abyss!

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