The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1327: It's almost to make people sacred!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

The leading male waiter made a phone call and Ye Linlang couldn't hear what he was talking about.

But after hanging up the phone, the other party immediately gave two words to the person who was standing with Ye Linlang and Ye Siyao.

As if they suddenly got some news, they did not rush them away, but just put their arms around for people to watch.

Just like a monkey in a zoo!

Ye Linlang was not prepared to be driven away like this. What a gentleman's birthday banquet has never been heard of!

She must figure out the situation, but she is being held back by her, and she feels suffocated!

Not to mention Ye Siyao, he was almost mad at Qiqiao!


The cold wind was turbulent, and the guests waiting in line would have shivered, but now there is a lively look, but they are not so anxious.

Several well-dressed wealthy children looked at Ye Linlang and Ye Siyao with their arms, and they commented on them from time to time.

"That red skirt is still pretty good. Gee, so at young age, he came out and cheated. Is it to catch Kaizi?"

The last sentence can't be regarded as innocent of Ye Siyao's original intention, but the other party's tone is too unpleasant, and directly convinced that they are here to deceive, Ye Linlang is very uncomfortable to listen to!

Not to mention Ye Siyao, who has always been the temper of the young lady!

Her pupils stared at each other, almost splitting their eyes, and even a sprawling green muscle appeared on her forehead.

"What are you talking about! Who is a liar! Who is going to catch Kaizi!"

"I'm a lot of money for the Ye Family! Why don't you keep your eyes open to see Miss Ben's identity!"

Ye Linlang heard Ye Siyao being so noisy with others, and the temple on his forehead jumped suddenly.

She is worrying about it! Noisy can't solve the problem!


But the few rich children raised their eyebrows, which were originally a few guys who like to play with women. Seeing Ye Siyao's big face flaring with fire, he became more interested.

"What else does she say about the value of the Ye's enterprise? Why, is there any Ye's enterprise in Kyushu that is famous?"

"Haha, laugh at me! I never heard of it anyway!"

"Little sister, if you are here to catch Kaizi, how about following my brother?"


Obscene language, unbearable!

Ye Linlang frowned.

What's wrong with this world? !

She could hardly understand it.

Ye Linlang glanced down at the invitation letter that was tightly grasped in his hand. I saw that the invitation was extremely delicate. The gilt gold hot flower style, every stripe road was amazing.

But this is actually fake!

how can that be possible!

Ye Haifeng actually pitted her and Ye Siyao so much, no matter not, looking at Ye Haifeng's situation, I'm afraid he was also blinded in the drum.

Ye Linlang thought of this, suddenly startled.

Perhaps it was she who listened, not the gentleman, but the Shen's?

Also, the birthday party...

Today is Friday……

These clue-like clues were cascaded together, Ye Linlang suddenly jumped a few times in her heart, she looked up in disbelief, a flash of light in her mind quickly skipped.

"Wait, does the Shen birthday gift in your mouth refer to Miss Shen Xi'er Shen?"

Because the invitation letter was given by Ye Haifeng, this communication circle doesn't look at Shen Xi'er in any way. Ye Linlang didn't think over there, but the more he thought, the more wrong he was.

A male waiter's pupils shrunk, and he was not prepared to answer Ye Linlang's question, but a few dudes who looked at the bustle nodded lazily.

"Yes, it's Miss Xi'er."


Ye Linlang got an accurate answer. Instead, her heart was like pouring a layer of ice water. It was originally a cold wind and a bleak weather. This time it was so cold that she was cold all over!

Actually it was Shen Xi'er's ghost!

This "stranger" who has only two sides of the relationship, no, maybe "love rival" is more appropriate!

Ye Linlang took a deep breath and immediately spoke to his male waiter.

"You call your lady now, I want to see her now!"

Ye Siyao, who was also suppressed, was surprised.

She looked at Ye Linlang in disbelief.

"How do you know that Shen Xi'er? Who is she?"

"Will explain to you!"

Ye Linlang pursed her lips, her eyes squinted at Ye Siyao, her voice calm and suppressed.

The lead waiter glanced at Ye Linlang sarcastically.

"Our young lady isn't seen by any cat or dog! Not to mention you scammers!"


Ye Linlang almost choked out an old blood!

She was so clear-minded that between these few back and forth, she immediately recognized that Shen Xi'er was absolutely guilty of herself, and obviously wanted her to be embarrassed under the eyes of everyone!

"Then let me go! I can call myself!"

The male waiter still looked contemptuous, as if someone had given advice.

"Do you think our Shen family's site can come so easily when you come? Want to call? Come, throw this swindling female liar directly into the fountain pool! Let her wake up!"

Ye Siyao's eyes widened when he heard those words.

She is not so stupid.

How do you feel that these people are targeting Ye Linlang so much? !

Does it mean that today's embarrassing situation was brought by that little disaster star? !


After all these nine cold winter days, Ye Linlang only wore a gray-blue dress, without even covering his calf, and it was already freezing to tremble!

If someone is really thrown into the fountain pool, I am afraid that even if he is not frozen to death, he will fall ill!

Ye Linlang doesn't know where Shen Xi'er's self-confidence came from, not only to humiliate her in public, but also to let her be frozen!

She was anxious, although she rarely wore high heels, but this time she only got a pair for the dress, not the kind of extremely high heels. Fortunately, it was still useful at this time!

Ye Linlang didn't want to think about it, and immediately stepped on the foot of the male waiter who held his own arm. While the other party was not paying attention, he directly kicked at the other party's vulnerability!

It is simply to make people beat the rhythm!

"Ouch--ah! hurts--"

The five big and three thick men couldn't bear this either, immediately let go of their hands subconsciously and yelled in pain.

Because Ye Linlang is different from Ye Siyao, she has never resisted before, and everyone did not expect her to be so poisonous at first!

Ye Linlang quickly took advantage of this opportunity to flee towards the center of the crowd. After all, Shen's family is very diverse, where could a girl film escape in his own territory!

Suddenly, the people queuing here were washed up.

They stared dumbfounded at the gray-blue figure, and could not imagine that the thin body had such a great explosive force!

Isn't this too ladylike? !

Where did Ye Linlang take care of this? She wanted to go to a place to send a text message to Jiang Qiran, but she ran away in a hurry, too late.

Just when Ye Linlang watched those people approaching, suddenly he saw a familiar figure at the brightly lit door.

Ye Linlang's eyes lit up, and he called for help without thinking!

"Yin Zihan! Save me!"

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