Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

The entrance to the hall was brilliantly lit, and I saw a young boy standing tall, with dark black hair slightly curled. The young face was not only very recognizable, but also almost beautiful to evil spirits!

Hearing someone in the air shouting his name, Yin Zihan peached her eyes and looked forward.

Suddenly, there was a thin, slender figure in his eyes.

The girl in the gray-blue dress ran very fast, with a few strands of hair clinging to her forehead, and a slight sweat fell.

Is it her? ! How could Ye Linlang appear here?

However, such awkward Ye Linlang, Yin Zihan really saw it for the first time!


Not waiting for Yin Zihan to think about it carefully, he saw the girl pulling her feet and running away, and she hid next to her after a while.

Ye Linlang gasped.

"Yin Zihan, for our sake at the same table, please help me block it for a while!"

Yin Zihan was stunned, and was about to ask Ye Linlang what happened, and saw several tall male waitresses rushing towards here, and all of them looked bad, as if Ye Linlang was the escaped prisoner!

Seeing this, Yin Zihan frowned.

He had a lingering feeling for Ye Linlang in his heart. Seeing her so embarrassed today, he called for help and immediately protected Ye Linlang behind him.

"Are you OK?"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yin Zihan also casually asked Ye Linlang.

Ye Linlang smiled gratefully at Yin Zihan.

"It's okay! Let me make a call first! You can help me for a while! Thank you very much!"

Ye Linlang said that he didn't look at the male waiters who had taken photos, and quickly took out his mobile phone and started calling Jiang Qiran.

As a result, no one wanted to answer the phone. No one answered. Ye Linlang gritted his teeth, and he couldn't take care of anything else. He opened the SMS mailbox and began to send text messages to Jiang Qiran with trembling words!

I'm not afraid, I'm panic!


And the male waiters who were tall and tall had finally chased them.

The headed one was almost clenching his teeth. He was kicked by Ye Linlang in the middle of the weak spot. If there is any problem with his body in the future, he really wants to strangle the seemingly clever girl in front of him!

The people here are all with the Shen Xi'er family. They used to be in City A in the future, so they are not very clear about the wealthy gentry in City A.

Of course, it's not very clear if you don't know clearly. Not to mention in Kyushu, even if you look at the world, Shen's reputation is also outstanding. No matter which way you are, you have to fear Shen's three points.

The reason is very simple. The Huanya Group controlled by the Shen family is obviously a world-famous large company, but underneath, it holds one of the biggest forces in the dark world!

Even in the past ten years, the Huanya Group led by the Shen family has tried its best to wash the industry in the white and black areas. However, after all, it is a hot start. Various thunder means have emerged in an endless stream. Many people are afraid of hearing the name of the Shen family.

Moreover, since the Jiang family completely resigned, this year's chief is relatively weak and weak. The Shen family has basically washed away in the domestic power of Kyushu, and there are signs of transferring assets to countries such as Dongchen.

The ear-conscientious people also know that the Shen family is cooperating with some small European countries-the fire transaction.

Even, many people feel that if the old man of the Shen family is willing, they can overthrow a few small countries.

With such a background in place, who does not fear the three-pointer?

Therefore, even the slaves who sold their lives for the Shen family were arrogant. These people had a life of licking blood at the tip of the knife. Where might they fear the ground snake here? !


The male waiter led by glanced at Ye Linlang fiercely, and saw a young man with extraordinary clothes protecting Ye Linlang. The fierce look finally converged.

"This young master, please let me know. The lady behind you wants to break into the banquet without an invitation but we want to catch her and let her taste some hardships!"

Yin Zihan narrowed her eyes slightly when she heard the male waiter.

He looked at those people with vigilance, without looking back, and whispered directly to the girl behind him who was texting Jiang Qiran for help.

"What are they saying? You have no invitation letter?"

In fact, Ye Linlang didn't have the invitation letter, and Yin Zihan was not surprised at all.

After all, this is the birthday party of Huanya Group's daughter-in-law. Where can ordinary wealthy people come in? Even he himself is exposed to the light of his third uncle before he can be brought in to open his eyes.

Uncle Yin's family has been gaining momentum in recent years, but it is not a good character to provoke.


Ye Linlang looked anxious. He was sending text messages to Jiang Qiran to explain the situation. Hearing Yin Zihan's question, he nodded quickly, and immediately shook his head.

She pressed the button, and the help message was finally sent out. Although the words were a little messy, I believe Jiang Qiran could understand it.

Ye Linlang was inexplicably relieved, and then explained to Yin Zihan.

"Not all! My father gave me an invitation, but they said it was fake!"

Ye Linlang bit her lip and looked at the waiters alertly.

"Even if the invitation letter is fake, don't you treat me like that? The waiters just said they would throw me into the fountain..."

Yin Zihan heard the words and was suspicious, and she didn't understand why things were so embarrassing.

He was about to say something, but the ruthless male waiters pressed hard, his voice was no longer polite, with a hint of threat.

"This young master, I don't know which one you are from, but this little girl named Ye Linlang, arrogantly broke into the birthday banquet of our Miss Huanya Group. We want to impose a little punishment! The best way to get acquainted with you!"

Yin Zihan frowned slightly.

How do you feel that these people seem to have been instructed by others, and you have to deliberately embarrass Ye Linlang?

"What if I don't let it? I want to see how you made me acquainted!"

The young man is arrogant and arrogant, and behind him is his sweetheart, where may he be willing to let go!


Seeing Yin Zi's unruly manner, the male waitress headed was almost angry and almost vomited blood.


There is an impasse outside, but in the banquet hall, there are already internationally renowned bands playing fantastic birthday wishes.

Under the lotus-shaped crystal chandelier, Jiang Qiran was straight, he glanced at the beautiful girl surrounded by people, and did not mean to talk to Shou Xing.

He wondered how to give the gift out and then flicked away.

Jiang Qiran hates occasions with many people, so naturally he doesn't like to go and talk to Shen Xi'er.

As if with sharp eyes, Shen Xi'er noticed the tall figure in the crowd almost immediately!

"Brother Qiran! You are here!"

Shen Xi'er came to Jiang Qiran in surprise. Jiang Qiran wrinkled without a trace of his eyebrows. He was about to say something casually. Suddenly, his mobile phone vibrated...

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