The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 102 Meet Her Majesty the Queen

Chapter 102 Meet Her Majesty the Queen

Every inch of the Ministry of Magic has a reflection spell, which means that it is impossible for ordinary wizards to disapparate here.

But of course, someone of ministerial rank like Keilal is not included.

In just an instant, the two of them had moved outside Buckingham Palace, where the Queen had been waiting for a long time.

Originally, Keilal could teleport in directly, but as a courtesy, she still came to the outside of Buckingham Palace and handed the invitation to the stunned doorman. The doorman had no idea when he appeared, but he only dressed appropriately for Buckingham Palace. There are so many beautiful people, but not many people walk here.

He looked at the invitation in Kelal's hand and turned it over and over. It seemed like it was real. The popular and graceful person in front of him also seemed real, but why did he walk over? It was really abnormal.

He grabbed the phone in the guard box and called.

Within a few minutes, a luxury Jaguar drove out of Buckingham Palace.

Just like the Germans are extremely proud of their cars. Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW have always been public cars, and the Queen is also very fond of her country's car brands. She owns several Rolls-Royce, Bentley, and Jaguar. As a female car soldier in World War II, she also liked to drive for a few laps by herself. Many of the cars were in excellent state of maintenance. In later generations, there were often news about the Queen selling old cars.

The Jaguar did not drive out, but stopped at the door of Buckingham Palace. A stern-looking middle-aged butler got out, wearing a tuxedo and white gloves in his hands. His hair was meticulously glued to his scalp with hairspray, like a dog. As if licking it, he quickly came to the door. The guard immediately opened the door, and then crossed the door. He came to the door, took the guard's invitation, looked at it carefully, and then put it away. , quickly came to Keilar and the others and bowed.

"I've kept you waiting, so please get in the car now." Although I don't know who is coming this time, there is no doubt that Her Majesty the Queen and the Prime Minister are waiting for him.

Kelar held Hermione's arm, smiled and sent her to sit in first, then walked around to the other side and sat in.

The butler came to the cab, closed the door, and started the Jaguar. Soon the Jaguar crossed the garden of Buckingham Palace and arrived at the main entrance of Buckingham Palace.

Here, two lobster soldiers wearing red jackets and big bearskin hats were waiting in front of the door. An attendant quickly followed up, opened the car door for Keilal, then went around to the other side and opened it for Hermione. Come to the door.

The waiter marveled at the youth of Kelar and Hermione while trying to figure out their purpose of coming today.

After Keilal got out of the car, she did not leave Hermione behind. Instead, she stood there, waiting for Hermione to arrive on high heels. Keilal's side held his hand.

At this time, the housekeeper led the way and said, "Please follow me."

Walking in the magnificent Buckingham Palace, it fully shows the wealth and glory of the Empire when the sun never sets. However, now that the sun never sets on the Empire, it still maintains the dignity of winning the Falklands War.

The butler introduced me all the way to the reception hall, where Her Majesty the Queen and the Prime Minister had been waiting here for a long time.

The meeting between the British Minister of Magic, the British Prime Minister, and the Queen is like a meeting between two countries from different parallel worlds. Although ordinary secular governments try their best to obtain more information from the wizarding world, the wizards' forgetting spells It can make any agent forget everything in an instant, and a floo powder can make any stalker unable to find their traces.

So although they tried it before, they gave up quickly.

Keilar's note was obviously like a routine note, but both the Queen and the Prime Minister felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

After all, this is the mysterious and ignorant British society, which makes them a little suspicious of the new Minister of Magic.

How about this minister? Is your temper good or bad? What is your attitude towards the British government? Friendly or hostile? If it is hostile, then how can a conflict be resolved in such a magical society in the hinterland of London, England?

Everything is unknown, and the unknown is really the most scary thing.

When Keilal brought Hermione to the drawing room, both the Queen and the Prime Minister's eyes lit up. They saw such a straight young man.

Wearing a white suit, the meticulous Keilar is holding a cane in one hand and holding Hermione in the other. The man is like jade, the woman is like a painting, and the pair are as well-matched as if they came out of Shakespeare's poems.

"Kelar Pen Dragon, the Minister of Magic, and Hermione Granger are here to attend the note." He said with a smile.

A refreshing London accent, but it has a unique flavor.

"Hello." The Queen and the Prime Minister had already stood up. After Keilal entered the living room, the Queen took one step forward and the Prime Minister took two steps forward. Keilal let go of Hermione and shook hands with the Prime Minister first. together.

"John Major, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, welcome to your arrival." Even though Keilar was young, his political status was at the same level as him, or even slightly higher than half a level, and on the same level as the Queen, so his initiative There is nothing shameful about shaking hands.

Keilar shook his hand vigorously. In this era, wearing a suit with the belt raised to the chest represented his status, and a firm handshake represented respect for the other party.

The two sides shook hands vigorously and both showed hearty smiles. Although the politicians were hard to believe, the first impression of both sides was very good.

After the two shook hands, it was Keilal's turn to meet the Queen.

At this time, the Queen was still a few years away from turning 70. Everyone thought she was in her twilight years, but in fact she was in very good spirits. She often played polo, walked dogs, drove cars and other sports. Until twenty years later, Her son is almost sixty years old, and she still maintains a state of long-term standby.

The attendant in the narrator wanted to guide Kelal's etiquette, but the Queen reached out to stop him. Regardless of whether the etiquette is correct or not, it is not too important in diplomacy. Yes, it can increase his favor, but it doesn't matter if it is wrong. The other party is from In the mysterious wizarding world, it's not worth it to offend someone for such a trivial matter.

She stretched out her hand, and Keilal bowed slightly in front of her, took her hand, and kissed the back of it.

The etiquette was very good, even the Queen was surprised by his standard of etiquette, as if he had learned it specially.

After the ceremony, everyone sat down, and the waiter served appetizers and red wine, which was equivalent to a small-scale state banquet.

After everyone clinked glasses, the conversation basically got on track.

"I didn't expect the new Minister of Magic to be so young. I wonder if you have any other requirements for your arrival today besides a formal meeting?"

Keilar slowly put down his knife and fork, looked at him, and laughed.

"I want to deepen the connection between the wizarding world and the real world."

PS: I’ll update one chapter first, take a nap, get up and finish my meal and write the second update. I’m still short of 1,000 votes and 60,000 recommendations! Please vote for your recommendation now!

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