The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 103: Generous (17,000 plus extra update)

Chapter 103 A big deal

The Queen and the Prime Minister looked at each other, both of them a little surprised by Keilal's thoughts.

"May I ask, what do you mean by closer exchanges and cooperation?" British Prime Minister John, who had a very sensitive political sense for Keilar's words, asked hesitantly.

"Wizards have been in this corner of the world for too long. I want to take a small step first." Keilar smiled slightly, not surprised that the British Prime Minister had such a political sense, and said.

"One small step?" Although the Queen is a political mascot, she can also play the role of pulling the strings at certain times. Her question was a good way to avoid Prime Minister John's questioning and make the situation awkward. A situation occurred that made John seem a little aggressive.

This is a kind of diplomatic wisdom. The queen who experienced World War II has long been familiar with this wisdom and means. The queen who returns power to the people and retains the royal family is definitely a figure of great wisdom.

Keilal smiled slightly, not caring about such small details.

"I want the top professors from Oxford and Cambridge universities and the masters among wizards to form a research and development team."

He crossed his hands in front of himself and said in a brisk and confident tone: "Their salaries will be borne by us, and their research results will be shared with the British government to establish a national company, and then These national companies will spin off their subsidiaries to become profitable companies."

Keilal's words made the three people present's eyes go straight.

Hermione didn't understand it at all, she just sipped her sirloin in a gentle manner, while Prime Minister John and the Queen were really in a state of turmoil, like a tsunami, and they didn't know what to say. .

Where is the wizard here?

This is simply the most cunning businessman in the world!

"Why set up a subsidiary company?" The Prime Minister wanted to slap himself when he said this.

"In order to export our products more conveniently." Keilar smiled, shook the red wine glass, waited for the taste to start, took a sip, then pursed his lips, and said with a smile: "Now we have developed We have developed a car that can fly in the sky, and can cooperate with any British car brand such as Bentley, Rolls-Royce, Jaguar, and Land Rover to jointly develop a car that can fly..."

"This is absolutely not possible!" The Prime Minister said to Kelal in a panic: "This will..."

"It will destroy the existing structure of the entire automobile industry, directly lead to the reshuffle of all automobile companies, and even cause a domino effect, causing other automobile manufacturers to overturn the table." Keilar smiled and said the whole thing indifferently The consequences were spoken out.

Prime Minister John stared at Keilal as if looking at a prehistoric beast. This silver-haired man was no longer the polite Minister of Magic before, but had become a powerful capitalist, holding the resources of a country. There are enough capitalists to tear the entire UK apart and eat it.

He was getting chills all over.

"So we need to cover up people's eyes, so I need the technology masters from Oxford and Cambridge to carry out a technological explosion with our wizards, slowly changing the world, but slowly showing the wizards in front of people."

He put down his wine glass with a smile on his face: "What I want is for wizards to safely integrate into the modern social system, and I don't want to have an ideological explosion."

"We can no longer afford another medieval witch incident." His tone became serious.

"So I needed a surefire solution."

"Opening a company is just the first step. My real purpose is to bring more wizards into contact with ordinary people. Professors from Oxford and Cambridge will have contact with our professors, and people in the company will have contact with my wizards. Even When factories open in the future, factory workers will also come into contact with our workers.”

"This is a gradual opening process, and it is also a step-by-step process. This process may be very long, ten years, twenty years, thirty years, but so what? I can afford to wait." Kailar said with a smile. , scolding Fang Qiu at the Queen and Prime Minister, showing off his talent.

"At that time, we wizards will integrate into ordinary people, and more and more ordinary people will become wizards. We will no longer distinguish between you and me, and each other will only be called British."

In fact, of course it can't be that smooth, but if it were so smooth, people like Kelal wouldn't do it.

In life, it is interesting to leave something behind. Keilar left a huge mark in history. Now, he can't help but show off his talent.

How many talented people are willing to be ordinary and silent?

When Keilal came to this era, he had to leave something behind.

Both the Queen and the Prime Minister were stunned by his purpose. No one had ever been so bold. However, his plan was steady and step-by-step. It sounded seamless. He was not the kind of person who talked about things on paper. They were attracted by his grandeur. , I was shocked by the big deal.

As a native of the British Isles, I am born with a small-minded spirit. Although this small-minded spirit sometimes turns into stubbornness, most of the time it is because the pattern is not big enough.

Even the Prime Minister was like this. They were simply stunned when faced with Keilal's generosity.

How could he! How dare he? !

How dare he do such a thing? How could he do such a thing!

The two of them were shocked and speechless, but Hermione pursed her lips and smiled sweetly.

Sure enough, he was the man in the legend.

The legendary man in England who made extraordinary achievements in the mythical period...

Only he dares to do such a thing, right?

But even so, a faint doubt arose in Hermione's heart, was what he said true, and could what he did really succeed?

A meeting is just a meeting. To truly reach an intention and implement it, it will take many detailed meetings.

At that time, Kelal's workload will suddenly increase.

But it's not the busy time yet.

"Then, let's go back today." Kailar said with a smile.

"Please send me an email before our next meeting." The Prime Minister said, and the email here refers to the owl email.

"Chengzhi." Kelar smiled slightly and nodded to the Queen and Prime Minister, and then Hermione took his hand and disappeared in front of the two of them in an instant.

The waiters looked straight, but the Prime Minister and the Queen did not waver at all. Every year they had to meet with the Minister of Magic, and when a new Minister was appointed, they had to meet with them. This was not a strange thing.


"Teacher, do you really think that the wizarding world can be integrated into the secular world in the future?" Hermione asked, standing in the office of the Ministry of Magic, looking up at Keilal.

PS: It still hasn’t reached 60,000 votes! Please vote for recommendation! ! !

PS1: As for why Keilal wants to cause it wrong to express one's own ambitions?

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