The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 104 The footsteps of the times

Chapter 104 The footsteps of the times

The two of them felt relaxed after returning to the Ministry of Magic.

In any case, etiquette is etiquette, and it is easier to talk about it in your own home. Keilal's office feels like Hermione's house.

Hermione sat on Keilal's big sofa and breathed a sigh of relief. She had never had an experience similar to a state banquet. Suddenly facing the British Prime Minister and the Queen, she couldn't help but collapse nervously. After just a short moment, Within two hours, she was very tired.

Keilal walked to the refrigerator nearby, then took out a bottle of freshly squeezed ice orange juice and handed it to her.

"It must be very tiring." He smiled.

"Yes." Hermione was not polite and said neatly: "It is a hundred times more tiring than studying. Politicians are so hypocritical." She was stunned for a moment and quickly said anxiously: "I am not Talking about you."

"I know, Hermione." He touched Hermione's head and said warmly, "But from another perspective, politics also prevents wars from happening. Politics is lubricating oil, although there is a little bit on the hands. Disgusting, but necessary.”

Hermione showed a thoughtful expression, and then asked: "Teacher, is the future you mentioned really possible..." She hesitated: "If the wizard's bloodline is diluted, is it possible? Won't he become a wizard and be slowly assimilated by ordinary people..."

"Haha, Hermione, why do you even say such things?" Kelar poured himself a glass of orange juice, laughed dumbly, sat next to Hermione, casually untied his tie and threw it on the sofa next to him. I unbuttoned two buttons of my shirt and finally felt a little more comfortable, but it still felt a bit slutty.

"You are indeed very smart, but things are not as you imagined. Think carefully about your identity, Hermione, you have been brainwashed by their pure-blood opinions." Keilal said gently, and then He took a sip of orange juice to moisten his throat.

Hermione was suddenly horrified. Yes, if mixed blood would cause the blood of wizards to gradually disperse and become thinner and thinner, and the probability of Squibs getting higher and higher, then where did she come from?

"In fact, according to survey data, the probability of wizards appearing in Muggle families is getting higher and higher, and mixed-race families have even occupied the majority of the entire wizarding world, accounting for about 74% of the total. This data Extremely high, as it turns out, mixed-race is not only more likely to produce wizards, but also more likely to produce highly talented wizards."

Keilal shook the orange juice in his hand and said nonchalantly.

His words were like ice water on a summer day, enlightening Hermione.

That's right, before Kelal, how could there be any pure-blood wizards in this world?

How to explain the so-called bloodline issue in her case?

Harry Potter's Muggle mother Lily was born as a Muggle, and her wizarding talents even impressed Dumbledore.

There are many more such examples.

On the contrary, Slytherins pride themselves on being pure-blooded. In fact, many of them are mediocre and have no bright spots except for the accumulation and accumulation of their families.

For example, Harry Potter's enemies, Malfoy and his followers, apart from looking at people through their nostrils and having better family conditions, what are their advantages? She doesn't study hard, and her knowledge is not broad enough. Even the application of magic spells is not as good as hers.

Hermione looked down on the Slytherins from the bottom of her heart, but she had to be convinced and brainwashed by their theories, and slowly became what she is now.

"In fact, everyone has the possibility to become a wizard," Kelar said nonchalantly: "In our time, you only need to go through systematic study to become a magician..."

He paused briefly, then changed the subject, but Hermione caught the hint.

"Although modern witchcraft pays more attention to blood, in fact, if there are 1,000 wizards and 1,000 Muggles forming a family, and each family has two children, even if one of them has a wizard talent, then we will have a new wizard A thousand people, if there are both, we will have two thousand people, let alone people like the Weasley family..."

Hermione had a strange expression on her face. There were seven Weasleys, but there was not a single Squib. This would make other wizarding families jealous to death.

"But if a thousand wizards form a family, they have to ensure that they have two children. Only if each child is a wizard is it possible. Unfortunately, many wizards have a hard time taking care of even one child, such as the Malfoy family. "

This is obvious, and Hermione's good friends, the Neville family, are also from a single line.

People like the Weasley family are definitely a minority in the wizarding world.

So if you infer this in reverse, you can even get a surprising conclusion.

Mixed blood is not the only way out for wizards. Even pure blood is a big problem that blocks the spread of bloodlines among wizards!

Hermione then raised her head and looked at Kelal with admiration.

The Prime Minister and the Queen did not know the actual situation, but Keilal knew the actual situation clearly.

The ten or twenty years he said are definitely not false. If we calculate one generation in ten years or even one generation in fifteen years, tens of thousands of people in the wizarding world will begin to merge with Muggles. Fifteen years later, the first generation of mixed-bloods will be born. After they were born and grew up, even if there were only 10,000 mixed-race intermarriages, more than 10,000 mixed-race wizards would be born.

If they live a year, even if they decrease year by year, at least 40,000 to 50,000 new mixed-race wizards will be born, which is almost double the current population of the British wizarding world!

This is data science through and through, but no one from the Ministry of Magic knew it before and dared to do it!

Hermione couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration.

In just ten, fifteen, or thirty years, the population of the wizarding world will double.

If in the next sixty or one hundred years, what kind of situation will the wizarding world and the secular world merge into?

In the past, there were few people in the wizarding world. Everyone felt that contact with the secular world would lead to the wizarding world being integrated and annexed by ordinary Muggles, and gradually disappearing into history. But only this man saw the key, saw the future, and made a decision. Made a bold choice.

Step by step, he went from a sleeper at Hogwarts to a professor, and then to the Minister of Magic. Now, he is leading the wizarding world into the unknown future.

This made Hermione feel the cusp of the times very clearly, and the choices for the future made her whole body tremble with excitement.

"By the way, will you go to the Quidditch World Cup in a few days?"

Keilal suddenly remembered something and asked.

"Yes, Harry and Ron have made an appointment, and we will go together." Hermione said.

"Any questions?"

"No, there's no problem," Keilal smiled mysteriously: "You just need to watch."

PS: I have a bit of a cold today, but there are still 60,000 votes and more updates.

PS1: Regarding the fact that the Queen does not recognize the surname Kailar, if someone told you in Shandong dialect: My name is Ying Zheng, would you think of Qin Shihuang?

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