The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 105 The Showdown of the Century (Part 1) (60,000 recommended plus more updates)

Chapter 105: Showdown of the Century (Part 1)

Hermione left with doubts, taking away a lot of clothes that Keilal had prepared for her, and taking away the pocket of the highest-level invisible stretching spell that Keilal had given her, with doubts.

This year is the year when the UK hosts the Quidditch World Cup, and it is also an extremely glorious year.

Although England lost to Transylvania 10-390, Scotland lost to Luxembourg, and Wales lost to Uganda, this year’s champions and runners-up were Bulgaria and Ireland. As the home ground of the Irish team, almost all wizards from the UK came to compete.

They were cheering and excited for this Quidditch World Cup.

You must know that Britain has a famous football culture, and football hooligans are also famous in Europe - although dozens of Russians beat away thousands of people during the fight, in fact in other countries it is the British who often beat other fans.

Therefore, the security measures this time are also extremely strong. Aurors in blue suits and eye-catching white cloaks stand on the road. There is a post every ten steps and a sentry every five steps. They are extremely strict. There are also many mysterious people mixed in among the wizards. The people in the department are always ready to knock down the criminals, and then blow the whistle to call in the Aurors to arrest them.

The Ministry of Magic under Keilar has expanded rapidly. Now the civilian staff has expanded to about 2,000 people, and the executive staff is close to 4,000. These executive staff are responsible for dark magical creatures, magical animals, and For Long and other departments, they have all been dispatched. Only the civilian staff can rest today.

Mr. Weasley was lucky enough to get a day off today, and it was only because he had been promoted.

He broke away from the Bureau for the Prohibition of Misuse of Muggle Items and became the head of the Department of Magical Muggle Items Research. He was considered a moderate leader and could get the opportunity to meet Kelal directly.

It is precisely because of this that Mr. Weasley is still able to take his family out to watch football games under the current situation where everyone in the executive department has to work overtime.

When you meet your colleagues, you can nod lightly and signal.

Their tents were all cast with the Traceless Stretching Charm, and one tent could accommodate many people. Therefore, even the entire British wizarding world, and even wizards from other countries came here and blocked the place tightly. The drums are ringing, but in fact they are just tens of thousands of tents stretching for several kilometers. Each tent represents several wizard friends or families. If you count carefully, there are hundreds of thousands, or even more than 200,000 people gathered there. Here it is.

The French love to join in the fun, the Germans also love Quidditch, and the Bulgarians are even more willing to travel thousands of miles to support their team, so it is extremely lively here.

Kelar organized a special commercial street for Diagon Alley. On this road, you can see various merchants from Diagon Alley setting up stalls here. There are people greeting people outside the tent, and there is also a large shop inside the tent.

The flow of foreign tourists is huge, which is an excellent stimulus to the economy.

"Lord Kellard is really capable." After becoming the head of the Muggle Magical Items Research Department, Arthur Weasley became a die-hard fan of Keilal. Because of his promotion and salary increase, the family's financial situation changed. Arthur Weasley, who has greatly improved, has become Keilal's loyal henchman. Whenever Keilal is called, he will definitely call him "that adult".

I don’t know how many times this was the first time I praised Kelal to his wife and children.

Ron went from being aggrieved at the beginning to greatly improving his family life, and finally realized what Keilal had done. Maybe they were not too sensitive to the rhetoric of big shots, but they were extremely sensitive to the changes around them. of.

Ron and Ginny's clothes and shoes have been replaced by the latest ones, and Ron's staff has become a high-end product that his father has eliminated. As for the family, they also bought two owls, sometimes for their parents, sometimes for their own use. For him and Ginny.

The elderly owl at home began to take care of his old age peacefully.

All of this started a few months ago when Keilal took over the Ministry of Magic. This change was like real magic. It was as if the Weasley family had escaped from poverty and become rich overnight and entered the ranks of well-off people. All these were Keilal's. Brought by Lal.

So even the most aggrieved Ron kept his mouth shut, while Harry and Hermione kept their mouths pursed and smiled, watching from the hillside as the plain below was divided into neat grids, followed by many small vendors. People were pushing carts and selling goods. It was as if the entire Diagon Alley had been moved to the main road. The billboards were more than ten meters tall, and you could clearly see where the shops were even here.

The Ron family took Harry Potter and Hermione and ran down quickly.

As for Amos Diggory and his son from the Department of Magical Creatures Management who were with them in the original plot, they were not so lucky. As a member of the Executive Department, he had to play the role of Auror today to protect the hundreds of thousands of people. order.

So Ron and his family could only rush to the location of their tent together with Harry Potter and Hermione.

This time I brought my own tent, but the place had been prepared long ago. Looking at the open space, the men, Brother Ron and Harry Potter, began to get busy, while the ladies began to go shopping hand in hand. Come.

Hermione and Ginny have become good friends, and they are shopping together closely. Compared with Hermione, who has the support of Keilal and the support of her family, Ginny has been doing a lot better recently and has become more confident. , it is not without basis that girls should be rich.

The two of them were holding various candies in their hands, carrying small bags, and holding each other's arms. They were really like a pair of close sisters, but there was always a lingering look of worry between Hermione's brows.

After parting ways with Keilal, that mysterious smile always lingered in her heart, and her female intuition told her that this matter was definitely not that simple.

So even though it was such a grand party, she didn't have a lot of fun. When the two of them returned to the tent after dark, everyone had a small tent, and the curtains could be lowered to become a small sealed space for sleeping. The next day, there was another big party.

Everyone had fun until the evening, and then began to enter the venue.

The Quidditch World Cup stadium is huge and can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people watching it together. However, there is no elevator and it takes a long time just to climb.

When they climbed to the top of the highest building, the view suddenly widened, and the noisy sounds flooded into their ears instantly, making people's blood boil.

The Quidditch World Cup is finally about to begin! !

PS: Second update.

PS1: Please vote for recommendation! It's 12 o'clock!

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