The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 120: Catch them all in one fell swoop (Additional update 3 for leader Qingfeng)

Chapter 008 Catch them all in one fell swoop

"Wait, wait!" Mugino Shenli finally reacted and shouted.

Of course she was not afraid that Takitsubo Rikou would hurt Keilar, but that Takitsubo Rikou was definitely no match for Keilar, and rushing forward like this was just giving away food in vain.

It doesn't matter if she is giving away the food for free, her attack will block the attacks of the two people behind her, causing them to use a rat weapon.

However, Takitsubo Riko's judgment cannot be said to be wrong.

In their team, Mugino Shimari is good at large-scale combat and destruction, Frenda is good at explosions and can blow up an entire building into the sky in one go, and the last member of the team, the nitrogen-armored Kinuhata, whose favorite attack power is a few top ones. , but if she fights in such a narrow terrain, her body functions are far beyond those of normal humans, and her physical abilities are much stronger than those of ordinary adult men.

She was actually gambling. If Keilal was only good at super powers and not good at physical combat, then she would win.

Among the four women present, she was the only one with the physical ability not to cause widespread damage, and she trusted her own judgment.

It's just that Keilal was wearing jeans, a sportswear, a coat, and a hat on his upper body. He was light-weight and had long legs. Before Takitsubo could react, he had been kicked in the abdomen.

Takitsubo Rigo, who was 1.68 meters tall and weighed about 50 kilograms, was kicked up like a kite and flew backwards.

"Queen!" Flanda and Kinuhata's favorite shouted at the same time.

Frenda reacted very quickly, knowing that this time she encountered a tough opponent. Even Mugino Shimuri and Takitsubo Rikou couldn't handle the opponent. Whether the two of them could handle it was definitely a big question mark.

She threw out the rag doll in her hands, feeling extremely confident. The other party was at the junction of the entrance and the corridor, and there was no cover on the left and right. In addition, the liquefied gas in the kitchen was also nearby, so all it took was an explosion. It can cause a chain reaction and turn into a huge bomb.

The other party was dead no matter what, and she felt that even Mugino Shenri or the third person would definitely not be able to survive this kind of explosion.

Looking at the rag doll that was constantly expanding and deforming in mid-air, Keilal let out a soft sigh, and then waved his hand.

The white ball of light enveloped the rag doll, and then the rag doll exploded in the ball, instantly erupting with a brilliant flash of light.

All the girls were blinded by the bright light and could not open their eyes. Keilal, a blind man, walked forward on the floor without any fear.

Kinuhata loved to listen to the sound, and his hand contained nitrogen, and he punched out fiercely.

Her ability is nitrogen armor, and she is also a level 4 esper. Because it contains nitrogen, she can use nitrogen to defend or attack directly. If she is hit by an attack containing nitrogen, her neck will be broken and she will suffer internal bleeding. .

Keilal did not confront her head-on, but a light lock flew out of the void, and then tied her feet all at once, bringing her center of gravity back.

She punched the air, not even hitting a hair.

At this time, Keilar had already arrived in front of Takitsubo Riko. He stretched out his legs and stumbled slightly. With a gentle push, Takitsubo Riko lay down on the floor.

Then Keilar, who was sitting on Takitsubo Rigo and pressing her to the floor, reached out and grabbed Flanda's leg next to her, and then pulled her hard, causing Flanda to fall directly to the floor. He landed on his face, covering his nose in pain and rolling on the ground.

By this time, all three people had fallen to the ground.

Kelar waved his hand, Kinuhata's favorite body was tied up tightly with a white halo, Flanda was also tied up, not to mention Takitsubo Riko who was pressed under him.

Only then did they regain their sight.

"How interesting." Keilar sat on Takitsubo Rigo, smiled, and asked Mugino Shenli: "They are all your companions? How interesting, you know clearly that you are not my opponent, why didn't you inform them Staying far away? Is it because you don’t know my strength, so you are just lucky enough to think that you are ineffective against me because my ability happens to restrain you, and your companions may come back? "

His smile was warm and gentle, but for Mugino Shenli, it was like a devil's smile that made her whole body shiver.

"Mugino, he has no AIM position, he is not a superpower..." Takitsubo said with difficulty as she reluctantly raised her head. Her breasts were already extremely large. Although she often wore soft and comfortable sportswear, the size was not high. There, after Keilal sat on her, her huge breasts suppressed her, making it difficult for her to breathe.

"How is this possible? Then what is this on me..." The blond girl with slender legs chirped. Halfway through her words, she suddenly realized, "A magician? He is a magician?"

"Ah, you guys are so noisy." Keilar rubbed his hair. His hat fell by the door during the fight just now.

He stood up and walked over. Takitsubo Rikou just felt her body light up and Keilal had left her body.

She quickly took two deep breaths, then stood up, and then watched Keilal casually hang his hat behind the door, and then pick up his mobile phone and notebook, looking arrogant.

The frowning Takitsubo Rikou asked in a calm and indifferent tone: "Who are you? What is your purpose and what are your requirements? We can definitely discuss it."

"He is the one who came out of that cross." Mugino Shenli was hung in the air, gritted his teeth, and said roughly.

Keilal looked at her with surprise, as if he were looking at a fool.

"Originally I could let them go, but now after what you said, they can't leave." Kailar really didn't expect that Mugino Shenli's logic was so bad. Why did he tie her up? Because does she know his identity? His identity must be kept secret. If it is exposed, it will cause big trouble. Faced with this situation, Mugino Shenli, who revealed Keilal's identity, directly asked her to The group can't leave.

"As for discussing these things." Keilar casually placed the things he bought next to the refrigerator, shook his head, and said slightly indifferently: "That's when you can't beat me, isn't it?"

"If I were an ordinary person, I would have been beaten to death by you just now, right?"

He glanced at the three people who were tied up, the only woman who was loosened, and shook his head: "As the saying goes, if you can't respect the weak when you have an absolute advantage, then you shouldn't respect the weak when you are weak. When you are strong, you expect the strong to have mercy on you."

PS: Some people say that the group cannot be entered because the group name is not entered correctly. If you enter a wrong name, you will be rejected by an administrator with obsessive-compulsive disorder...

PS1: There may only be 3 updates today, because I have to write something indescribable...

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